
Last updated 31 March 2017

Release 10.61 consolidates incremental updates made since release 10.60 of June 2015 and adds a few new features. Most of the changes involve fixing bugs or improvement incrementally the GNSS enhancements of 10.60. The most important new feature for most users will be the ability to read RINEX 3 observation and navigation files in GAMIT (kf/svpos and kf/track are still to be updated). We have not yet modified our shell scripts to handle RINEX 3 naming conventions, however, so RINEX 3 files will need to be renamed to RINEX 2 standards (sh_rename_rinex3). No distinction needs to be made in the file name between RINEX 2 and RINEX 3; the code will detect the version and read it correctly.

10.61 should allow users to begin exercising GAMIT with two-frequency data from any GNSS system except for Glonass, and to combine the h-files from multiple systems in GLOBK. The standard antmod.dat file includes all systems, and we have created static versions (thru 2017.0) of svnav.dat.gnss and dcb.dat.gnss with entries for the other systems. (The GPS-only files, which are regularly updated have dropped the gnss extent.) The COD empirical radiation pressure model (BERNE) should work adequately for all systems, but we do not yet have a robust yaw model for Beidou, Galileo, or IRNSS.

The ~/gg/tables/ directory now includes both ITRF2008 and ITRF2014 versions of IGS .apr, .eq, and antmod.dat (ANTEX) files to reflect that change in IGS processing with GPS Week 1934 (29 January). Since there is a ~ 0.4 ppb step in scale (heights) between ITRF2008 and ITRF2014, and the IGS14 ANTEX files have further corrections that will cause both horizontal and vertical discontinuities up to 10 mm in height and 5 mm in vertical for about 20 antennas, we recommend that users stick with ITRF2008 files until they are ready to reprocess their entire data set. IGS orbits are now computed with ITRF2014 coordinates and SV phase-center-offsets (PCOs) but prior to Week 1934 the IGS orbits were computed with ITRF2008 and will not be recomputed until later this year. Fortunately, since GAMIT processing (unlike PPP) is relatively insensitive to the frame used for the orbits, you may continue to use ITRF2008 coordinates and PCOs with the new orbits and ITRF2014 with old ones until the IGS reprocessing is complete. See the poster https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/doc/1341338/1341338.pdf and the file ftp://igs-rf.ign.fr/pub/IGS14/igs08_to_igs14_offsets.txt for details. We will provide .apr and ANTEX files in both systems for the near future. See comments below about which orbits are download by sh_get_orbits.

Whenever you process data beyond the date of the software release, you must update supporting files. For GAMIT: svnav.dat and antmod.dat for changes in PN assignments; dcb.dat for P1/C1/P2 code biases that affect wide-lane ambiguity resolution; station.info for antenna changes at reference sites; and ut1./pole. files for current EOP information. Of these files, only the EOP files are automatically updated by sh_gamit. For GLOBK, you should keep current itrf08_comb.apr and itrf08_comb.eq (or their itrf14 counterparts) to account for improved coordinates and antenna changes and earthquakes at reference sites. Both the GAMIT and GLOBK files are always current in incremental_updates/tables/ and included in any incremental_updates tar-file. As noted in the announcement of 10 December 2016, we no longer update dcb.dat files in the format used prior to 10.60.

All GAMIT/GLOBK scripts that produce plots (e.g. time series and velocity maps) use Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) to do so. The release of GMT 5 in November 2013 has necessitated major alterations to the syntax of GMT commands in many scripts. The updated scripts, which use GMT 5-compatible syntax, are contained in com/ and will be the only ones maintained and developed beyond the 10.60 release of GAMIT/GLOBK. We therefore recommend that all users now download and switch to using GMT 5 because the updated scripts are not backwards-compatible. The old scripts, which may be used with GMT 4 or prior, are now contained in the com_preGMT5/ directory. Users must prepend this directory to their path in order to continue to use GMT 4, e.g. PATH contains $HOME/gg/com_preGMT5:$HOME/gg/com:$HOME/gg/gamit/bin:$HOME/gg/kf/bin.

