TRACK Version 1.20 GPS Kinematic trajectory program
 Running with batch file: track_008.cmd
 DAY and WEEK Options 008  
 STRING       Options 0 space U              
*    30 satellites, at  864 epochs found in fcmitf.sp3
*     0 entries had no clock values
Blk Numbers:  PRN01  3 PRN02  5 PRN03  3 PRN04  3 PRN05  3 PRN06  3 PRN07  3 PRN08  3
Blk Numbers:  PRN09  3 PRN10  3 PRN11  4 PRN12  1 PRN13  4 PRN14  4 PRN15  2 PRN16  4
Blk Numbers:  PRN17  2 PRN18  4 PRN19  5 PRN20  4 PRN21  4 PRN22  5 PRN23  5 PRN24  3
Blk Numbers:  PRN25  3 PRN26  3 PRN27  3 PRN28  4 PRN29  3 PRN30  3
**WARNING** Interval from RX files is zero, using   5.00 s user interval
Starting epoch count for MJD   53378.88634259 Start seconds      162980.00000026
For file  1 last epoch found   2392
Found 15 PRNS -> 02 04 05 07 09 10 17 24 30 06 21 29 26 18 16
Maxiumum epoch errors: Seen    0.0046 sec, and Used   0.0046 sec
RX Comment at   5  1  8 21 58   10.000 #   1    0.000                                
RX Comment at   5  1  8 21 58   10.000 #   2 KINEMATIC MODE                          
RX Comment at   5  1  8 22 11   10.000 #   1 STATIC MODE                             
RX Comment at   5  1  8 22 24   15.001 #   1    0.000                                
RX Comment at   5  1  8 22 24   15.001 #   2 KINEMATIC MODE                          
RX Comment at   5  1  8 22 35   55.001 #   1 STATIC MODE                             
RX Comment at   5  1  8 22 48   50.001 #   1    0.000                                
RX Comment at   5  1  8 22 48   50.001 #   2 KINEMATIC MODE                          
RX Comment at   5  1  8 22 52   10.001 #   1 STATIC MODE                             
RX Comment at   5  1  8 22 57   55.001 #   1    0.000                                
RX Comment at   5  1  8 22 57   55.001 #   2 KINEMATIC MODE                          
RX Comment at   5  1  8 22 59   50.001 #   1 STATIC MODE                             
RX Comment at   5  1  8 23  6   55.001 #   1    0.000                                
RX Comment at   5  1  8 23  6   55.001 #   2 KINEMATIC MODE                          
RX Comment at   5  1  8 23  9   30.001 #   1 STATIC MODE                             
RX Comment at   5  1  8 23 15   55.001 #   1    0.000                                
RX Comment at   5  1  8 23 15   55.001 #   2 KINEMATIC MODE                          
RX Comment at   5  1  8 23 17   40.001 #   1 STATIC MODE                             
RX Comment at   5  1  8 23 31   35.002 #   1    0.000                                
RX Comment at   5  1  8 23 31   35.002 #   2 KINEMATIC MODE                          
RX Comment at   5  1  8 23 35   15.002 #   1 STATIC MODE                             
RX Comment at   5  1  8 23 43   35.002 #   1    0.000                                
RX Comment at   5  1  8 23 43   35.002 #   2 KINEMATIC MODE                          
RX Comment at   5  1  8 23 44   50.001 #   1    0.000                                
RX Comment at   5  1  8 23 45   45.001 #   1    0.000                                
RX Comment at   5  1  8 23 51   30.001 #   1    0.000                                
RX Comment at   5  1  9  0  3    5.002 #   1    0.000                                
For file  2 last epoch found   2045
Found 15 PRNS -> 02 04 05 07 09 10 17 24 30 06 21 29 26 18 16
Maxiumum epoch errors: Seen    0.0046 sec, and Used   0.0046 sec

Batch File             : track_008.cmd
SP3 File               : fcmitf.sp3
SUMMARY File           : MFC0080U.sum
Rinex files            : base  Type STATIC      ./rinex/base0080.05o
Rinex files            : rovr  Type KINEMATIC   ./rinex/rover/rovr0080.05o
SEARCH TYPE            : NONE
FLOAT TYPE             : LC Start Iter  1 Sample   1 Limits  4.00 3.00 WL/LG SCALES  1.00 0.10 MAX Fit   25.0
Data Noise L1,L2,P1,P2 GENERIC:   0.0030  0.0030    1.00    1.00 m, Weight  0.50
Postion output sigma limit    :      1.000 m.
Elevation angle cutoff        :     10.000 deg.
