
Last updated 13 June 2018

Release 10.7 consolidates incremental updates made since release 10.61 of April 2017 and completes the modifications to GAMIT allowing for separate processing of GPS, Beidou, Galileo, and now Glonass.

sh_get_rinex will download RINEX 3 files from CDDIS or UNAVCO, renaming them to RINEX 2 conventions. The orbit specification in sh_gamit and sh_get_orbits is now a 4-character code (e.g. igsf, comf, …) rather than using the separate -center and -pre inputs (though these will still work). See the help for sh_gamit or sh_get_orbits for the list of supported codes. Navigation files for dates after GPS Week 1624 will always those from MGEX brdm[DDD]0.[yy]p (identical to brdc for GPS), then renamed to brdm[DDD]0.[YY]n. If a system other than GPS is requested, the SP3 files are downloaded from the CDDIS MGEX directory and renamed if necessary to the conventional short form [orb][WWWWD].sp3. For the g-files, sh_gamit replaces the orbit-precision 5th character by the lower-case GNSS code so that multiple g-files can exist in the gfiles/ directory. If -gnss is specified in the sh_gamit command line the day directories will automatically use a letter extent (G, file:R, C, E); otherwise GPS is assumed and the day directory will be the usual 3-digit number unless -netext is specified in the command line. To combine for each day the h-files from each GNSS, run sh_glred with, e.g., -netext G R C E.

Since ftp is increasingly unavailable on new operating systems, we’re migrating to a download scheme that uses curl for MacOS and wget for other operating systems. We need to know if users require the use of the programs ftp or ncftp.

The first line in the d-file and the model batch file is changed, replacing the obsolete session number and static/kinematic code with the GNSS code. These files will not be compatible between 10.7 and earlier versions.

arc and model can now read a multi-year planetary ephemeris file and use a subroutine to get nutations, so the use of the single-year soltab., luntab., and nutabl. files is no longer necessary. For now they will still be linked but the new scheme will be automatically used if the nbody file is present. It is always linked into the [expt]/tables/ and day directories, so you control this by linking either nbody740.2020.asc or JPL.DE200 to nbody in ~/gg/tables/. Our tests have shown that with nbody740.2020 (the original source for soltab. and luntab.) the processing results are virtually identical to using the yearly files. We have thus far found no improvement (or degradation) when using DE200. Beginning in 2019, we will no longer provide the yearly files.

The code in arc is significantly changed to allow for 3rd and 4th degree solid-Earth tides, ocean tides, perturbations by Venus and Jupiter, a newer value for C20, and time-variable C30 and C40, but thus far these changes seem to offer no improvement, at least for single-day processing. There are new entries in the sestbl. to set the highest degree harmonics for static gravity, solid-Earth tides, and ocean tides, currently set to 12 2 0, the effective values for previous releases. The area-to-mass ratios for Glonass, Beidou, and Galileo have been changed so that the estimated coefficient for the direct force is close to unity.

yawtab is now coded for all GNSS but not thoroughly tested for for a broad range of eclipse conditions.

The GLOBK suite is updated to support GNSS with a new satellite naming scheme. For GPS the default is to retain the PRN_<pn><sv> form where <pn> is 2-digit PRN, <sv> is 2-digit satellite vehicle number. The new scheme is <sys><sv3>_<pn> where sys is G–GPS, R-Glonass, E-Galileo, C-Beidou and the SV number has 3-digits. The use_prnn N command will invoke using the new scheme for all satellites. GNSS h-files are automatically detected and no special changes to command files are needed. htoglb generates binary H-files with new naming scheme.

GLOBK suite has had various dimensions increased for GNSS and network sizes. The tssum/tscon/tsfit programs take 7 Gb of memory to run UNR stations. Change content:max_ent in kf/blsum/tssum.h to go back to the earlier size.

track is updated for GNSS processing. There is a new command tr_gnss <RGEC> to select which GNSS and combination of GNSS to process. The RM_CSLIP algorithm and modified and has meaning of some of the arguments changed (see the help file). In this version, ambiguity resolution for GLONASS can be problematic and not recommended. Use the FLOAT_TYPE command to set the sigma limits to zero. This version of track can only process up to RINEX version 2.11. RINEX 3 capability will be added soon.

