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Peer-reviewed journal articles

Konca, A. O., H. Karabulut, S. Güvercin, F. Eskiköy, S. Özarpacı, A. Özdemir, M. Floyd, S. Ergintav, and U. Doğan (2021), From Interseismic Deformation with Near-Repeating Earthquakes to Co-Seismic Rupture: A Unified View of the 2020 Mw6.8 Sivrice (Elazığ) Eastern Turkey Earthquake, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 126, e2021JB021830, doi:10.1029/2021JB021830.

Wedmore, L. N. J., J. Biggs, M. Floyd, Å. Fagereng, H. Mdala, P. Chindandali, J. Williams, and F. Mphepo (2021), Geodetic constraints on cratonic microplates and broad strain during rifting of thick Southern African lithosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2021GL093785, doi:10.1029/2021GL093785.

Özarpacı, S., U. Doğan, S. Ergintav, Z. Çakır, A. Özdemir, M. Floyd, and R. Reilinger (2021), Present GPS Velocity Field Along 1999 Izmit Rupture Zone: Evidence for Continuing Afterslip 20 Years After the Earthquake, Geophys. J. Int., 224, 2016–2027, doi:10.1093/gji/ggaa560.

Ismail-Zadeh, A., S. Adamia, A. Chabukiani, T. Chelidze, S. Cloetingh, M. Floyd, A. Gorshkov, A. Gvishiani, T. Ismail-Zadeh, M. K. Kaban, F. Kadirov, J. Karapetyan, T. Kengerli, J. Kiria, I. Koulakov, J. Mosar, T. Mumladze, B. Müller, N. Sadradze, R. Safarov, F. Schilling, and A. Soloviev (2020), Geodynamics, seismicity, and seismic hazards of the Caucasus, Earth-Sci. Rev., 207, doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103222.

Viltres, R., S. Jónsson, J. Ruch, C. Doubre, R. Reilinger, M. Floyd, and G. Ogubazghi (2020), Kinematics and deformation of the southern Red Sea region from GPS observations, Geophys. J. Int., 221, 2143–2154, doi:10.1093/gji/ggaa109.

Gomez, F., W. J. Cochran, R. Yassminh, R. Jaafar, R. Reilinger, M. Floyd, R. W. King, and M. Barazangi (2020), Fragmentation of the Sinai plate indicated by spatial variation in present-day slip rate along the Dead Sea Fault System, Geophys. J. Int., 221, 1913–1940, doi:10.1093/gji/ggaa095.

Floyd, M., G. Funning, Y. Fialko, R. Terry, and T. Herring (2020), Survey and Continuous GNSS in the Vicinity of the July 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquakes, Seismol. Res. Lett., 91, 2047–2054, doi:10.1785/0220190324.
[UNAVCO science snapshot]

Knappe, E., R. Bendick, C. Ebinger, Y. Birhanu, E. Lewi, M. Floyd, R. King, G. Kianji, N. Mariita, T. Temtime, B. Bekele, B. Deresse, M. Musila, J. Kanoti, and M. Perry (2020), Accommodation of East African Rifting across the Turkana Depression, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 125, e2019JB018469, doi:10.1029/2019JB018469.

Konca, A. Ozgun, S. E. Guvercin, S. Ozarpaci, A. Ozdemir, G. J. Funning, U. Dogan, S. Ergintav, M. Floyd, H. Karabulut, and R. Reilinger (2019), Slip Distribution of the 2017 Mw6.6 Bodrum-Kos Earthquake: Resolving the Ambiguity of Fault Geometry, Geophys. J. Int., 219, 911–923, doi:10.1093/gji/ggz332.

Xu, W., S. Wu, K. Materna, R. Nadeau, M. Floyd, G. Funning, E. Chaussard, C. W. Johnson, J. R. Murray, X. Ding, and R. Bürgmann (2018), Interseismic ground deformation and fault slip rates in the greater San Francisco Bay Area from two decades of space geodetic data, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 123, 8095–8109, doi:10.1029/2018JB016004.

Sokhadze, G., M. Floyd, T. Godoladze, R. King, E. S. Cowgill, Z. Javakhishvili, G. Hahubia, and R. Reilinger (2018), Active convergence between the Lesser and Greater Caucasus in Georgia: Constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Lesser-Greater Caucasus continental collision, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 481, 154–161, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2017.10.007.

Herring, T. A., T. I. Melbourne, M. H. Murray, M. A. Floyd, W. M. Szeliga, R. W. King, D. A. Phillips, C. M. Puskas, M. Santillan, and L. Wang (2016), Plate Boundary Observatory and related networks: GPS data analysis methods and geodetic products, Rev. Geophys., 54, doi:10.1002/2016RG000529.

Birhanu, Y., R. Bendick, S. Fisseha, E. Lewi, M. Floyd, R. King, and R. Reilinger (2016), GPS constraints on broad scale extension in the Ethiopian Highlands and Main Ethiopian Rift, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL069890.
[Discover Magazine article]

Floyd, M. A., R. J. Walters, J. R. Elliott, G. J. Funning, J. L. Svarc, J. R. Murray, A. J. Hooper, Y. Larsen, P. Marinkovic, R. Bürgmann, I. A. Johanson, and T. J. Wright (2016), Spatial variations in fault friction related to lithology from rupture and afterslip of the 2014 South Napa, California, earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL069428.
[UCR Today article]
[MIT news article]
[UNAVCO science snapshot]

McGill, S. F., J. C. Spinler, J. D. McGill, R. A. Bennett, M. A. Floyd, J. E. Fryxell, and G. J. Funning (2015), Kinematic modeling of fault slip rates using new geodetic velocities from a transect across the Pacific-North America plate boundary through the San Bernardino Mountains, California, J. Geophys. Res., 120, doi:10.1002/2014JB011459.