SITE Type         Apriori XYZ (m)        XYZ Process noise (m/ep)   Atm Stats (m)     Hgt m/(m/s)
base    F                                                           0.000  0.00000  0.00000
rovr    K 1000.000 1000.000 1000.000    10.000   10.000   10.000    0.000  0.00000  0.00023
SITE   ARP N    ARP E    APR U (m) dL1 N    dL1 E    dL1 U     dL2 N    dL2 E    dL2 U     Antenna               PCV  #El #Az
base   0.0000   0.0000   1.4894    0.0000   0.0000   0.0000    0.0000   0.0000   0.0000    TRM22020.00+GP  NONE       0   0
rovr   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000    0.0000   0.0000   0.0000    0.0000   0.0000   0.0000    TRM22020.00+GP  NONE       0   0
STOPGO MODE: Variance reduced by   0.10E+01

Ambiquity Search, Samples :  20 Relative Rank   20.0 Maximum Search  1000000
ION JUMP      1.00 cycles; ION PPM   1.00 ppm; ION Weight   0.01
ION Height   350.0 km, ION Correlation length    300.0 km, ION correlated variance      6.80 cycles**2
New Bias introuced for gaps larger than   1 epochs. Minimum Good data    20 epochs
Data editing if RMS greater than  3.00 data sigmas
MW-WL Jump limit    5.00 cycles
SP3 File fcmitf.sp3 contains  30 satellites at   864 epochs

There are   2045 epochs to last ending time MJD   53379.00462963
There are  1 kinematic sites in this analysis;    3 parameters per epoch to be estimated
Kinematic site rovr appears dyanamic  Coordinate RMS XYZ   2137.16   337.18  1360.07 m. 
Initial coordinates of rovr are XYZ    -2199331.033   -4813395.102    3548710.526 m at Epoch        1
Checking OW Widelanes
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1921 2005 01 08 23 56 20.0 Site 1 PRN 29 Size      6147819.97 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1921 2005 01 08 23 56 20.0 Site 1 PRN 29 Size      6147820.63 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1983 2005 01 09 00 01 30.0 Site 1 PRN 18 Size         6432.46 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1983 2005 01 09 00 01 30.0 Site 1 PRN 18 Size       875777.91 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1418 2005 01 08 23 14 25.0 Site 2 PRN 02 Size     13252384.01 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1418 2005 01 08 23 14 25.0 Site 2 PRN 02 Size     10326532.41 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1448 2005 01 08 23 16 55.0 Site 2 PRN 02 Size       458508.07 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1448 2005 01 08 23 16 55.0 Site 2 PRN 02 Size       357279.01 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1796 2005 01 08 23 45 55.0 Site 2 PRN 02 Size    -13607174.96 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1796 2005 01 08 23 45 55.0 Site 2 PRN 02 Size    -14615486.67 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1866 2005 01 08 23 51 45.0 Site 2 PRN 02 Size        15600.76 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1866 2005 01 08 23 51 45.0 Site 2 PRN 02 Size      -179453.34 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1991 2005 01 09 00 02 10.0 Site 2 PRN 02 Size        -5631.32 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1991 2005 01 09 00 02 10.0 Site 2 PRN 02 Size      -544468.55 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1797 2005 01 08 23 46  0.0 Site 2 PRN 05 Size       181757.11 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1797 2005 01 08 23 46  0.0 Site 2 PRN 05 Size     -2496593.73 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1865 2005 01 08 23 51 40.0 Site 2 PRN 05 Size         6864.97 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1865 2005 01 08 23 51 40.0 Site 2 PRN 05 Size      -222084.10 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1990 2005 01 09 00 02  5.0 Site 2 PRN 05 Size          876.30 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1990 2005 01 09 00 02  5.0 Site 2 PRN 05 Size      -619001.14 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1796 2005 01 08 23 45 55.0 Site 2 PRN 10 Size       199197.29 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1796 2005 01 08 23 45 55.0 Site 2 PRN 10 Size      2280386.34 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1865 2005 01 08 23 51 40.0 Site 2 PRN 10 Size         6092.66 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1865 2005 01 08 23 51 40.0 Site 2 PRN 10 Size      -103182.88 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1990 2005 01 09 00 02  5.0 Site 2 PRN 10 Size        19082.68 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1990 2005 01 09 00 02  5.0 Site 2 PRN 10 Size      -407403.79 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1797 2005 01 08 23 46  0.0 Site 2 PRN 17 Size        73785.19 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1797 2005 01 08 23 46  0.0 Site 2 PRN 17 Size      -953723.72 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1865 2005 01 08 23 51 40.0 Site 2 PRN 17 Size         -625.14 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1865 2005 01 08 23 51 40.0 Site 2 PRN 17 Size      -105254.58 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1989 2005 01 09 00 02  0.0 Site 2 PRN 17 Size        -1227.32 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1989 2005 01 09 00 02  0.0 Site 2 PRN 17 Size      -388277.14 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1797 2005 01 08 23 46  0.0 Site 2 PRN 30 