For plotting time series, we are transitioning from using VAL and mb files produced by ensum and multibase and used by sh_plotcrd or sh_baseline to PBO-format .pos files produced by tssum and used by sh_plot_pos. tsview can still read both mb files and .pos files.

glist can now take multiple .apr and .eq files and accept use_site commands, so that it can fully check a globk solution.

Other changes for 10.61

Added to rcvant.dat the following receivers: TPS NET-G5, TPS HIPER_SR, TPS MR-1, LEIGS16, LEICA GS 15, LEICA GM30, LEICA GR30, LEICA GR50, JAVAD TRE_3, JAVAD TRE_3 DELTA, SPECTRA SP80.

Added to rcvant.dat, hi.dat and, if needed, antmod.dat the following antennas: SEPPOLANT_X_MF, AVGRANT_G5T, JAVGRANT_G5T+GP, JAVRINGANT_DM, JAVRINGANT_G5T, JNSCHOKERING_CM, LEICA GS16, LEIGS15.R2,TPSHIPER_SR, TWIVP6000, TPSG5_A1, TPSCR.G5, TPSPG_S1, SPP91564_1, SPP91564_2, TRMR2, 3S-02-TSADM. GMXZENITH35, GEOMAX ZENITH35, HEMA52_WB. Corrected the radius in hi.dat for TPSCR.G3, TPSCR.G5, TPSCR.G5C and TPSCR3 antennas.

Updated CDDIS server to ftp://ftp.cddis.eosdis.nasa.gov/pub/products/iers/ in sh_update_eop.

Updates to sh_hector and sh_cats for error analyis: Added -v option to define version of Hector being used and added if-statements to test whether or not to include firstdifference keyword in Hector control files, which is not valid after Hector version 1.4. Corrected allowance of tsfit command file with no max_sigma terms to be read.

sh_plot_pos, sh_hector, sh_cats: Added -X option to less to allow help contents to remain on screen upon exiting.

sh_get_rinex/sh_cats/sh_plot_pos: Fix bug when accessing more than one archive.

sh_plot_pos/sh_cats/sh_hector/sh_kml: Corrected parsing of options using ‘echo “$@”’ to ‘echo “$*”’ to avoid echo erroneously evaluating elements of $@ as options (e.g. “-e”, “-n”).

sh_plot_pos: Change -d option to take extension that is appended to default “pos”, “res” and “plots” directories, and removed velocity annotation from up component when using -u option; corrected setting of FORMAT_DATE_MAP GMT variable when using -g option for calendar dates; correct listing of pos-file(s) created by tssum from org-file(s) when “Reference frame” read from org-file(s) is not a 5-character ID. Fix a bug causing the erasure of the tsfit command file when the user specifies the -t option with no arguements.

sh_oneway/sh_make_sky_pngs: Added if-statements to trap cases where there are no data in certain elevation-angle bins, leading to GMT/PostScript errors.

sh_sp3fit: Fix problem with SV selection with -t option’; fix problem reading SP3 files prior to Week 1357 (Jan 2006); reeplace the hard-wired short-period EOP in fitting SP3 files by a read ofthe sestbl; add the ability to use the Gipson model.

sh_bctot: Add a maximum rms misfit tolerance to fitting the Broadcast Ephemeris.

Updated glinit.f to check maximum global files not exceeded (aleady checked in glist. Added .plt files to help directory.

Added optional argument to “-h” option in sh_kml to allow constant to be added to height to account for difference between reference ellipoid (used for track “GEOD” output) and mean sea level (used by Google Earth).

Updated deprecated “-N1” option to “-Np1” in call to GMT 5’s trend1d in sh_baseline.