Durand, V., M. Bouchon, M. A. Floyd, N. Theodulidis, D. Marsan, H. Karabulut, and J. Schmittbuhl (2014), Observation of the spread of slow deformation in Greece following the breakup of the slab, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 7129–7134, doi:10.1002/2014GL061408.

Ergintav, S., R. E. Reilinger, R. Çakmak, M. Floyd, Z. Çakır, U. Doğan, R. W. King, S. McClusky, and H. Özener (2014), Istanbul's earthquake hot spots: Geodetic constraints on strain accumulation along faults in the Marmara seismic gap, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, doi:10.1002/2014GL060985.
[MIT news article]
[Eos Research Spotlight (Schultz, 2015)]
[UNAVCO Geodetic Science Snapshot]

Gonzalez-Ortega, A., Y. Fialko, D. Sandwell, F. A. Nava-Pichardo, J. Fletcher, J. Gonzalez-Garcia, B. Lipovsky, M. Floyd, and G. Funning (2014), El Mayor-Cucapah (Mw 7.2) earthquake: Early near-field postseismic deformation from InSAR and GPS observations, J. Geophys. Res., 119, 1482–1497, doi:10.1002/2013JB010193.

Tiryakioğlu, İ., M. Floyd, S. Erdoğan, E. Gülal, S. Ergintav, S. McClusky, and R. Reilinger (2013), GPS constraints on active deformation in the Isparta Angle region of SW Turkey, Geophys. J. Int., 195, 1455–1463, doi:10.1093/gji/ggt323.

England, P. C., R. T. Walker, B. Fu, and M. A. Floyd (2013), A bound on the viscosity of the Tibetan crust from the horizontality of palaeolake shorelines, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 375, 44–56, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.05.001.

Papoutsis, I., X. Papanikolaou, M. Floyd, K. H. Ji, C. Kontoes, D. Paradissis, and V. Zacharis (2013), Mapping inflation at Santorini volcano, Greece, using GPS and InSAR, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 267–272, doi:10.1029/2012GL054137.

Kadirov, F. A., M. A. Floyd, A. Alizadeh, I. Guliev, R. E. Reilinger, S. Kuleli, R. W. King, and M. N. Toksoz (2012), Kinematics of the Caucasus near Baku, Azerbaijan, Nat. Hazards, 63, 997–1006, doi:10.1007/s11069-012-0199-0.
[MIT news article]
[BBC Azeri news article]
[UNAVCO science snapshot]

Ryder, I., A. Rietbrock, K. Kelson, R. Bürgmann, M. Floyd, A. Socquet, C. Vigny, and D. Carrizo (2012), Large extensional aftershocks in the continental forearc triggered by the 2010 Maule earthquake, Chile, Geophys. J. Int., 188, 879–890, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05321.x.

Floyd, M. A., H. Billiris, D. Paradissis, G. Veis, A. Avallone, P. Briole, S. McClusky, J.-M. Nocquet, K. Palamartchouk, B. Parsons, and P. C. England (2010), A new velocity field for Greece: Implications for the kinematics and dynamics of the Aegean, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B10403, doi:10.1029/2009JB007040.

Shaw, B., N. N. Ambraseys, P. C. England, M. A. Floyd, G. J. Gorman, T. F. G. Higham, J. A. Jackson, J.-M. Nocquet, C. C. Pain and M. D. Piggott (2008), Eastern Mediterranean tectonics and tsunami hazard inferred from the AD 365 earthquake, Nature Geosci., 1, 268–276, doi:10.1038/ngeo151.

Special Publications

Robertson, E. A. M., J. Biggs, K. V. Cashman, M. A. Floyd, and C. Vye-Brown (2015), Influence of regional tectonics and pre-existing structures on the formation of elliptical calderas in the Kenyan Rift, in Wright, T. J., A. Ayele, D. J. Ferguson, T. Kidane and C. Vye-Brown (eds), Magmatic Rifting and Active Volcanism, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 420, doi:10.1144/SP420.12.

Book Chapters
Floyd, M. A., and T. A. Herring (2020), Fast Statistical Approaches to Geodetic Time Series Analysis, in Montillet, J.-P., and M. Bos (eds), Geodetic Time Series Analysis in Earth Sciences, Springer Geophysics, Springer, Cham, Switz., doi:10.1007/978-3-030-21718-1_5.

Alizadeh, A., F. A. Kadirov, S. Mammadov, M. Floyd, R. Reilinger, and L. V. Eppelbaum (2017), Geodynamics and Seismology, in Geosciences of Azerbaijan: Volume II: Economic Geology and Applied Geophysics, Reg. Geol. Rev., pp. 219–258, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switz., doi:10.1007/978-3-319-40493-6_6.

Data Sets

Fialko, Y, Z. Jin, E. Tymofyeyeva, D. T. Sandwell, J. Haase, and M. A. Floyd (2019), Ridgecrest California Earthquake Post-Event Response July 2019 UCSD, UNAVCO, Inc., GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, doi:10.7283/YJK0-B215.