Size        91244.62 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1797 2005 01 08 23 46  0.0 Site 2 PRN 30 Size      1170094.27 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1865 2005 01 08 23 51 40.0 Site 2 PRN 30 Size         4886.88 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1865 2005 01 08 23 51 40.0 Site 2 PRN 30 Size      -125021.85 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1990 2005 01 09 00 02  5.0 Site 2 PRN 30 Size        14315.72 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1990 2005 01 09 00 02  5.0 Site 2 PRN 30 Size      -449670.59 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch    359 2005 01 08 21 46 10.0 Site 2 PRN 06 Size     -2270273.45 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch    359 2005 01 08 21 46 10.0 Site 2 PRN 06 Size     -1769041.35 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch    577 2005 01 08 22 04 20.0 Site 2 PRN 06 Size     -2367171.62 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch    577 2005 01 08 22 04 20.0 Site 2 PRN 06 Size     -1844544.79 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1797 2005 01 08 23 46  0.0 Site 2 PRN 06 Size      4598401.04 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1797 2005 01 08 23 46  0.0 Site 2 PRN 06 Size      7310678.35 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1865 2005 01 08 23 51 40.0 Site 2 PRN 06 Size         3435.72 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1865 2005 01 08 23 51 40.0 Site 2 PRN 06 Size       159268.23 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1989 2005 01 09 00 02  0.0 Site 2 PRN 06 Size         8462.46 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1989 2005 01 09 00 02  0.0 Site 2 PRN 06 Size        85889.17 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1359 2005 01 08 23 09 30.0 Site 2 PRN 21 Size       -84498.87 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1359 2005 01 08 23 09 30.0 Site 2 PRN 21 Size      1176277.20 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1796 2005 01 08 23 45 55.0 Site 2 PRN 21 Size        56601.16 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1796 2005 01 08 23 45 55.0 Site 2 PRN 21 Size      1191715.27 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1865 2005 01 08 23 51 40.0 Site 2 PRN 21 Size        -3367.55 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1865 2005 01 08 23 51 40.0 Site 2 PRN 21 Size       179481.69 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1990 2005 01 09 00 02  5.0 Site 2 PRN 21 Size         6054.26 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1990 2005 01 09 00 02  5.0 Site 2 PRN 21 Size       132569.01 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1801 2005 01 08 23 46 20.0 Site 2 PRN 29 Size        48652.97 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1801 2005 01 08 23 46 20.0 Site 2 PRN 29 Size      1119434.16 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1869 2005 01 08 23 52  0.0 Site 2 PRN 29 Size         1618.25 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1869 2005 01 08 23 52  0.0 Site 2 PRN 29 Size       209454.27 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1921 2005 01 08 23 56 20.0 Site 2 PRN 29 Size       638521.98 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1921 2005 01 08 23 56 20.0 Site 2 PRN 29 Size       638522.06 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1992 2005 01 09 00 02 15.0 Site 2 PRN 29 Size      -611614.73 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1992 2005 01 09 00 02 15.0 Site 2 PRN 29 Size      -438267.44 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1869 2005 01 08 23 52  0.0 Site 2 PRN 26 Size        47095.63 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1869 2005 01 08 23 52  0.0 Site 2 PRN 26 Size       292556.52 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1994 2005 01 09 00 02 25.0 Site 2 PRN 26 Size         -300.44 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1994 2005 01 09 00 02 25.0 Site 2 PRN 26 Size       275839.46 Cycles
Marking OW EX-WL slip at epoch   1994 2005 01 09 00 02 25.0 Site 2 PRN 18 Size        10642.60 Cycles
Marking OW MW-WL slip at epoch   1994 2005 01 09 00 02 25.0 Site 2 PRN 18 Size       343816.76 Cycles
Removing short segments of data
. #   Site  PRN   Start   Stop  Fixd      L1 cycles      L2 cycles      DD Bias Refs           Mean MW-WL     +-     Mean Ion     +-    INITIAL
   1  1  PRN 02       1    2045    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  INITIAL
   2  1  PRN 04       1    1023    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  INITIAL
   3  1  PRN 05       1    2045    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  INITIAL
   4  1  PRN 07       1      84    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  INITIAL
   5  1  PRN 09       1     776    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  INITIAL
   6  1  PRN 10       1    2045    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  INITIAL
   7  1  PRN 17       1    2045    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  INITIAL
   8  1  PRN 24       1    1053    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  INITIAL
   9  1  PRN 30       1    2045    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  INITIAL