Change default from ~/gg/tables/sittbl.short to ~/gg/tables/sittbl. in sh_setup.

sh_glred: Ensure stripping of binary h-file extension (e.g. glx, glr, GLX, etc.) from end of base file name only and not elsewhere in the full file name, and set initial value of hfnd variable to ‘’ (zero-length string) to fit proceeding logic. Corrected parsing of -eqf option; aded removal of temporary files after running sh_plot_pos; changed call of sh_plot_pos to accommodate new -d option syntax; added -k option to call of sh_plot_pos (previously only echo’d); changed file names written to .gdl files to “../glbf/” to avoid long absolute paths; edited sh_plot_pos’s call of tsfit to use “RATE” instead of “NONE”.

Edited GMT variables, set using gmtset, to be fully compatible with GMT 5 in sh_plot_rinex.

Fix to globk/glinit/glfor routines to fix bug when site has multiple log terms estimated. More output if max_glb_deriv error in encountered.

Added use of psconvert, replacing ps2raster, for GMT versions after 5.1 in com/sh_gamit, com/sh_make_sky_pngs and com/sh_plot_pos.

sh_gamit: Add alternative test of disk space available using df to accommodate output format on Mac OS X; removed fall back to igni ftp if ionex file not found at cddis (avoids hang from ftp to igs.ensg.ign.fr); add product ID argument to “-ion” option to select IONEX file for download if it doesn’t already exist locally (default igsg from CDDIS; see sh_get_ion); fix assignment of sp3-file name for IGS raid and ultra- rapid orbits; updated efficiency of file size checks; fixed bug when no sites are to be excluded.

MAKEX: Fix bug for mixed P2/C2 RINEX files; fix bug in makex when more than one RINEX file for a site in the session. Fix inadvertent ‘fatal’ reading RINEX header ‘RCV CLOCK OFFS APPL’. Change the message for a bad RINEX record from a fatal to a warning. With RINEX 3, provide for a backup observable if the primary one is not available. Fix firmware warning for Trimble codelss (4.0 only, not 4.xx). Correct a long-standing misstatement in the x-file header: RADIUS, not HEIGHT. Allow geo-stationary satellites in checking for reasonable range values.

MAKEX, MODEL: Add ability to use sp3 clocks rather than the navigation message in the j-file.

FIXDRV: Force the zenith delay to come from VMF1 if the mapping functions are VMF1; fix typo in name of new magfield for 2nd order ionopshere.

GRDTAB: Fix documentation for order and units of the ATML grid file.

ARC: Fix bugs in antenna radiation thrust for GPS Block IIR-M and IIF SVs; add write to GAMIT.status giving the antenna radiation used; clean up integration code to use SV type descriptor (‘antbody’) instead of GPS block number throughout; fix problem reading svnav.dat when integration extends beyond the day; fix typos in if statements resulting in “ARC/ertorb: SV body type ( ) not known” fatal.

MODEL: Fixed bug leading to blank SV body type for the translation of body type to block number for yaw; allow 1-hr IONEX files (model.h dimensions). Replace the free-format read for RINEX met files an explicit f7.1 to guard against -9999.9 values with no preceeding space. Clean up the setting of sources for P,T,H and the cho to the p-file. For the dipole component of the observable, add initialization of the integer phase (no effect with most operating systems).

AUTCLN: Fix bug in normal equation initiatization.

CVIEW: Fix bug in reading c-files.

GAMIT utilities: New program BSX2DCBTAB to translation DCBs from SINEX (bsx) to dcb.dat. Fix bugs in DCBTAB2.

GLOBK: Mod to add satellite number to PRN number in satellite names i.e., PRN_01 now becomes PRN_0149 or PRN_0163 depending on when data are collected. Modified to remave NaN in pbo line when site not estimated; ensure pbo line has initial position if not estimated; mod to allow ‘-’ in file names; Updated glfor/glb_upd_apr.f to fix bug when loads were changed to avoid error in glorg. Update glist to output satellite usage.