Fialko, Y., Z. Jin, E. Tymofyeyeva, D. T. Sandwell, J. Haase, and M. A. Floyd (2019), Ridgecrest California Earthquake Response 2019, UNAVCO, Inc., GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, doi:10.7283/N74Q-GA66.

Funning, G., C. Kyriakopoulos, B. Wu, K. Richards-Dinger, J. Cortez, and M. A. Floyd (2019), Ridgecrest California Earthquake Response 2019, UNAVCO, Inc., GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, doi:10.7283/5ASB-9V26.

Funning, G., R. Terry, and M. A. Floyd (2019), SCEC Mojave 2019, UNAVCO, Inc., GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, doi:10.7283/TFX5-EJ21.

Floyd, M. A., and G. Funning (2019), North San Francisco Bay Area 2018 - Marin, Sonoma and Napa Counties, UNAVCO, Inc., GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, doi:10.7283/BB35-CW22.

King, R., M. Floyd, R. Reilinger, and R. Bendick (2019), GPS velocity field (MIT 2019.0) for the East African Rift System generated by King et al., Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA), doi:10.1594/IEDA/324785.

King, R., M. Floyd, R. Reilinger, and R. Bendick (2017), GPS velocity field (MIT 2016.0a) for the East African Rift System generated by King et al., Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA), doi:10.1594/IEDA/321764.

Herring, T. A., T. I. Melbourne, M. H. Murray, M. A. Floyd, W. M. Szeliga, R. W. King, D. A. Phillips, C. M. Puskas, and M. Santillan (2016), GAGE Processing GPS Plate Boundary Observatory Expanded Analysis Product: Final Position Time Series for 2015 Released 2015-12-23; Combination in NAM08 and IGS08 Reference Frames Produced by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Analysis Center Coordinator), UNAVCO, Geodetic Data Product, doi:10.7283/P2159G.

Melbourne, T. I., W. M. Szeliga, M. Santillan, T. A. Herring, M. A. Floyd, and R. W. King (2016), GAGE Processing GPS Plate Boundary Observatory Expanded Analysis Product: Final Position Time Series for 2015 Released 2015-12-23; Constrained Position Time Series from Central Washington University (Analysis Center) in NAM08 Reference Frame Produced by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Analysis Center Coordinator), UNAVCO, Geodetic Data Product, doi:10.7283/P2WC7J.

Murray, M. H., T. A. Herring, M. A. Floyd, and R. W. King (2016), GAGE Processing GPS Plate Boundary Observatory Expanded Analysis Product: Final Position Time Series for 2015 Released 2015-12-23; Constrained Position Time Series from New Mexico Institute of Technology (Analysis Center) in NAM08 Reference Frame Produced by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Analysis Center Coordinator), UNAVCO, Geodetic Data Product, doi:10.7283/P2RP48.

Herring, T. A., M. A. Floyd, and R. W. King (2016), GAGE Processing GPS Plate Boundary Observatory Expanded Analysis Product: SINEX Analysis Based Final Annual Velocity Field for 2015 Released 2015-12-23; Combination in NAM08 and IGS08 Reference Frames Produced by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Analysis Center Coordinator), UNAVCO, Geodetic Data Product, doi:10.7283/P27P4M.

Doctoral Thesis

Floyd, M. A. (2008), Continuous and survey Global Positioning System observations of the deformation of the Aegean, D.Phil. thesis, 202 pp., University of Oxford.

Conference Proceedings Articles

Terry, R., G. J. Funning, and M. A. Floyd (2018), Comparing GPS-Constrained Forward and Inverse Models of Volume Change at The Geysers, CA, Geotherm. Resour. Counc. Trans., vol. 42,

Kadirov, F. A., M. Floyd, R. Reilinger, Ak. A. Alizadeh, I. S. Guliyev, S. G. Mammadov, and R. T. Safarov (2015), Active geodynamics of the Cuacasus region: Implications for earthquake hazards in Azerbaijan, Proceedings of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, The Sciences of Earth, 3, 3–17.

Floyd, M. A., and G. J. Funning (2013), Continuation of Survey GPS Measurements and Installation of Continuous GPS Sites at The Geysers, California, For Geothermal Deformation Monitoring, Geotherm. Resour. Counc. Trans., vol. 37, 895–898, [Poster PDF (9.3 MB)]

Floyd, M., P. England, J.-M. Nocquet, C. Raptakis, D. Paradissis, H. Billiris, and B. Parsons (2009), Continuous GPS observations of interseismic strain accumulation along the Hellenic subduction zone, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Historical Earthquakes and Conservation of Monuments and Sites in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Istanbul, 2009, edited by T. Taymaz, pp. 83–86, Istanbul Technical University.