  10  1  PRN 06     151    2045    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  INITIAL
  11  1  PRN 21    1036    2045    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  INITIAL
  12  1  PRN 29    1603    1919    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  INITIAL
  13  1  PRN 29    1921    2045    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  INITIAL
  14  1  PRN 26    1823    2045    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  INITIAL
  15  1  PRN 18    1876    1965    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  INITIAL
  16  1  PRN 18    1983    2045    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  INITIAL
  17  2  PRN 02      21    1410    1       750986.0       592623.0    24     3     1 WL Res +-    -0.057     0.087    -0.020     0.011  INITIAL
  18  2  PRN 02    1418    1440    1       750986.0     10919156.0    38     9     1 WL Res +-     0.096     0.294    -0.042     0.012  INITIAL
  19  2  PRN 02    1448    1772    1       750986.0     11276435.0    24     3     1 WL Res +-    -0.039     0.292    -0.028     0.014  INITIAL
  20  2  PRN 02    1796    1851    1            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  INITIAL
  21  2  PRN 02    1866    1960    1      6813363.0      5262550.0    31     6     1 WL Res +-    -0.364     0.889     0.005     0.071  INITIAL
  22  2  PRN 02    1991    2045    1     15711094.0     12237400.0    41     9     1 WL Res +-     0.028     0.599     0.040     0.026  INITIAL
  23  2  PRN 04      21    1022    1      2251045.0      1766524.0    17     2     1 WL Res +-     0.314     0.194     0.005     0.010  INITIAL
  24  2  PRN 05      21    1772    1            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  INITIAL
  25  2  PRN 05    1797    1851    1     -6975620.0     -5382177.0    30     6     3 WL Res +-    -0.412     0.438    -0.107     0.025  INITIAL
  26  2  PRN 05    1865    1960    1            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  INITIAL
  27  2  PRN 05    1990    2045    1      9258289.0      7260875.0    32     6     3 WL Res +-     0.188     0.460     0.003     0.013  INITIAL
  28  2  PRN 09      21     775    1      2653845.0      1993400.0    17     5     1 WL Res +-     0.388     0.287     0.025     0.016  INITIAL
  29  2  PRN 10      21    1772    1     -1029159.0      -811082.0    17     6     1 WL Res +-     0.272     0.121     0.017     0.010  INITIAL
  30  2  PRN 10    1796    1851    1    -29580138.0    -22991637.0    20     6     1 WL Res +-    -0.294     0.534    -0.005     0.021  INITIAL
  31  2  PRN 10    1865    1960    1    -23145791.0    -18031833.0    26     6     3 WL Res +-    -0.073     0.568    -0.048     0.021  INITIAL
  32  2  PRN 10    1990    2045    1    -14781658.0    -11453516.0    36     7     6 WL Res +-    -0.051     0.317     0.012     0.011  INITIAL
  33  2  PRN 17      29    1772    1      -280849.0      -173858.0    24     7     3 WL Res +-     0.142     0.082    -0.021     0.004  INITIAL
  34  2  PRN 17    1797    1851    1    -14625843.0    -11382538.0    20     7     1 WL Res +-     0.091     0.565    -0.032     0.021  INITIAL
  35  2  PRN 17    1865    1960    1     -8205821.0     -6439131.0    31     7     6 WL Res +-     0.090     0.475     0.001     0.009  INITIAL
  36  2  PRN 17    1989    2045    1            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  INITIAL
  37  2  PRN 24      21    1052    1      2197042.0      1721095.0    17     8     1 WL Res +-     0.426     0.200     0.000     0.009  INITIAL
  38  2  PRN 30      34    1772    1     -1315929.0      -942404.0    24     9     3 WL Res +-    -0.092     0.082    -0.015     0.005  INITIAL
  39  2  PRN 30    1797    1851    1    -25218948.0    -19585291.0    20     9     1 WL Res +-    -0.041     0.529     0.025     0.022  INITIAL
  40  2  PRN 30    1865    1960    1    -18689939.0    -14552664.0    26     9     3 WL Res +-    -0.134     0.579    -0.023     0.020  INITIAL
  41  2  PRN 30    1990    2045    1    -10151186.0     -7841994.0    32     9     6 WL Res +-    -0.033     0.356    -0.022     0.015  INITIAL
  42  2  PRN 06     154     350    1      -233356.0       -48152.0    17    10     1 WL Res +-     0.386     1.179    -0.036     0.062  INITIAL
  43  2  PRN 06     359     569    1      -233356.0     -1817196.0    17    10     1 WL Res +-     0.292     0.791    -0.048     0.040  INITIAL
  44  2  PRN 06     577    1772    1      -233356.0     -3661745.0    17    10     1 WL Res +-     0.255     0.166     0.020     0.011  INITIAL
  45  2  PRN 06    1797    1851    1    -36041997.0    -28069670.0    20    10     1 WL Res +-    -0.290     0.517     0.020     0.022  INITIAL
  46  2  PRN 06    1865    1960    1    -30805776.0    -24045541.0    26    10     3 WL Res +-    -0.160     0.576    -0.027     0.018  INITIAL
  47  2  PRN 06    1989    2045    1    -24713453.0    -19245741.0    32    10     6 WL Res +-    -0.157     0.285     0.020     0.015  INITIAL
  48  2  PRN 21    1036    1347    1      3963555.0      3217139.0    17    11     1 WL Res +-     0.172     0.595     0.075     0.029  INITIAL
  49  2  PRN 21    1359    1772    1     -1662523.0     -1232661.0    24    11     3 WL Res +-    -0.085     0.298     0.009     0.017  INITIAL
