GAMIT/GLOBK Refresher and Recent Developments

This workshop will be led by Prof. and Dr (MIT).

Original information for this course, including the announcement and description, is on the SAGE/GAGE Community Science Workshop web site.

This short course is designed for established and experienced users of GAMIT/GLOBK to refresh their working knowledge of the software, learn about recent developments and evolving best practices, and to have one-on-one tutorials and discussions with the maintainers of the software. Examples of topics to discuss include, but are not limited to, learning about models and tables updated over the last few years; the addition or rewriting of scripts and programs for new capabilities; the use of cluster systems for processing large networks or long time periods; and the upcoming release of ITRF2020 and the intricacies due to the inclusion of defined seasonal terms for the first time.

Participants will ideally be experienced with GAMIT/GLOBK and have questions, examples or future plans related to use of the software which they would like to discuss. We encourage participants to bring along a laptop capable of running GAMIT/GLOBK. The learning goals are to provide an opportunity for formal training, given that it may have been many years since now-established users last had such an opportunity, to ensure that regular users are aware of current best practices, workflows, and recent developments in scripts and programs. We anticipate participants will leave the workshop with an updated understanding of the capabilities of the software and confidence to implement any developments or new approaches to their regular processing strategies.

Final schedule
All times are Eastern Daylight Time (UTC−4)
13:00–13:10 Introductions
Session 1a: Recent updates to the source code, tables and documentationSession 1b: Solutions to known issues
13:10–13:30 Recent and future developments
[PowerPoint (84 kB)] [PDF (78 kB)]
13:30–13:45 Question and answer session
13:45–14:15 Known Issues
[PowerPoint (302 kB)] [PDF (215 kB)]
14:15–14:30 Question and answer session
14:30–15:00 Break
Session 2: Open forum
15:00–17:00 Discussion, assistance, demonstration, practice and tutoring