Rontogianni, S., P. Clarke, M. King, D. Lavallée, P. England, B. Parsons, and M. Floyd (2007), Strain rates in Greece using GPS measurements from 1994–2000, in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Geological Society of Greece, Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, vol. XXXX, pp. 2032–2047, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. [PDF (7.2 MB)]

Conference Abstracts

Tymofyeyeva, E., D. T. Sandwell, X. Xu, Z. Liu, K. Materna, K. Wang, G. J. Funning, D. Bekaert, and M. Floyd (2020), Current status and future plans for the Community Geodetic Model (InSAR) products, Poster Presentation at 2020 SCEC Annual Meeting. [Abstract]

Floyd, M., T. A. Herring, Z. Shen, J. R. Murray, W. C. Hammond, and M. Murray (2020), Current status and future plans for the Community Geodetic Model (GNSS) products, Poster Presentation at 2020 SCEC Annual Meeting. [Abstract]


Floyd, M. A., G. Funning, R. L. Terry, Y. Fialko, and W. C. Hammond (2019), Pre-Earthquake Deformation, Coseismic Displacements and Post-Earthquake Transient Motions in the Region of the Ridgecrest Earthquakes From Survey and Continuous GNSS Observations, Abstract S43C-01 presented at 2019 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 Dec. [Abstract] [PowerPoint PDF (70 MB)]

Bendick, R. O., E. Knappe, E. Lewi, G. Kianji, N. Mariita, C. J. Ebinger, Y. Birhanu, M. Floyd, R. W. King, T. Temtime Tessema, B. Kagnew Bekele Sr., M. Musila, J. Kanoti, and M. Perry (2019), Accommodation of African Rifting across the Turkana Depression and adjacent rift segments, Abstract T42B-06 presented at 2019 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 Dec. [Abstract]

Funning, G., A. M. G. Ferreira, M. Floyd, M. Frietsch, and R. L. Terry (2019), Distinguishing slip from the M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquakes using campaign GPS, seismic and InSAR data, Abstract S31G-0488 presented at 2019 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 Dec., doi:10.1002/essoar.10501396.1. [Abstract]

Funning, G., M. Floyd, and R. L. Terry (2019), Distinguishing slip from the M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquakes using campaign GPS data, Poster Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, California, 8–11 Sep. [Abstract]

Floyd, M. A., and G. Funning (2019), Interseismic and post-South Napa earthquake deformation in the Northern San Francisco Bay Region from survey GPS observations, USGS Northern California Hazards Workshop, Menlo Park, California, 1–2 May. [Poster PDF (11.9 MB)]

Reilinger, R., M. Floyd, R. King, S. Ergintav, H. Karabulut, D. Paradissis, and P. Vernant (2019), Anatolia-Aegea at the junction of ocean subduction and continental collision, Geophys. Res. Abstr., 21, EGU2019-11627, EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 7–12 Apr. [Abstract PDF (36.6 kB)]

Ergintav, S., U. Doğan, Z. Çakır, T. Walter, F. Diao, R. Wang, S. Özarpaci, H. Karabulut, Ö. Konca, M. Floyd, R. King, and R. Reilinger (2019), Slip Variability along Main Marmara Fault, Geophys. Res. Abstr., 21, EGU2019-7349, EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 7–12 Apr. [Abstract PDF (37.2 kB)]


Viltres, R., S. Jónsson, J. Ruch, C. Doubre, R. Reilinger, M. Floyd, and G. Ogubazghi (2018), Spatio-temporal stress changes caused by rifting episodes in the southern Red Sea region, Geophys. Res. Abstr., 20, EGU2018-17821, EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 8–13 Apr. [Abstract PDF (34.5 kB)]

Reilinger, R., S. Ergintav, H. Karabulut, M. Floyd, R. King, P. Vernant, O. Konca, U. Dogan, S. Cetin, Z. Cakir, D. Mencin, and R. Bilham (2018), Fault creep and persistent asperities on the western section of the North Anatolian Fault, Turkey, Geophys. Res. Abstr., 20, EGU2018-17354, EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 8–13 Apr. [Abstract PDF (37.8 kB)] [Poster PDF (7.6 MB)]

Floyd, M., D. Paradissis, A. Ganas, H. Karabulut, R. King, and R. Reilinger (2018), Geodetic and Seismic Constraints on Strain Accumulation on the Hellenic Subduction Zone off Crete, Geophys. Res. Abstr., 20, EGU2018-11522, EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 8–13 Apr. [Abstract PDF (46.2 kB)] [Poster PDF (9.8 MB)]

Vernant, P., S. Ergintav, M. Floyd, U. Dogan, Z. Cakir, A. Koulali, M. Peyret, S. McClusky, D. Mencin, R. Bilham, R. King, and R. Reilinger (2018), Geophys. Res. Abstr., 20, EGU2018-7602, EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 8–13 Apr. [Abstract PDF (37.6 kB)]

Konca, A. O., S. Cetin, A. Ozdemir, S. E. Isik, U. Dogan, H. Karabulut, S. Ergintav, G. Funning, M. Floyd, and Robert Reilinger (2018), The Geometry and Coseismic Slip of 2017 Mw6.6 Bodrum-Kos Earthquake Inferred from Geodetic, Seismic Data and Aftershocks, Geophys. Res. Abstr., 20, EGU2018-7442, EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 8–13 Apr. [Abstract PDF (38.4 kB)]

Phillips, D. A., T. A. Herring, T. I. Melbourne, M. H. Murray, W. M. Szeliga, M. Floyd, C. M. Puskas, R. W. King, F. M. Boler, C. M. Meertens, and G. S. Mattioli (2018), GPS Time Series and Velocity Fields from the UNAVCO GAGE Facility: The Latest Data Products, Cyberinfrastructure and Case Studies, 2018 UNAVCO Science Workshop, Broomfield, CO, 27–29 Mar. [Abstract]

Terry, R., G. Funning, and M. Floyd (2018), Forward and Inverse Modeling of Production Activities and GPS Data at The Geysers Geothermal Field, 2018 UNAVCO Science Workshop, Broomfield, CO, 27–29 Mar. [Abstract]

