Installation Test

This example serves the dual purpose of testing your installation and guiding a new user through the basic steps to get time series and velocities from GAMIT/GLOBK processing. In the latter sense, it replaces the Southern California example from earlier releases in order to add GNSS other than GPS.

If you are an experienced user, you may want to simply execute the batch file runtest to complete all steps without intervention in about 90 minutes. In fact, running just one day or one GNSS for 2018 will likely confirm a correct installation.

If you are a novice, however, we strongly recommend that you read this tutorial thoroughly, execute each of the commands manually and peruse the results until you understand what that step accomplished.

As noted in the installation README, you will need to download otl_FES2004.grid to a ~/gg/GRIDS/ directory at the same level as your main installation or edit the sestbl. to omit ocean tidal loading.

The example is set up to:

  1. Download RINEX 3 files from CDDIS for ten continuous stations in Europe and environs for three days in 2014, 2016 and 2018 (note that if long names were used for the RINEX 3 files, they will be renamed to the older short-names as part of the download);

  2. Conduct phase processing (sh_gamit) for GPS-only or GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and Beidou;

  3. Compute and plot daily repeatabilities (sh_glred) for each year and combine the daily h-files (.glx) into a single H-file for each year (.GLX); and

  4. Compute repeatabilities and velocities for the three years together (globk/glorg).

The only input file provided in the example is sites.defaults, which is always specific to the network one is processing. All of the others are copied or linked from ~/gg/tables/ and will work for most networks.

The structure established by this test of the installation has three GAMIT processing directories, named (arbitrarily) by year (2014/, 2016/, 2018/), each of which has below it a rinex/, tables/ and gsoln/ directory specific to that year. At the top level there is a processing directory (vsoln/) and a tables/ directory for the multi-year GLOBK solution. The steps described assume that you have downloaded ocean tidal loading grid (e.g. otl_FES2004.grid) to a ~/gg/GRIDS/ directory (mkdir ~/gg/GRIDS if it doesn’t exist already) and have internet access while processing; if you do not have these, see Notes 3 and 4. In directory check_files/ are saved copies of the q-files and .org files for each day, and the .org files and PostScript files for the multi-year repeatablities and velocities.

Before you start, make sure that you have constructed the paths and aliases described in the installation README. The example may be run from any directory on your system, preferably the place you intend to process your own data, not under ~/gg/.