  50  2  PRN 21    1796    1851    1    -25785742.0    -20074127.0    30    11     6 WL Res +-     0.177     0.426     0.037     0.022  INITIAL
  51  2  PRN 21    1865    1960    1    -20665090.0    -16145353.0    26    11     3 WL Res +-     0.013     0.598    -0.049     0.032  INITIAL
  52  2  PRN 21    1990    2045    1    -14792700.0    -11518806.0    32    11     6 WL Res +-    -0.002     0.386    -0.013     0.028  INITIAL
  53  2  PRN 29    1603    1772    1      3826181.0      3000722.0    24    12     3 WL Res +-     0.034     1.187    -0.005     0.040  INITIAL
  54  2  PRN 29    1801    1851    1    -19997695.0    -15613683.0    30    12     6 WL Res +-     0.247     0.841     0.053     0.041  INITIAL
  55  2  PRN 29    1869    1919    1    -14995197.0    -11773092.0    31    12     6 WL Res +-     0.256     0.778     0.023     0.058  INITIAL
  56  2  PRN 29    1921    1960    1     -9485899.0    -11773092.0    31    13     6 WL Res +-    -0.131     0.934     0.025     0.047  INITIAL
  57  2  PRN 29    1992    2045    1     -3207960.0     -7311833.0    47    13    10 WL Res +-    -0.499     0.986     0.141     0.023  INITIAL
  58  2  PRN 26    1823    1851    1    -17684197.0    -13845062.0    25    14     3 WL Res +-    -0.394     1.219    -0.048     0.050  INITIAL
  59  2  PRN 26    1869    1960    1    -12897602.0    -10137270.0    31    14     6 WL Res +-     0.124     0.834     0.055     0.059  INITIAL
  60  2  PRN 26    1994    2045    1     -7696574.0     -6038814.0    47    14    10 WL Res +-     0.107     0.664    -0.008     0.040  INITIAL
  61  2  PRN 18    1876    1960    1    -11660057.0     -9167436.0    31    15     6 WL Res +-     0.091     1.173     0.074     0.062  INITIAL
  62  2  PRN 18    1994    2045    1     -2784226.0     -2201982.0    22    16     1 WL Res +-    -0.042     1.095    -0.025     0.056  INITIAL
. #   Site  PRN   Start   Stop  Fixd      L1 cycles      L2 cycles      DD Bias Refs           Mean MW-WL     +-     Mean Ion     +-    UNIFIED
   1  1  PRN 02       1    2045    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  UNIFIED
   2  1  PRN 04       1    1023    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  UNIFIED
   3  1  PRN 05       1    2045    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  UNIFIED
   4  1  PRN 07       1      84    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  UNIFIED
   5  1  PRN 09       1     776    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  UNIFIED
   6  1  PRN 10       1    2045    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  UNIFIED
   7  1  PRN 17       1    2045    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  UNIFIED
   8  1  PRN 24       1    1053    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  UNIFIED
   9  1  PRN 30       1    2045    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  UNIFIED
  10  1  PRN 06     151    2045    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  UNIFIED
  11  1  PRN 21    1036    2045    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  UNIFIED
  12  1  PRN 29    1603    1919    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  UNIFIED
  13  1  PRN 29    1921    2045    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  UNIFIED
  14  1  PRN 26    1823    2045    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  UNIFIED
  15  1  PRN 18    1876    1965    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  UNIFIED
  16  1  PRN 18    1983    2045    1            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  UNIFIED
  17  2  PRN 02      21    1410    1       750986.0       592623.0    24     3     1 WL Res +-    -0.057     0.087    -0.020     0.011  UNIFIED
  18  2  PRN 02    1418    1440    1       750986.0     10919156.0    38     9     1 WL Res +-     0.096     0.294    -0.042     0.012  UNIFIED
  19  2  PRN 02    1448    1772    1       750986.0     11276435.0    24     3     1 WL Res +-    -0.039     0.292    -0.028     0.014  UNIFIED
  20  2  PRN 02    1796    1851    1            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  UNIFIED
  21  2  PRN 02    1866    1960    1      6813363.0      5262550.0    31     6     1 WL Res +-    -0.364     0.889     0.005     0.071  UNIFIED
  22  2  PRN 02    1991    2045    1     15711094.0     12237400.0    41     9     1 WL Res +-     0.028     0.599     0.040     0.026  UNIFIED
  23  2  PRN 04      21    1022    1      2251045.0      1766524.0    17     2     1 WL Res +-     0.314     0.194     0.005     0.010  UNIFIED
  24  2  PRN 05      21    1772    1            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  UNIFIED
  25  2  PRN 05    1797    1851    1     -6975620.0     -5382177.0    30     6     3 WL Res +-    -0.412     0.438    -0.107     0.025  UNIFIED
  26  2  PRN 05    1865    1960    1            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  UNIFIED
  27  2  PRN 05    1990    2045    1      9258289.0      7260875.0    32     6     3 WL Res +-     0.188     0.460     0.003     0.013  UNIFIED
  28  2  PRN 09      21     775    1      2653845.0      1993400.0    17     5     1 WL Res +-     0.388     0.287     0.025     0.016  UNIFIED
  29  2  PRN 10      21    1772    1     -1029159.0      -811082.0    17     6     1 WL Res +-     0.272     0.121     0.017     0.010  UNIFIED