Murray, J., M. Floyd, T. Herring, A. Borsa, W. Hammond, Z. Liu, and Z.-K. Shen (2018), The SCEC Community Geodetic Model: Development of a consensus Global Positioning System time series data set and velocity field, 2018 UNAVCO Science Workshop, Broomfield, CO, 27–29 Mar. [Abstract]


King, R. W., and M. Floyd (2017), Kinematics of the entire East African Rift from GPS velocities, Abstract T51F-0546 presented at 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, LA, 11–15 Dec. [Abstract]

Ladron de Guevara, R., S. Jonsson, J. Ruch, C. Doubre, R. E. Reilinger, G. Ogubazghi, M. Floyd, and H. Vasyura-Bathke (2017), Present-day kinematics of the Danakil block (southern Red Sea-Afar) constrained by GPS, Abstract T51D-0499 presented at 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, LA, 11–15 Dec. [Abstract]

Floyd, M., R. W. King, A. Ganas, D. Paradissis, P. Vernant, P. C. England, I. Georgiev, S. Ergintav, H. Karabulut, İ. Tiryakioğlu, and R. E. Reilinger (2017), Geodetic and Seismic Constraints on Strain Accumulation on the Hellenic Subduction Zone off Crete, Abstract G51C-04 presented at 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, LA, 11–15 Dec. [Abstract]

Terry, R. L., G. Funning, and M. Floyd (2017), Searching for the Signature of Wastewater Injection in continuous GPS Data from The Geysers Geothermal Field, Abstract H43E-1701 presented at 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, LA, 11–15 Dec. [Abstract]

Phillips, D. A., T. Herring, T. I. Melbourne, M. H. Murray, W. M. Szeliga, M. Floyd, C. M. Puskas, R. W. King, F. M. Boler, C. M. Meertens, and G. S. Mattioli (2017), Decadal GPS Time Series and Velocity Fields Spanning the North American Continent and Beyond: New Data Products, Cyberinfrastructure and Case Studies from the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) and Other Regional Networks, Abstract G43B-0946 presented at 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, LA, 11–15 Dec. [Abstract]

Reilinger, R. E., S. Ergintav, H. Karabulut, P. Vernant, M. Floyd, A. O. Konca, U. Dogan, S. Cetin, Z. Cakir, D. Mencin, R. G. Bilham, and R. W. King (2017), Fault creep and persistent asperities on the western section of the North Anatolian Fault, Turkey, Abstract G43B-0930 presented at 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, LA, 11–15 Dec. [Abstract]

Cetin, S., A. O. Konca, U. Dogan, M. Floyd, H. Karabulut, S. Ergintav, A. Ganas, D. Paradissis, R. W. King, and R. E. Reilinger (2017), The 2014 Mw6.9 Gokceada and 2017 Mw6.3 Lesvos Earthquakes in the Northern Aegean Sea: The Transition from Right-Lateral Strike-Slip Faulting on the North Anatolian Fault to Extension in the Central Aegean, Abstract T41C-0644 presented at 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, LA, 11–15 Dec. [Abstract]

Terry, R. L., G. J. Funning, and M. Floyd (2017), A study of the December 2016, The Geysers, CA earthquake using InSAR and GPS, Poster Presentation #097 at 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting, SCEC Contribution #7868.

Floyd, M., R. Reilinger, R. King, D. Paradissis, P. Vernant, A. Ganas, P. England, I. Georgiev, S. Ergintav, H. Karabulut, and I. Tiryakioglu (2017), Geodetic and seismic constraints on strain accumulation on the Hellenic Subduction Zone off Crete, 15th Congress of the Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy, Athens, Greece, 3–6 Sep. [Book of Abstracts PDF (4.7 MB)]

Herring, T., T. Melbourne, M. Murray, M. Floyd, W. Szeliga, R. King, D. Phillips, and C. Puskas (2017), Impact of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment on North America Plate Specific Terrestrial Reference Frame, Geophys. Res. Abstr., 19, EGU2017-19205, EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr. [Abstract PDF (33 kB)]

Sokhadze, G., M. Floyd, T. Godoladze, R. King, E. Cowgill, Z. Javakhishvili, G. Hahubia, and R. Reilinger (2017), Convergence between the Georgian Lesser and Greater Caucasus: Implications for seismic risk around Tbilisi, Geophys. Res. Abstr., 19, EGU2017-10980, EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr. [Abstract PDF (37 kB)]

Gadirov (Kadirov), F., M. Floyd, R. Reilinger, A. Alizadeh, I. Guliyev, S. Mammadov, and R. Safarov (2017), Active geodynamics of the Caucasus/Caspian region educed from GPS, and seismic Observations, Geophys. Res. Abstr., 19, EGU2017-6, EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr. [Abstract PDF (39 kB)]

Floyd, M., R. King, and the GeoPRISMS EARS GPS Working Group (2017), State of the GPS network and velocity solution across the entire East African Rift, GeoPRISMS Theoretical and Experimental Institute on Rift Initiation and Evolution, Albuquerque, N. M., 8–10 Feb. [Poster PDF (14 MB)]


Xu, W., R. Burgmann, C. W. Johnson, E. Chaussard, R. M. Nadeau, J. R. Murray, M. Floyd, G. Funning, and K. Materna (2017), Interseismic coupling of major faults in the north San Francisco Bay from InSAR, GPS and seismic data, Abstract G23A-1016 presented at 2016 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 12–16 Dec.