Edited “set exlst” in sh_preproc to account correctly for x-files whose site ID is four numeric digits.

sh_get_rinex/sh_PBS_gamit/sh_PBS_glred: Removed echo of or call to “$?” in to avoid “Newline in variable name.” error on some csh implementations.

sh_get_hfiles: Changed ftp command test string to “$ftpcmd[1]” at line 189.

Updated velrot to output summary statistics to output file and screen.

sh_upd-stnfo (mstinf): Fix bug causing a segmentation fault.

Add the new CODE Empirical Orbit Model (ECOM2 or BERN2), remove all old models except BERNE (ECOM1), NCLR1, and NCLR2.

sh_metutil: Trap a bad radius value.

Fixed small bug is tscon.f assessing if apriori coordinates are available.

Updated trackRT routines to include the new const_freq.h include file.

Updated reads in blsum.f and bcsum.f for new line lengths.

Fixed file name problems and errors in sh_update_eop, sh_preproc and sh_gamit.

sh_update_eop Fixed name error for usnd download from maia.

tscon.f Fixed bug in using -S option in command line.

install_software: Added “.dll.a” (Cygwin) to possible suffices for libX11. Floyd 150810

sh_get_ftp_info/sh_get_hfiles: Enclosed string comparisons in quotation marks to

avoid unexpected additional arguments to if tests and subsequent “Expression Syntax” error. Floyd/Som 150730

corcom: Incremented format for number of components to stop.

10.60 vs 10.50:

To be consistent with IGS standards, we have replaced the Bar-Sever model by the Kouba model for satellite yaw, removing the need for the ascii y-file generated by ARC.

glist can now take multiple apr and eq files and accept use_site commands, so that it can fully check a globk solution.

Modified memory management in globk to handle >20,000 parameters. See globk.hlp and glorg.hlp for other features added in recent versions.

Kalman filter added to tsfit (see tsfit.hlp)

Changed the conversion of sp3 files to g- or t-files to use the IERS2010 dirunal and semi-diurnal EOP so as to be consistent with the rotations in MODEL (differences of 2 mm in orbit position).

Introduced and made default IGRF12 for the magnetic field used to compute 2nd order ionospheric corrections. Thanks to Seiichi Shimada of NIED for this change.

Changes to sh_plot_pos: Switched position of north and east component plots and fixed long-standing bug with not plotting discontinuities when specifying rename- and/or eq-files and, implicitly or explicitly, using “NONE” as tsfit command file. Added additional width to time axis in figures to prevent first and/or last time series points plotting beneath y-axes, and added -w option to control fraction of time series length to add (default 0.1 = 10% on both ends).

Changed sh_get_orbits so that IGS final orbits downloaded from CDDIS are repro2 rather than repro1 for GPS weeks 658 to 1831. IGS final orbits down- oaded from SOPAC are still repro1 (for GPS weeks 730-1459).

Changed sh_update_eop to use wget or curl rather than ftp or ncftp to download EOP files from USNO to avoid frequent ftp hang-ups. The new version supports extent ‘usno’ (Bulletin A finals.data from 1992, updated weekly) and ‘usnd’ (Bulleton A finals.daily, last 3 months only, updated daily). We no longer distribute Bulletin B since the Bulletin A value are as accurate and updated more frequently.

Replaced hyphen (“-”) with underscore (“_”) for output org-file name produced by sh_glred when run in combination mode (using -ncomb) to avoid clash when being read by another GLOBK program, e.g. ensum, bcsum, etc. Output combined org-file name now of the form globk_[expt]_[YYDoY]_[YYDoY].org rather than globk_[expt]_[YYDoY]-[DoY].org.

Correct the format for reading ATMOSMAP values from a VMF1 list file.