Other changes for 10.7

New utility program stnfo_cont to enforce continuity in station.info entries when made from sparse individual RINEX headers.

sh_sp3fit (orbfit) now provides explicit control over the parameters to be estimated.

Fix the labeling and # parameters for the ECOM2 (BERN2) radiation pressure model in the c-file.

Add the tide wave names to the model line of the p-file.

Allow more tham 99 zenith delays per site (total number fo all sites still limited to 2500).

Use the h-file rather than the q-file names as the basis of the tmp files in solve to avoid ambiguity across years.

In model, add the tidal wave names to the OTL model in the p-file.

Add the SP3 file name to the calling arguments for sh_makexp in order to get this into the makex command file; fix mltiple bugs in makex for Glonass and Galileo.

sh_eq_model: Script to model (using simplexfd) single fault earthquakes using coseismic offsets in .vel format. Needs a simplex base file (see help). Uses programs in new ~/gg/kf/displace/ directory.

sh_makeeqdef: Rewritten in bash and updated to allow different schemes for calculating radius of influence of earthquakes (new -r option). Default radius and all other options are backwards compatible with the original version.

unimake: Updated to handle C main programs and include file “ “ strings; Added stripping of parentheses to osver variable to account for more recent changes to Cygwin OS release ID.

sh_network_sel: Added additional documentation about file formats

sh_glred: Corrected transformation of h-file list from absolute to relative paths in the case that the path is not the default glbf/; added -nsigma option and verified logic for interaction with -tsfit_cmd option recently added on 2017-06-22 (and -detrend option).

sh_merge_rinex: Remove the sampling interval and maximum obs options since they don’t seem to work.

sh_get_COD_gnssdcb: Change ftp address for AIUB.

sh_plotk: Removed deprecated DOTS_PR_INCH environment variable for GMT 5.

sortv: Fix arguments for sort on four lines.

sh_gamit: Skip the test for existence of an sp3file if the orbit type is broadcast.

plotorb_sh: Copied original script to com_preGMT5/ and updated syntax of script in com/ for GMT 5; renamed to sh_plotorb.

sh_tshist: Increased precision of output to %.2f and added pos_res option to be consistent with com_preGMT5/ version.

sh_tfyear: Edited grep/awk command to avoid problems when there is a space in the command status time tag.

sh_plot_track: Changes for GMT 5.

sh_rename_rinex3: Corrected definition of RINEX 2 conventional file name not to translate directory name, only site ID.

sh_get_hfiles/sh_get_ion/sh_get_met/sh_get_orbits/sh_get_rinex/sh_get_stinfo: Added trap to use ncftp when ftp client is actually gftp, which interacts with the server differently to legacy ftp and is tricky to use for non-interactive sessions.

sh_cats, sh_hector: Added an output rename file (.xcl) to exclude points that fail any maximum sigma criteria.

sh_sigelv: Added explicit format (ISO 8601) to $rdate variable to avoid complications arising from locales with non-Latin characters.

sh_plot: Updated the -B option so that multiple values can be used to be consistent with GMT 5 multiple -B options.

sh_strain: Mods for GMT 5.

sh_apr2otl: New script which converts a GAMIT/GLOBK .apr file to the format necessary for input to the ocean tide loading service at http://holt.oso.chalmers.se/loading/index.html#select, whose output is in the format of the GAMIT otl.list file. Our recommendation is to select “Yes” to the question “Do you want to correct your loading values for the motion?” when using this web service.

sh_crx2rnx: Fixed erroneous addition of -c (standard output) option to gzip when not piping file to subsequent command, and added gzip, bzip2 and xz decompression commands for non-Hatanaka-compressed files; corrected RINEX o-file extent for which to use xz.

sh_get_x-files: New script that downloads GIPSY x-files and extracts the scale change estimates so that they can be re-applied when tscon converts UNR and JPL time-series files to PBO format.

sh_get_ion: Changed uncompress to sh_uncompress.

sh_get_rinex: Changed * to [0-9] to avoid getting hourly [a-z] files; add download of 30S or 15S Rinex3 files.

make_globk: Check status of track make and terminate if failed.

sh_plot_pos: Corrected typo in if-statement on line 604 that parses -n option and missing $tmp/ for temp.excl.[enu] files on line 1615.

svsp3 updated for GNSS processing with new command line options. This program will replace svdiff and svpos in the future. Currently rinex 2.11 but will be upgraded to rinex 3.