Herring, T., T. I. Melbourne, M. H. Murray, M. Floyd, W. M. Szeliga, R. W. King, D. A. Phillips, and C. M. Puskas (2017), Subtleties of Estimating Scale Changes in Regional GPS Networks and Their Impact on Height Estimates, Abstract G13C-05 presented at 2016 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 12–16 Dec.

Sokhadze, G., M. Floyd, E. Cowgill, H.-Y. Chen, and J.-C. Hu (2017), Convergence between central segment of Greater and Lesser Caucasus, Geophys. Res. Abstr., 18, EGU2016-15622, EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, 17–22 Apr. [Abstract PDF (34 kB)]


Twardzik, C., M. Floyd, C. Ji, and G. Funning (2015), Kinematic rupture process of the 2014 Mw 6.0 Napa earthquake: A case study of the uncertainty of peak slip, Poster 028, Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, California, 12–16 Sep. [Program PDF (877 kB)]


S. Ergintav, Z. Çakır, H. Özener, R. King, F. Masson, M. Floyd, E. Hetland, R. Kosma, H. Yavasoglu, U. Doğan, S. McClusky, A. Koulali, P. Vernant, and R. Reilinger (2014), New geodetic constraints on strain accumulation along the North Anatolian Fault from the Karliova Triple Junction to the N Aegean Trough, Abstract T34B-08 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 15–19 Dec.

Floyd, M., G. Funning, J. Murray, J. Svarc, T. Herring, I. Johanson, J. Swiatlowski, K. Materna, C. Johnson, O. S. Boyd, J. Sutton, and E. Phillips (2014), Surface deformation before, during and after the 2014 South Napa, California, earthquake from a spatially dense network of survey and continuous GPS sites, Abstract S33F-4904 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 15–19 Dec.

Wright, T. J., J. R. Elliott, R. J. Walters, A. J. Elliott, M. Floyd, G. Funning, P. J. Gonzalez, A. J. Hooper, Y. Larsen, P. Marinkovic, and M. Plain (2014), Co- and Post-Seismic Deformation for the 2014 South Napa Valley Earthquake from Sentinel-1A Interferometry, Abstract S33F-4902 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 15–19 Dec.

Murray, J., J. Svarc, F. Pollitz, M. Floyd, G. Funning, and I. Johanson (2014), Coseismic and postseismic deformation due to the South Napa earthquake inferred from modeling of Global Positioning System data, Abstract S31G-03 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 15–19 Dec.

Vernant, P., M. Floyd, H. Özener, S. Ergintav, A. Karakhanian, F. Kadirov, G. Sokhadze, A. ArRajehi, H. R. Nankali, I. Georgiev, A. Ganas, D. Paradissis, S. McClusky, F. Gomez, and R. Reilinger (2014), A New Arabia-Africa-Eurasia GPS Velocity Field (1994–2014) and E Mediterranean Block Model: Implications for Continental Deformation in a Zone of Active Plate Interaction, Abstract G13B-01 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 15–19 Dec.

Herring, T., M. Floyd, R. King, T. Melbourne, W. Szeliga, M. Murray, D. Phillips, C. Puskas, F. Boler, C. Meertens, and G. Mattioli (2014), GPS data analysis and results from the Geodesy Advancing Geosciences and EarthScope (GAGE) project, Abstract G13A-0511 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 15–19 Dec.

McGill, S. F., J. C. Spinler, J. D. McGill, R. A. Bennett, M. Floyd, J. E. Fryxell, and G. J. Funning (2014), One-dimensional modeling of fault slip rates using new geodetic velocities from a transect across the Pacific-North America plate boundary through the San Bernardino Mountains, California, Poster 226, Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, California, 7–10 Sep. [Proceedings (10.8 MB)]

Jose, L., G. Funning, J. Conrad, and M. Floyd (2014), Improving the density of GPS velocities in southern California by resurveying single occupation sites, Poster 224, Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, California, 7–10 Sep. [Proceedings (10.8 MB)]

Robertson, E., J. Biggs, K. Cashman, M. Floyd, and C. Vye-Brown (2014), Elliptical caldera formation throughout the Kenyan Rift, Geophys. Res. Abstr., 16, EGU2014-15547, EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr.–2 May. [PDF (35 kB)]

Ergintav, S., R. Reilinger, R. Cakmak, M. Floyd, H. Ozener, Z. Cakir, U. Dogan, R. King, and S. McClusky (2014), Geodetic Observations of Strain Accumulation on Faults in the Marmara Seismic Gap Near Istanbul, Turkey, Geophys. Res. Abstr., 16, EGU2014-8518, EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr.–2 May. [PDF (41 kB)]


M. Floyd, I. Tiryakioglu, S. Erdogan, E. Gulal, S. Ergintav, S. McClusky, and R. E. Reilinger (2013), Crustal Extension and Rotation in the Isparta Angle Region of South-West Anatolia from a new GPS Velocity Solution, Abstract T24B-08 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9–13 Dec.

Reilinger, R. E., R. W. King, M. Floyd, P. Vernant, S. McClusky, Z. Cakir, S. Ergintav, and H. Ozener (2013), Geodetic Constraints on Deformation and Earthquake Hazards in the E. Mediterranean and Adjacent Regions, Abstract T24B-04 (invited) presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9–13 Dec.

Ergintav, S., Z. Cakir, U. Dogan, R. Cakmak, M. Floyd, R. W. King, S. McClusky, and R. E. Reilinger (2013), Seismic Potential of the North Anatolian Fault in the Sea of Marmara, Turkey, Abstract T31E-2569 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9–13 Dec.