Fix bug in gamit/lib/read_antex.f that caused PCO and PCV values to be zero if the frequency codes are written ‘G 1’ and ‘G 2’ instead of ‘G01’ and ‘G02”. This affects the following antennas using NOAA calibrations: TPSPG_A1_6+GP, SOK_GSR2700ISX, THA800961+REC, THA800961+RTK, THA800961RECUHF, THA800961RTKUHF, NOV702_3.00, JNSCR_C146-22-1, TRM_R6, TRM_R8, JAV_TRIUMPH-1.

Altered sh_makeeqdef event naming logic so that all earthquakes found in catalogs are numbered sequentially and are only given two-character IDs (e.g. see below entry) after they are selected as potentially influencing a site in the <sites file>.

Modfified glinit so that when the make_svs command is used, the satellite antenna offsets from the latest run (run time value) are adopted as the apriori antenna offsets. Needed when merging new processing (IGS08) with early MIT global files (e.g. in IGS05).

Add general relativity corrections to the orbital integration, changing scale and clock slightly but little affect on positions.

Fixed bugs in the mean pole used in the ocean pole tide correction and in equate decoding in glorg. Updated model output in the SINEX files.

Fix long-standing bug causing loss of a 32nd satellite.

Fixed bug in kf/glinit/read_eq_file.f that could result in the end time of rename being incorrectly set for open ended renames. Fixed bug in kf/utils/stinf_to_rename.f that could result in misssed renames after the -post date.

Increase max_sites in /kf/utils/merge_apr.f to accommodate the current itrf08_comb.apr.

Added “-H” option to “find” commands in install_software to follow symbolic links.

Increase the PID in the c-file name to 6 digits for large machines.

New script sh_pbor_vel to create PBO-format velocity files from GLOBK output.

Fix bug in sh_org2vel that causes some sites to be missed.

Replace itrf00.apr with itrf08_comb.apr as default for sh_setup.

Added new scripts sh_cats and sh_hector in com/ to analyse noise charac- teristics of time series (using pos-files).

Updated glorg to allow multiple site selections in equate/unequate/force commands. Fixed typo in .pos file headers.

Changed sh_makeeqdef “-pos <pos file>” option to “-f <sites file>” to avoid confusion with PBO-format pos-files; changed event ID sequencing scheme from purely numeric to purely two-character (01…99, then A1…A9, B1…B9 etc. until Z1…Z9, then 1A…1Z, 2A…2Z etc. until 9A…9Z); added option to use a translation table (e.g. see ~/gg/tables/eq.transtbl) to edit automatic ID to user-friendly alternative. All automatic IDs now contain at least one numeric character, while manual IDs are recommended to be two alphabetic characters, as always. Updated USGS earthquake search URL and made minor changes to event (re) naming logic in sh_makeeqdef.

Updated coefficents for the solid-Earth pole tide to be consistent with IERS 2010 standards.

Add libration terms to UT1.

Updated tsfit, tscon and tsjumps to allows ~ (home directory) in file names.

Add a script sh_glist2cmd to invoke existing program glist2cmd, which creates from a glist a use_site list, an input file for unify_apr, and (new) an input site list for sh_makeqdef.

Add the EPN cumulative solution to the ITRF2008 apr and eq files. Fixed bug causing bogus entries for 73 sites when EPN or NGS steps are inconsistent with those from ITRF2008 and IGS08. See tables/renames.bad for possible errors between early 2014 and June.

Fix problem with poorly determined average of the east component of the atmospheric load for a site close to the pole.

sh_org2vel: Updated longitude/latitude format to five decimal places, in keeping with org-file.

ftp_info: Modified for correct igni address for IONEX files; add PANGA, EPNCB, and TrigNet sites.

Added additional width to time axis in figures made by sh_plot_pos to prevent first and/or last time series points plotting beneath y-axes, and added -w option to control fraction of time series length to add (default 0.1 = 10% on both ends). Corrected expected residuals file name to plot after running tsfit.

svnav.dat: Correct start date for PN06/SV49—important bug affecting data for epochs 2013 12 19 thru 2014 4 3. Fix typo in start date for PRN30/SVN49 introduced in 121220 update.

