function [NORTH, EAST] = dms2utm(lad, lam, las, lod, lom, los) %[NORTH, EAST] = dms2utm(lad, lam, las, lod, lom, los) % lad, lam, las are latitude in degrees, minutes, seconds north % (set lad negative for southern hemisphere) % lod, lom, los are longitude in degrees, minutes, seconds west % (set lod negative or > 179 for eastern hemisphere) % These parameters may be arrays of equal dimension. % Output is in NAD27 meters north and east of zone reference lines. % Formulas adapted from "UTMS" by E. Carlson and T. Vincenty % ( ) %% WGS84 / NAD83 Ellipsoid data % er = 6378137; % rf = 298.257222101; %% NAD27 Ellipsoid data er = 6378206.4; rf = 294.978698; rad = 180/pi; fe = 500000; % false easting moves reference line west of zone meridian sf = 0.9996; % scale factor for UTM conversion f = 1 / rf; esq = f + f - f^2; eps = esq / (1 - esq); phi = (abs(lad) + (lam + las / 60) / 60) / rad; fn = (lad < 0) * 10000000; % false northing in southern hemisphere ts = tan(phi).^2; ets = eps * cos(phi).^2; theta = (lod + (lom + los / 60) / 60) / rad; western = (mod(lod,360) < 180); % western hemisphere zone = western .* floor(30 - mod(lod,360) / 6) + ... (1 - western) .* floor(90 - mod(lod,360) / 6); mid = western .* (183 - 6 * zone) / rad + ... (1 - western) .* (543 - 6 * zone) / rad; % longitude of zone meridian l = (theta - mid) .* cos(phi); ls = l.^2; pr = (1 - f) * er; en = (er - pr) / (er + pr); r = er * (1 - en) * (1 - en^2) * (1 + 2.25 * en^2 + (225 / 64) * en^4); a = -1.5 * en + (9 / 16) * en^3; b = 0.9375 * en^2 - (15 / 32) * en^4; c = - (35 / 48) * en^3; omega = phi + a * sin(2 * phi) + b * sin(4 * phi) + c * sin(6 * phi); s = r * omega * sf; rn = sf * er ./ sqrt(1 - esq * sin(phi).^2); a1 = -rn; a2 = rn .* tan(phi) / 2; a3 = (1 - ts + ets) / 6; a4 = (5 - ts + ets .* (9 + 4 * ets)) / 12; a5 = (5 + ts .* (ts - 18) + ets .* (14 - 58 * ts)) / 120; a6 = (61 + ts .* (ts - 58) + ets .* (270 + 330 * ts)) / 360; a7 = (61 - 479 * ts + 179 * ts.^2 - ts.^3) / 5040; NORTH = abs(s + a2 .* ls .* (1 + ls .* (a4 + a6 .* ls)) - fn); EAST = fe + a1 .* l .* (1 + ls .* (a3 + ls .* (a5 + a7 .* ls)));