  30  2  PRN 10    1796    1851    1    -29580138.0    -22991637.0    20     6     1 WL Res +-    -0.294     0.534    -0.005     0.021  UNIFIED
  31  2  PRN 10    1865    1960    1    -23145791.0    -18031833.0    26     6     3 WL Res +-    -0.073     0.568    -0.048     0.021  UNIFIED
  32  2  PRN 10    1990    2045    1    -14781658.0    -11453516.0    36     7     6 WL Res +-    -0.051     0.317     0.012     0.011  UNIFIED
  33  2  PRN 17      29    1772    1      -280849.0      -173858.0    24     7     3 WL Res +-     0.142     0.082    -0.021     0.004  UNIFIED
  34  2  PRN 17    1797    1851    1    -14625843.0    -11382538.0    20     7     1 WL Res +-     0.091     0.565    -0.032     0.021  UNIFIED
  35  2  PRN 17    1865    1960    1     -8205821.0     -6439131.0    31     7     6 WL Res +-     0.090     0.475     0.001     0.009  UNIFIED
  36  2  PRN 17    1989    2045    1            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  UNIFIED
  37  2  PRN 24      21    1052    1      2197042.0      1721095.0    17     8     1 WL Res +-     0.426     0.200     0.000     0.009  UNIFIED
  38  2  PRN 30      34    1772    1     -1315929.0      -942404.0    24     9     3 WL Res +-    -0.092     0.082    -0.015     0.005  UNIFIED
  39  2  PRN 30    1797    1851    1    -25218948.0    -19585291.0    20     9     1 WL Res +-    -0.041     0.529     0.025     0.022  UNIFIED
  40  2  PRN 30    1865    1960    1    -18689939.0    -14552664.0    26     9     3 WL Res +-    -0.134     0.579    -0.023     0.020  UNIFIED
  41  2  PRN 30    1990    2045    1    -10151186.0     -7841994.0    32     9     6 WL Res +-    -0.033     0.356    -0.022     0.015  UNIFIED
  42  2  PRN 06     154     350    1      -233356.0       -48152.0    17    10     1 WL Res +-     0.386     1.179    -0.036     0.062  UNIFIED
  43  2  PRN 06     359     569    1      -233356.0     -1817196.0    17    10     1 WL Res +-     0.292     0.791    -0.048     0.040  UNIFIED
  44  2  PRN 06     577    1772    1      -233356.0     -3661745.0    17    10     1 WL Res +-     0.255     0.166     0.020     0.011  UNIFIED
  45  2  PRN 06    1797    1851    1    -36041997.0    -28069670.0    20    10     1 WL Res +-    -0.290     0.517     0.020     0.022  UNIFIED
  46  2  PRN 06    1865    1960    1    -30805776.0    -24045541.0    26    10     3 WL Res +-    -0.160     0.576    -0.027     0.018  UNIFIED
  47  2  PRN 06    1989    2045    1    -24713453.0    -19245741.0    32    10     6 WL Res +-    -0.157     0.285     0.020     0.015  UNIFIED
  48  2  PRN 21    1036    1347    1      3963555.0      3217139.0    17    11     1 WL Res +-     0.172     0.595     0.075     0.029  UNIFIED
  49  2  PRN 21    1359    1772    1     -1662523.0     -1232661.0    24    11     3 WL Res +-    -0.085     0.298     0.009     0.017  UNIFIED
  50  2  PRN 21    1796    1851    1    -25785742.0    -20074127.0    30    11     6 WL Res +-     0.177     0.426     0.037     0.022  UNIFIED
  51  2  PRN 21    1865    1960    1    -20665090.0    -16145353.0    26    11     3 WL Res +-     0.013     0.598    -0.049     0.032  UNIFIED
  52  2  PRN 21    1990    2045    1    -14792700.0    -11518806.0    32    11     6 WL Res +-    -0.002     0.386    -0.013     0.028  UNIFIED
  53  2  PRN 29    1603    1772    1      3826181.0      3000722.0    24    12     3 WL Res +-     0.034     1.187    -0.005     0.040  UNIFIED
  54  2  PRN 29    1801    1851    1    -19997695.0    -15613683.0    30    12     6 WL Res +-     0.247     0.841     0.053     0.041  UNIFIED
  55  2  PRN 29    1869    1919    1    -14995197.0    -11773092.0    31    12     6 WL Res +-     0.256     0.778     0.023     0.058  UNIFIED
  56  2  PRN 29    1921    1960    1     -9485899.0    -11773092.0    31    13     6 WL Res +-    -0.131     0.934     0.025     0.047  UNIFIED
  57  2  PRN 29    1992    2045    1     -3207960.0     -7311833.0    47    13    10 WL Res +-    -0.499     0.986     0.141     0.023  UNIFIED
  58  2  PRN 26    1823    1851    1    -17684197.0    -13845062.0    25    14     3 WL Res +-    -0.394     1.219    -0.048     0.050  UNIFIED
  59  2  PRN 26    1869    1960    1    -12897602.0    -10137270.0    31    14     6 WL Res +-     0.124     0.834     0.055     0.059  UNIFIED
  60  2  PRN 26    1994    2045    1     -7696574.0     -6038814.0    47    14    10 WL Res +-     0.107     0.664    -0.008     0.040  UNIFIED
  61  2  PRN 18    1876    1960    1    -11660057.0     -9167436.0    31    15     6 WL Res +-     0.091     1.173     0.074     0.062  UNIFIED
  62  2  PRN 18    1994    2045    1     -2784226.0     -2201982.0    22    16     1 WL Res +-    -0.042     1.095    -0.025     0.056  UNIFIED

Starting FLOAT iteration at   1
There are  1 kinematic sites in this analysis;    3 parameters per epoch to be estimated
BF_FLOAT   17   2045  2 PRN 02      21   1410   1 NP   4 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.014      0.003
BF_FLOAT   18   2045  2 PRN 02    1418   1440   1 NP  16 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.004      0.008
BF_FLOAT   19   2045  2 PRN 02    1448   1772   1 NP  17 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.003      0.004
BF_FLOAT   21   2045  2 PRN 02    1866   1960   1 NP  32 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.282      0.292