Fix bug in rotation derivatives in GLOBK.

Fix format error in svpos.

Move rotation and translation estimates to be next to PMU estimates in GLOBK print file.

Fix gamit/utils/merge_rinex.f to handle more than 10 observables.

Updated wild card use in site names in mar_neu command (needed for change in sh_gen_stats script).

Edited name of temporary file in install_software to avoid accidentally overwriting any libraries/Makefile.config.new when performing (and succeeding) with automatic search for X11LIBPATH and X11INCPATH.

Updated tscon uto handle new Measures XYZ format.

Fix problem with computing GRACE seconds.

Update gamit/utils/autecl.f to allow deleting post-eclipes data for Block II satellites.

Fix end-of-year problem with dcb.dat. Thanks to S. Shimada of NIED,

Fixed bug in MODEL, introduced in December 2012, which caused GPT/GPT2 values to be used for mapping functions and dry zenith delays even if VMF1 was specified.

Fix version number in sh_gamit. King 130727.

Fix typos is globk_comb.cmd and glorg_long.cmd templates in gg/tables.

Fix bugs in fitting GAMIT’s model to a broadcast ephemeris (sh_bcfit).

New option -subdir for sh_get_rinex to speed up uncompression when there are many RINEX files.

Update kf/Khandler/eq_name_chng.f so that _XPS/_XCL sites can not be renamed by later renames. RESET needed to rename _X?? sites if saved to binary hfile.

Updated grdtab for modification to CoM correction to S1/S2 tidal loading and correct detection of dates out of time range of map.grid files.

Added lunisolar tables for 2015; Updated leap.sec for June 2015 leap second.

Allow reading of a time-of-year-dependent grid for atmospheric tidal loading (not yet recommended by the IGS).

Add glinit/solution_inf.f, glist/glist.f, and htoglb/cresnx_file.f to /kf to fix problem with null string.

Add the Earth-radiation, antenna-radiation, and 2nd-order ionospheric model nmmes to the c-file and h-file.

Various features and updates made to the suite of globk and tsxxx programs. See help files for new features. tscomp added to suite. .

Increase the dimensions for IONEX files.

Increased dimensions in kf/utils/netsel.h Herring 140718

Enhancements to cplotx including adding color.

Sped up search for earthquake/rename displacements, and corrected output for field overflow in org-file and multiple/duplicate renames in sh_exglk.

sh_upd_stnfo: corrected bugs in kf/htoglb/mstinf.f in using IGS SINEX and GIPSY sta_svec files. Add a ‘-nogaps’ option to close gaps in erroneous entries in IGS log files.

sh_glred: Fix remaining bugs in allowing use of PBO-style h-files (.glb extent).

Fixed long-standing typo in format statement in gamit/makexp/makexp.f producing a compile error with gfortran 4.6ff (but not earlier compilers).

TRACK: Fix minor problem with noise_tol. Fix bug in wide-lane-reference combinations (read_all_rinex.f 130730).



** 10.50 vs 10.41

We have provided and will keep up-to-date, ITRF2008 coordinates sites in prior releases of the ITRF as well as new sites that have been and will be added for IGS processing. The primary file, in the ITRF2008 NNR frame is itrf08_comb.apr; and there are secondary files, itrf08_comb_[plate].apr, created by rotating this file to the frames of the major plates using the Euler poles estimated by Altamimi et al. [J. Geophys. Res., 117, B07402, doi:10.1029/2011JB008930,2012]. (Note that the plate-referenced files that we created 2012-01-06 and put into incremental_updates/tables were based on preliminary vectors that changed in the final publication, so users who downloaded these should replace them by the current files.) These files should always be used in conjunc- tion with the rename file itrf08_comb.eq to assure that the 8-character site name assigned to your data matches the coordinates for the appropri- ate period. See ‘apr_and_eq_files.txt’ in the download documentation directory for a complete explanation of how the combined files were constructed.