Kline, M., S. McGill, M. Swift, A. Barrientos, S. Calonge, H. Corral-Bonner, R. de Groot, R. Fuller, A. Gamez, P. Gonzales, K. Holland, D. Keck, G. Rowley, B. Vargas, J. Young, J. Spinler, R. Bennett, M. Floyd, and G. Funning (2013), Vital Signs of the Planet: Southern California Educators Contribute to Crustal Deformation Studies Within San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, Poster 037, Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, California, 8–11 Sep. [Proceedings (6.5 MB)]

Nelson, W. W., S. F. McGill, J. C. Spinler, R. A. Bennett, M. Floyd, and G. J. Funning (2013), Using GPS to Investigate Slip Rates on Faults along the Plate Boundary near San Bernardino, CA, Poster 039, Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, California, 8–11 Sep. [Proceedings (6.5 MB)]

Chew, B., S. McGill, J. Spinler, R. Bennett, M. Floyd, and G. Funning (2013), Results from the San Bernardino Mountains GPS network: velocities of sites in the vicinity of the San Andreas fault in Southern California, Poster 040, Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, California, 8–11 Sep. [Proceedings (6.5 MB)]

Papoutsis, I., X. Papanikolaou, M. Floyd, K. H. Ji, C. Kontoes, D. Paradissis, and D. Anastasiou (2013), The Santorini Inflation Episode, Monitored by InSAR and GPS, Abstract 2-P-249, ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 9–13 Sep.

Papoutsis, I., X. Papanikolaou, M. Floyd, K. H. Ji, C. Kontoes, D. Paradissis, and D. Anastasiou (2013), The Santorini inflation episode: from start to finish, Geophys. Res. Abstr., 15, EGU2013-5391, EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 7–12 Apr. [PDF (38 kB)]


Floyd, M. A., A. ArRajehi, R. W. King, S. McClusky, R. Reilinger, M. Douad, J. Sholan, and F. Bou-Rabee (2012), Active Deformation of the Arabian Plate and its Margins, Abstract G53A-1125 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3–7 Dec. [PDF (38 MB)]

King, R. W., M. A. Floyd, S. McClusky, G. Habubia, G. Sokhadze, F. Kadirov, A. Karakhanyan, and V. Milyukov (2012), GPS Velocity Field Across the Caucasus, Abstract S43J-04 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3–7 Dec.

Herring, T., R. W. King, M. A. Floyd, M. H. Murray, T. I. Melbourne, V. M. Santillan, G. S. Mattioli, D. A. Phillips, and C. M. Puskas (2012), Analysis of and Results from the GPS Component of the Plate Boundary Observatory, Abstract G23B-0928 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3–7 Dec.

Gonzalez-Ortega, A., D. T. Sandwell, Y. Fialko, J. M. Fletcher, A. Nava, J. J. Gonzàlez-Garcìa, B. P. Lipovsky, M. A. Floyd, and G. J. Funning (2012), El Mayor-Cucapah (Mw 7.2) earthquake: Early Postseismic Deformation from InSAR and GPS observations, Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, California, September 8–12, 2012. [PDF (5.7 MB)]

Özener, H., U. Doğan, Z. Çakir, S. Ergintav, R. Reilinger, R. Çakmak, B. Turgut, A. Akoglu, M. A. Floyd, and D. Oz (2012), The Postseismic deformation of the October 23, 2011, Mw 7.2 Van (Turkey) Earthquake from GPS and InSAR, Geophys. Res. Abstr., 14, EGU2012-14401, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 22–27 Apr. [PDF (38 kB)]

Floyd, M. A., S. Ergintav, Z. Çakir, U. Doğan, H. Özener, R. Çakmak, A. M. Akoglu, R. McCaffrey, R. W. King, and R. E. Reilinger (2012), Preliminary Investigation of Co-Seismic and Immediate Post-Seismic Deformation Due to the 2011-10-23, Mw7.2 Van-Ercis, Turkey, Earthquake Using Space-Based Geodesy, Seismol. Res. Lett., 83(2), 439.

Funning, G. J., I. Ryder, and M. A. Floyd (2012), Coseismic and postseismic deformation of the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake from ALOS PALSAR and GPS data, Seismol. Res. Lett., 83(2), 413.

Gonzalez Ortega, A., D. Sandwell, Y. Fialko, J. Gonzalez Garcia, A. Nava Pichardo, J. Fletcher, B. Lipovksy, and M. Floyd (2012), El Mayor Cucapah Earthquake: Postseismic Deformation from InSAR and GPS Observations, Seismol. Res. Lett., 83(2), 413.


Funning, Gareth J., Isabelle M. Ryder, and Michael A. Floyd (2011), Early postseismic deformation following the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake from ALOS PALSAR and campaign GPS data, Abstract IN23A-1445 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5–9 Dec.

Gonzalez Ortega, Alejandro, David T. Sandwell, Yuri Fialko, J. J. Gonzalez-Garcia, F. A. Nava Pichardo, John M. Fletcher, Michael A. Floyd, and Brad Lipovsky (2011), El Mayor Cucapah earthquake: Postseismic Deformation from InSAR and GPS observations, Abstract G23A-0845 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5–9 Dec.