BF_FLOAT   22   2045  2 PRN 02    1991   2045   1 NP  42 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.007      0.140
BF_FLOAT   23   2045  2 PRN 04      21   1022   1 NP   5 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.022      0.006
BF_FLOAT   25   2045  2 PRN 05    1797   1851   1 NP  21 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.586      0.376
BF_FLOAT   27   2045  2 PRN 05    1990   2045   1 NP  38 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.042      0.328
BF_FLOAT   28   2045  2 PRN 09      21    775   1 NP   6 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.019      0.004
BF_FLOAT   29   2045  2 PRN 10      21   1772   1 NP   7 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.009      0.005
BF_FLOAT   30   2045  2 PRN 10    1796   1851   1 NP  19 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.101      0.148
BF_FLOAT   31   2045  2 PRN 10    1865   1960   1 NP  27 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.162      0.206
BF_FLOAT   32   2045  2 PRN 10    1990   2045   1 NP  39 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.003      0.023
BF_FLOAT   33   2045  2 PRN 17      29   1772   1 NP   9 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.009      0.001
BF_FLOAT   34   2045  2 PRN 17    1797   1851   1 NP  22 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.119      0.141
BF_FLOAT   35   2045  2 PRN 17    1865   1960   1 NP  28 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.174      0.210
BF_FLOAT   37   2045  2 PRN 24      21   1052   1 NP   8 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.023      0.006
BF_FLOAT   38   2045  2 PRN 30      34   1772   1 NP  10 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.003      0.003
BF_FLOAT   39   2045  2 PRN 30    1797   1851   1 NP  23 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.313      0.436
BF_FLOAT   40   2045  2 PRN 30    1865   1960   1 NP  29 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.032      0.068
BF_FLOAT   41   2045  2 PRN 30    1990   2045   1 NP  40 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.025      0.394
BF_FLOAT   42   2045  2 PRN 06     154    350   1 NP  11 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.007      0.009
BF_FLOAT   43   2045  2 PRN 06     359    569   1 NP  12 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.014      0.008
BF_FLOAT   44   2045  2 PRN 06     577   1772   1 NP  13 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.000      0.008
BF_FLOAT   45   2045  2 PRN 06    1797   1851   1 NP  24 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.331      0.361
BF_FLOAT   46   2045  2 PRN 06    1865   1960   1 NP  30 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.033      0.090
BF_FLOAT   47   2045  2 PRN 06    1989   2045   1 NP  37 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.020      0.281
BF_FLOAT   48   2045  2 PRN 21    1036   1347   1 NP  14 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.039      0.011
BF_FLOAT   49   2045  2 PRN 21    1359   1772   1 NP  15 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.030      0.013
BF_FLOAT   50   2045  2 PRN 21    1796   1851   1 NP  20 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.424      0.537
BF_FLOAT   51   2045  2 PRN 21    1865   1960   1 NP  31 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.025      0.146
BF_FLOAT   52   2045  2 PRN 21    1990   2045   1 NP  41 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.029      0.482
BF_FLOAT   53   2045  2 PRN 29    1603   1772   1 NP  18 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.010      0.008
BF_FLOAT   54   2045  2 PRN 29    1801   1851   1 NP  25 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.054      0.161
BF_FLOAT   55   2045  2 PRN 29    1869   1919   1 NP  33 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.209      0.216
BF_FLOAT   56   2045  2 PRN 29    1921   1960   1 NP  36 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.181      0.216
BF_FLOAT   57   2045  2 PRN 29    1992   2045   1 NP  43 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.967      0.162
BF_FLOAT   58   2045  2 PRN 26    1823   1851   1 NP  26 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.763      0.203
BF_FLOAT   59   2045  2 PRN 26    1869   1960   1 NP  34 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.102      0.180
BF_FLOAT   60   2045  2 PRN 26    1994   2045   1 NP  44 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.046      0.181
BF_FLOAT   61   2045  2 PRN 18    1876   1960   1 NP  35 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.042      0.082
BF_FLOAT   62   2045  2 PRN 18    1994   2045   1 NP  45 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.029      0.427
For   8130 Double differences: Average RMS       9.84 mm
* BF  S   PRN    Epoch Range   F     Estimate dLC    Sig Limit Relative Rank  Fix Fcode Change L1    L2  Residual  L1      L2   Fits Best   LC    WL    LG
  33  2  PRN 17    29  1772    3     0.05 +-    0.01 SL   4.00 RR    3109.64  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.08     0.14 Fits    6.1   0.6   3.0  25.2
  17  2  PRN 02    21  1410    3    -0.03 +-    0.02 SL   4.00 RR   11061.06  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.06    -0.06 Fits    1.0   0.3   0.4   3.2
