GPS Data processing using GAMIT/GLOBK
16-19 November 2012 Kathmandu, Nepal
Instructor: Prof. Thomas Herring, MIT
This short course will focus on the tectonic
applications of GPS. It will
include lectures and one-on-one tutoring for both continuous and survey mode
measurements. The lectures will include a basic discussion of how to use GAMIT
and GLOBK; defining, global, regional, and local reference frames;
temporal and spatial filtering of time series; modeling tropospheric, antenna,
and loading effects in height estimates; combining solutions to estimate
post-seismic and long-term crustal deformation; handling step-displacements due
to earthquakes and instrument changes; developing an error model for velocity
estimates. The tutorial
sessions, held at the end of each day, will run through the example data set
distributed with the software and, in later sessions, a data set that includes
an earthquake. The latter data set is aimed at showing the methods used to
treat earthquakes both in GAMIT and GLOBK.
Participants will be expected to have exercised the
software on their own before the workshop and should bring laptops with the
software installed or with remote access to their own labs.
Students un-familiar with UNIX can look at the material in
the last lecture that discusses some basic commands and features of UNIX. Students should go through this material
before the workshop. Specifically,
.cshrc or .bashrc files (depending which shell is used) should be modified for
GAMIT/GLOBK processing before the workshop.
Seminar on Geodesy Imaging Herring_KeyNote.pptx animations.tar
Day |
Time |
Topic |
Fri |
13:30-15:00 |
Logistics and Introduction to GPS |
L01 |
15:30-17:00 |
Standard Processing |
L02 |
17:00- |
Standard GAMIT Example |
Sat |
13:30-15:00 |
Overview |
L03 |
15:30-17:00 |
details |
L04 |
17:00- |
GLOBK processing in GAMIT Example |
Sun |
13:30-15:00 |
Frame Realization |
L05 |
15:30-17:00 |
analysis of GPS estimates |
L06 |
17:00- |
processing of earthquake affected data (El Mayor Cucapah aftershock |
Mon |
13:30-15:00 |
Prototyping tools |
L07 |
15:30-17:00 |
programs and scripts |
L08 |
17:00- |
processing of earthquake data |
Notes and data sets
13:30-15:00 Course logistics
Introduction to GPS L01
In this lecture we go through the basic
layout of the short course. We also introduce some of the basic concepts in GPS
data processing, which we will revisit in later lectures. We look at the basic
GPS observables and examine those contributions that are most uncertain in
processing data. The main conclusions from this lecture are that high precision
GPS requires external information in addition to just the GPS data and orbit
information. In the current processing methods, all of the external information
needed by GAMIT is automatically obtained but an Internet connection is
required for access to information in international data archives.
Katmandu_Lec01_Intro.pptx Katmandu_Lec01_Intro.pdf
15:30-17:00 GAMIT Standard Processing L02
In this lecture we look at daily processing
using GAMIT. Nearly always the shell script sh_gamit is used for this
processing. We will look at the directory structures that are normally used and
the main functions and programs that are used in daily processing. We then look
at the files that are important, and need user input, that are used in the
processing. These files include station information, coordinates and velocities
for stations, and other files that need to be kept up to date. We also look at
the summary files that are generated and examine how to interpret these files.
We also look at residual plots, which can be illustrative of problems in data
processing. Finally we look at problems that can happen during processing and
add some suggestions on how to solve these problems.
Katmandu_Lec02_gamit.pptx Katmandu_Lec02_gamit.pdf
17:00- Tutorial
This first tutorial will cover the standard
gamut example that is distributed with the software. The GAMIT Part of the
example will be examined in detail.
Sat 13:30-15.00 GLOBK Overview L03
in this section we review the main features
of globk and glred. It is important to note that glred is a simple program that
allows multiple runs of globk and is used typically for time series generation.
The topics we cover are the basic flow from daily gamit processing results
(hfiles) to the results generated with globk. We briefly review Kalman filtering and
we look at the globk files and the estimation rules used. The program glorg
which can be either run by itself or from within globk, is used to define the
origin and orientation of the reference frame for the globk results. We examine the output options and
briefly look at the sh_glred script, which is a convenient way of invoking
globk and its ancillary programs.
Katmandu_Lec03_globk.pptx Katmandu_Lec03_globk.pdf
15:30-17:00 Modeling details L04
In this lecture we look in more details at
some aspects of modeling data in GPS processing. We will look at effects that can be
considered signal and sometimes noise in GPS processing. The basic areas we
discussed our atmospheric delay modeling and signal scattering, and loading
affects from the ocean, atmosphere and water.
Katmandu_Lec04_models.pptx Katmandu_Lec04_models.pdf
17:00- Tutorial
This tutorial session will focus on the
standard gamut example. In this case we will look at the GLOBK portion.
Sun 13:30-15:00 Reference Frame
Realization L05
In this lecture we introduce the concepts of
reference frame realization and the methods used in globk a to generate results
in a specific reference frame. As we saw in earlier lectures, sites are
affected by loading, mostly in the vertical direction, and these effects
influence the reference frame realization. We look at ways of handling this in
globk. We also examine local reference frame realizations and the way that
earthquakes need to be treated in large analyses.
Katmandu_Lec05_RefFrame.pptx Katmandu_Lec05_RefFrame.pdf
15:30-17.00 Statistics of
time series L06
We review the sources of noise in GPS
position determinations and we look at some of the methods used to characterize
noise. We look at the Òrealistic sigmaÓ algorithm that is implemented in globk
and tsview. We also look at some
methods that can be used to judge the quality of the uncertainty estimates
derived by different techniques. Finally we look at the tools that are
available in gamit/globk for error analysis and assessment.
Katmandu_Lec06_ErrorMod.pptx Katmandu_Lec06_ErrorMod.pdf
17:00- Tutorial
session Earthquake data set
This tutorial we will do standard gamit
processing using data in southern California. The stations used here are only a
small set of those that are available through the Unavco archive. On day 166 of
2010 an aftershock of the El Mayor Cucapah earthquake that occurred in April of
2010, occurs. On this day we will use the sessinfo option in sh_gamit to break
the day before and after the quake. Included in the same data set are hfiles
from many more days of data that we will use in the globk tutorial.
Mon 13:30-15:00 Globk Prototyping
tools L07
In this lecture we look at tools that can be
used to test large globk solutions.
These tools allow timeseries to be analyzed for discontinuities from
equipment changes and earthquakes and allow earthquake files to be developed
that can be used in globk. These programs can also be used to realign reference
frames very rapidly and to fit parameters for periodic signals and earthquakes.
The a priori coordinate files generated here can contain the extended entries
(periodic signals, earthquake the seismic signals) that can be used in globk.
For large data sets these prototyping tools allow efficient testing of a globk
run that might take one or two days to execute.
Katmandu_Lec07_Protoptype.pptx Katmandu_Lec07_Protoptype.pdf
15:30-17:00 Utility programs
and scripts L08
This lecture covers utility programs and
scripts. These are organized into preprocessing and organization scripts,
scripts that are used inside sh_gamit but are also useful standalone, and
scripts that are useful for evaluating results. We also briefly review UNIX
shell programs that are used extensively and are good to be familiar with.
Katmandu_Lec08_utilities.pptx Katmandu_Lec08_utilities.pdf
17:00- Final
Tutorial session
We will work on the data sets from previous
days depending on the interests of the group. It is expected that different
students will work on different projects and during this session we will have discussions
informally. If an interesting issue is encountered then we may take time to
present those results to the whole group.