Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for 2014

From the 2014/ directory, run

$ sh_setup -yr 2014

In the 2014/tables/ directory, edit process.defaults for the mailto variable and run

$ sh_upd_stnfo -l sd
$ mv

From the 2014/ directory, run GAMIT for two days (days-of-year 113 and 114) for GPS and GLONASS:

$ sh_gamit -expt eura -gnss G -s 2014 113 114 -pres ELEV -orbit igsf -copt x k p -dopts c ao >& sh_gamit_2014G.log
$ sh_gamit -expt eura -gnss R -s 2014 113 114 -jclock sp3 -pres ELEV -orbit codm -copt x k p -dopts c ao >& sh_gamit_2014R.log

Then copy (and optionally edit) the globk and glorg command file templates:

$ sh_glred -cmd

Finally run GLOBK to generate time series:

$ sh_glred -s 2014 113 2014 114 -expt eura -netext G R -opt H G T >& sh_glred_2014.log

and a combined binary h-file for the two processed days:

$ sh_glred -s 2014 113 2014 114 -expt eura -netext G R -ncomb 2 -globk_cmd_prefix COMB -opt G >& sh_glred_comb.log

We’ve specified only 2 days in 2014 to save run time for the test. We included only GPS and GLONASS for 2014 since there were too few Beidou and Galileo satellites available at that time to obtain an accurate solution.