3.3.2. sites.defaults

The sites.defaults file determines how each station will be used in the processing. Since all sites in your rinex/ directory will be automatically included in your processing, in most cases you need to list here only those sites for which you want to automatically download data from a remote archive (ftprnx token). This assumes that you do not want to include or exclude individual sites from automatic updating in station.info (xstinfo token) or to exclude from processing sites for which you have RINEX files in the rinex/ directory (xsite token). Note that you must include after each site name the 4-character “experiment” name you use in your processing (shown in the example as scal). This requirement derives from the feature to allow sites.defaults to select sites to be used in each of several sub-networks when you are processing multiple sub-networks.

# File to control the use of stations in the processing
# Format: site expt keyword1 keyword2 ....
#  where the first token is the 4- or 8-character site name (GAMIT uses only 
#  4 characters, GLOBK allows only 4 unless there are earthquakes or renames), 
#  the second token is the 4-character experiment name, and the remaining
#  tokens, read free-format, indicate how the site is to be used in the processing.
#  All sites for which there are RINEX files in the local directory will be used
#  automatically and do not need to be listed.
#  ftprnx = sites to ftp from rinex data archives.
#  ftpraw = sites to ftp from raw data archives.
#  localrx = site names used to search for rinex files on your local system. 
#            (required in conjunction with rnxfnd path variable set in process.defaults).
#  xstinfo = sites to exclude from automatic station.info updating.     
#  xsite   = sites to exclude from processing, all days or specified days
# Replace 'expt' with your experiment name and edit the following to list sites needed from external archive
 all_sites expt  xstinfo  
 brus_gps expt ftprnx    
 graz_gps expt ftprnx    
 sofi_gps expt ftprnx 
# templates for removing sites
 ttth_gps  expt xsite:1999_256-1999_278 xsite:1999_300-1999_365

The -xsite option can also be used on the sh_gamit command line.