Run GLOBK to get repeatabilities and a combined H-file for the span

From the 2018/ directory:

$ sh_glred -cmd

to get the globk.cmd and glorg.cmd files copied from ~/gg/tables/ to 2018/gsoln/, then

$ sh_glred -s 2018 095 2018 097 -expt eura -netext G R E C -opt R H G T >& sh_glred.log

The script as commanded will translate the GAMIT plain text h-files in each day directory to GLOBK binary h-files (.glx) and put them into the glbf/ directory (H option); create a .gdl file for each day listing the h-file, run GLOBK for each day (G option) using globk.cmd and glorg.cmd; and generate time series plots (T option using .pos files, program tssum and sh_plot_pos).

For this test the globk/glred and glorg command files created in gsoln/ by sh_glred -cmd will work without editing; however, in general there are changes you may need to make, for example, to define the reference frame with translation-only rather than tranlsation and rotation, and to change the list of reference (stabilization) sites.

The daily plots combining the GNSS measurements for each day, may be found in gsoln/plots_2018_095-2018_097/. You can view the .org files to see what globk did, paying attention to the stabilization iteration (what sites were removed), the \(\chi^2\) increments in the EXPERIMENT LIST, and the statitics of the stabilization (POS STATISTICS). In your own runs processing many days, it is convenient to get a quick summary by grep’ing on .org with USED (from the \(\chi^2\) list) and POS STAT.

Next combine the days to get a single H-file for the 3-day span to use for the multi-year repeatabilities (time series) and velocities.

$ sh_glred -s 2018 095 2018 097 -expt eura -netext G R E C -ncomb 3 -globk_cmd_prefix COMB -opt G >& sh_glred_comb.log