Downloading Source Code

GAMIT/GLOBK requires a license to run, which is granted to an institution, not individuals; all current members of a licensed institution are permitted to run GAMIT/GLOBK. See for more information.

Once you have obtained the license information, download at least the following files (10.71 is the current version) from our server, as described in the instructions received:

  • com.10.71.tar.gz

  • gamit.10.71.tar.gz

  • help.10.71.tar.gz

  • kf.10.71.tar.gz

  • libraries.10.71.tar.gz

  • tables.10.71.tar.gz

  • test_install.10.71.tar.gz

and any incremental_updates.<YYYYMMDD>.tar.gz files, where <YYYYMMDD> is the calendar date of the latest updates. You can use curl or wget from the command line, e.g.:

$ curl -k -R -O -u <username>:<password> '<url>/source/{com,gamit,help,kf,libraries,tables,test_install}.10.71.tar.gz'


$ curl -k -R -O -u <username>:<password> <url>/source/incremental_updates.<YYYY><MM>01.tar.gz


$ wget --no-check-certificate -N --user=<username> --password=<password> <url>/source/{com,gamit,help,kf,libraries,tables,test_install}.10.71.tar.gz <url>/source/incremental_updates.<YYYY><MM>01.tar.gz

where <url> must be replaced by our server address and directory, <username> by the username and <password> by the password provided in the instructions received, and <YYYY> and <MM> by the current (four-digit) year and (two-digit) month, respectively. You may also access the distribution via a web browser but you must use our https:// URL. Most browsers nowadays block FTP connections and you may therefore be prompted to open an alternative program, for example Finder on a Mac, if you enter the old ftp:// URL into a browser.

The incremental updates contain sometimes critical updates to source code and tables, and should be downloaded on at least a monthly basis. Failure to keep GAMIT/GLOBK updated will result in errors and other issues. Updates can be compiled in exactly the same way as described in the Compilation section, below.

Before downloading these files, we recommend choosing where you wish to install GAMIT/GLOBK by creating a main source directory. Examples include src/gg/|rel|/ or gamit-globk/|rel|/ in your home directory. In the following sections we refer to your chosen main directory as <source>.