There are improved templates in ~/gg/tables for GLOBK runs: globk_comb.cmd, glorg_comb.cmd, globk_long.cmd, glorg_long.cmd. These reflect current best practice and take advantage of the ‘option’ feature of the globk, glorg, and sh_glred command lines so that the same command file can be used for both repeatabilities and velocity solutions without editing the file itself. The standard southern California example has been reworked to use these file and should now be easier to execute and to use as a template for your own processing. Also, there is a new detailed recipe for processing and analyzing survey-mode (sGPS) measurements, ‘sGPS_recipe.txt’, to be found in the documents directory of the download site and also on the web as part of the presentations from the recent workshop held at UNAVCO (Boulder13).

The GPT/GMF models for zenith hydrostatic delay and mapping functions have been replaced by the new GPT2 model (Lager et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., ) which is based on a more refined numerical weather model, includes semi-annual as well as annual variations, has better spatial resolution, and accounts better for height differences through a seasonally dependent lapse rate. In the new model both the ZHD and mapping funtions are derived from a table, gpt.dat, automatically linked into the experiment and day directories from ~/gg/tables. If you specify GPT or GMT in your sestbl. and have gpt.dat in ~/gg/tables, you will automatically get GPT2 (the old GPT is invoked only if gpt.dat is missing).

GLOBK now has the ability to remove non-tidal atmospheric loading (ATML) based on the average of the day given in the h-file. Since GLOBK can not yet read an grid file to apply the ATML corrections directly, if you want to investigate their effects, the best strategy is to apply the ATML in GAMIT and then optionally retain or remove the corrections using the new command -appload_mod in the GLOBK commaand file. The preferred ATML files for GAMIT are those that have been filtered to remove sub-daily terms (atmfilt_cm.YYYY). In principle, the sub-daily thermal tides should be applied in GAMIT, but none of the current models, including a time-dependent recently developed by Ray and Ponte, has been shown to reproduce accurately the tidal loading, so the present recommendation of the IGS for the next reprocessing is to omit these terms.

Liz Petrie of the University of Newcastle has coded a model in ARC for the accelerations on the GPS satellites due to antenna radiation and Earth radiation. These models are invoked by setting ‘Earth radiation model = NCELE1’, now default in the sestbl. and ‘fixdrv’. As part of this modification, we have reworked many of the subroutines in ARC to be more modular, added (backward-compatible) models to the ARC batch file, and coded sh_get_orbits and sh_sp3fit to read the orbital models from from a sestbl. This latter change assures that the orbital models used for creating g- and t-files from sp3 files will be consistent with the models used for the data processing. For sh_gamit processsing, the sestbl. in ../tables is automatically linked into the /igs directory. If the sestbl is absent, hard-wired models will be used.

Three model conventions have been updated to be consistent with those used by the IGS: mean pole and short-period EOP are changed from IERS 1996 to IERS 2010, and the gravity field from EGM96 to EGM08. These changes are important for EOP estimation but have neglible effect on positioning.

A new script sh_plot_pos will read PBO-style pos files rather than _mb files for plotting time series. GLOBK now generates the ‘PBO’ lines in the print files automatically (no need to use PBOP in the print options). We have retained sh_plotcrd and the use of _mb files for this release, but they will eventually go away. The Python script ts_plot.py, introduced in Release 10.40 to read pos files will also be abandoned because it required too many non-standard Python libraries (see below).

The new script sh_plot_elmean, together with additions to the autcln summary files allow plotting of mean residuals over several days as a function of elevation angle or satellite nadir angle, providing more diagnostics for bad antenna models or tracking environments. These can be used instead of or in conjuction with the individual-day sky plots and phase vs elevation plots produced by sh_oneway from the autcln DPH files when ‘-pres ELEV’ specified with sh_gamit.