Floyd, Michael A., Fakhraddin A. Kadirov, Akif Alizada, Ibrahim Guliev, Robert E. Reilinger, Sadi Kuleli, Robert W. King, and M. Nafi Toksoz (2011), Kinematics of the Main Caucasus Thrust near Baku, Azerbaijan, Abstract S11C-02 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5–9 Dec.

Gonzalez Ortega, A., D. Sandwell, Y. Fialko, J. Gonzalez Garcia, J. Fletcher, A. Nava Pichardo, M. Floyd, and B. Lipovsky (2011), El Mayor Cucapah earthquake: Postseismic Deformation from InSAR and GPS observations, Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, California, September 11–14, 2011. [PDF (7.5 MB)]


Funning, G. J., M. A. Floyd, and D. Ben-Zion (2010), Deformation associated with the 2010 Sierra El Mayor earthquake from GPS and InSAR, Abstract T53B-2126 presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13–17 Dec.

Lipovsky, B., M. Rohrssen, M. A. Floyd, C. Meyers, C. Neighbors, J. Lozos, K. J. Ryan, E. S. Cochran, G. J. Funning, and M. L. Droser (2010), Building a physical "Earthquake Simulator" to explore the earthquake cycle in K12 outreach, Abstract ED31B-0672 presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13–17 Dec.

Floyd, M. A., G. J. Funning, B. Lipovsky, and P. Gettings (2010), A Reduction in the Rate of Subsidence Observed at The Geysers Geothermal Field, Northern California, Between 1994 and 2010, Abstract V13B-2355 presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13–17 Dec. [PDF (8.2 MB)]

Oskin, M., R. Arrowsmith, A. Hinojosa, J. Gonzalez, A. Gonzalez, M. Sartori, J. Fernandez, Y. Fialko, M. Floyd, J. Galetzka, and D. Sandwell (2010), Airborne LiDAR survey of the 4 April 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake rupture, Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, California, September 11–15, 2010. [PDF (11.8 MB)]

Floyd, M. A., G. J. Funning, and B. P. Lipovsky (2010), A densified geodetic velocity solution for the North San Francisco Bay region, Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, California, September 11–15, 2010. [PDF (1.4 MB)] [PDF (11.8 MB)]

Floyd, M. A., G. J. Funning, and B. P. Lipovsky (2010), Preliminary geodetic observations of motions along the Rodgers Creek and Maacama Faults, 7th Annual Northern California Earthquake Hazards Workshop, Menlo Park, California, January 2010. [PDF (65.5 MB)]


Floyd, M. A., G. J. Funning, and B. Lipovsky (2009), Geodetic evidence for creep along the Rodgers Creek and Maacama fault zones, northern California, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract G23B-0692.

Jin, L., G. J. Funning, and M. A. Floyd (2009), Testing DEM-based atmospheric corrections to SAR interferograms over the Los Angeles basin, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract G33C-0661.

Floyd, M. A., P. England, J.-M. Nocquet, C. Raptakis, D. Paradissis, H. Billiris, and B. Parsons (2009), Strain accumulation along the Hellenic subduction zone determined from continuous GPS measurements, Earthscope National Meeting, Boise, Idaho, May 2009. [PDF (49 kB)]


Floyd, M. A., P. England, J. Nocquet, C. Raptakis, D. Paradissis, H. Billiris, and B. Parsons (2008), Deformation of the southern Aegean from continuous Global Positioning System measurements, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(23), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract G33B-05 (invited).

Shaw, B., N. N. Ambraseys, P. C. England, M. A. Floyd, G. J. Gorman, T. F. Higham, J. A. Jackson, J. Nocquet, C. C. Pain, and M. D. Piggott (2008), Tectonics and Tsunami Hazard in the Eastern Mediterranean Inferred From the AD 365 Earthquake, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T21B-1943.


Floyd, M., J.-M. Nocquet, C. Raptakis, H. Billiris, D. Paradissis, P. England, and B. Parsons (2006), Internal deformation of the southern Aegean from velocities of a continuous GPS network, XIII Assembly of WEGENER, Nice, France, 4–7 September 2006.


Floyd, M. A., J.-M. Nocquet, H. Billiris, D. Paradissis, P. England, and B. Parsons (2005), Deformation Along the Western Hellenic Subduction Zone From Continuous GPS, Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract G51B-0812.


Floyd, M. A., J.-M. Nocquet, H. Billiris, D. Paradissis, P. England, and B. Parsons (2004), Preliminary Results From the COMET CGPS Network in Greece, Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract G21A-0114.

White papers

Ford, H. A., M. Floyd, D. S. Stamps, M. Mendoza, E. Bozdag, D. Bowden, J. Byrnes, W. Fan, H. Kehoe, E. Chaussard, N. J. Lindsey, S. Wei, G. Barcheck, T. S. de Smet, H. Janiszewski, E. Lindsey, J. K. MacCarthy, K. Materna, S. Naif, D. Portner, D. Trugman, and I. Wang (2020), An Early Career Investigator Community Vision for the Future NSF Geophysical Facility: Data Services Needs, doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.12398321.

Reilinger, R., R. W. King, M. Floyd, E. Calais, D. S. Stamps, R. Bendick, F. Gomez, E. Lewi, S. Fisseha, G. Ogubazghi, B. Goitom, E. Saria, H. Farah, and F. Tugume (2012), Active Kinematics of Lithospheric Extension Along the East African Rift, GeoPRISMS Planning Workshop for the East African Rift System, 25–27 October 2012, Morristown, NJ, USA. [PDF (5.7 MB)]