  37  2  PRN 24    21  1052    3     0.02 +-    0.02 SL   4.00 RR    1012.72  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.03     0.43 Fits    4.6   0.1   4.5   0.0
  23  2  PRN 04    21  1022    3    -0.01 +-    0.01 SL   4.00 RR    2885.90  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.01     0.31 Fits    2.7   0.0   2.6   0.2
  28  2  PRN 09    21   775    3    -0.05 +-    0.02 SL   4.00 RR    1151.06  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.09     0.39 Fits    2.7   0.7   1.8   2.4
  38  2  PRN 30    34  1772    3     0.08 +-    0.02 SL   4.00 RR    5411.56  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.14    -0.09 Fits    3.7   1.6   1.2   8.6
  29  2  PRN 10    21  1772    3     0.01 +-    0.01 SL   4.00 RR     699.05  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.02     0.27 Fits    5.4   0.0   5.1   3.2
  44  2  PRN 06   577  1772    3    -0.01 +-    0.01 SL   4.00 RR    2178.68  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.02     0.25 Fits    2.7   0.0   2.4   3.3
  49  2  PRN 21  1359  1772    3    -0.10 +-    0.02 SL   4.00 RR     666.25  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.18    -0.08 Fits    2.6   2.5   0.1   0.3
  19  2  PRN 02  1448  1772    3     0.02 +-    0.02 SL   4.00 RR   35699.33  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.04    -0.04 Fits    0.5   0.1   0.0   4.1
  43  2  PRN 06   359   569    3    -0.01 +-    0.03 SL   4.00 RR   41080.46  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.03     0.29 Fits    0.3   0.0   0.1   1.4
  48  2  PRN 21  1036  1347    3    -0.16 +-    0.03 SL   4.00 RR      57.76  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.28     0.17 Fits    5.7   5.0   0.1   6.7
  42  2  PRN 06   154   350    3     0.05 +-    0.03 SL   4.00 RR    6199.77  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.09     0.39 Fits    0.7   0.5   0.1   0.3
  53  2  PRN 29  1603  1772    3     0.01 +-    0.04 SL   4.00 RR 3780693.24  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.02     0.03 Fits    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
  18  2  PRN 02  1418  1440    3    -0.01 +-    0.07 SL   4.00 RR    2016.72  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.01     0.10 Fits    1.3   0.0   0.1  11.5
  32  2  PRN 10  1990  2045    3    -0.02 +-    0.22 SL   4.00 RR   91964.51  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.03    -0.05 Fits    0.2   0.0   0.0   1.2
  40  2  PRN 30  1865  1960    3    -0.17 +-    0.64 SL   4.00 RR     949.21  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.30    -0.13 Fits    0.4   0.2   0.1   1.3
  51  2  PRN 21  1865  1960    3     0.20 +-    0.58 SL   4.00 RR     186.18  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.35     0.01 Fits    0.5   0.3   0.0   2.3
  61  2  PRN 18  1876  1960    1    -0.27 +-    0.29 SL   4.00 RR       6.22  F F --R-O dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.47     0.09 Fits    1.6   1.5   0.0   1.4
  59  2  PRN 26  1869  1960    1     0.22 +-    0.71 SL   4.00 RR      14.67  F F --R-O dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.40     0.12 Fits    0.4   0.2   0.0   0.9
  46  2  PRN 06  1865  1960    3     0.28 +-    0.78 SL   4.00 RR     574.31  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.49    -0.16 Fits    0.6   0.3   0.1   2.2
  31  2  PRN 10  1865  1960    1     0.23 +-    0.05 SL   4.00 RR      14.47  F F --R-- dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.41    -0.07 Fits    8.7   8.2   0.0   5.1
  35  2  PRN 17  1865  1960    1     0.23 +-    0.05 SL   4.00 RR     104.15  F F ----O dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.40     0.09 Fits    7.6   7.6   0.0   0.0
  55  2  PRN 29  1869  1919    1     0.44 +-    0.08 SL   4.00 RR      48.44  F F ----O dL1,2     1    1 dL12     -0.22     0.26 Fits    2.8   1.5   0.1  11.5
  56  2  PRN 29  1921  1960    1     0.30 +-    0.08 SL   4.00 RR       1.17  F F --R-O dL1,2     1    1 dL12     -0.46    -0.13 Fits    8.5   6.8   0.0  17.1
  21  2  PRN 02  1866  1960    1     0.45 +-    0.09 SL   4.00 RR      76.03  F F ----O dL1,2     1    1 dL12     -0.19    -0.36 Fits    2.2   1.1   0.2   9.2
  22  2  PRN 02  1991  2045    1    -0.02 +-    1.10 SL   4.00 RR     524.65  F F ----O dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.03     0.03 Fits    0.2   0.0   0.0   2.4
  34  2  PRN 17  1797  1851    3    -0.63 +-    1.32 SL   4.00 RR      85.54  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -1.12     0.09 Fits    0.9   0.6   0.0   2.3
  30  2  PRN 10  1796  1851    3     0.10 +-    0.40 SL   4.00 RR    1132.53  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.18    -0.29 Fits    0.4   0.1   0.3   0.1
  45  2  PRN 06  1797  1851    3    -0.05 +-    0.98 SL   4.00 RR     561.38  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.09    -0.29 Fits    0.4   0.0   0.3   0.8
  50  2  PRN 21  1796  1851    3     0.19 +-    0.14 SL   4.00 RR      32.99  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.34     0.18 Fits    2.6   2.1   0.2   2.7
  39  2  PRN 30  1797  1851    3    -0.02 +-    0.07 SL   4.00 RR   58713.80  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.04    -0.04 Fits    0.2   0.1   0.0   1.2
  25  2  PRN 05  1797  1851    3     4.13 +-    0.04 SL   4.00 RR     170.68  T T ----- dL1,2     4    3 dL12     -0.18     0.59 Fits    3.5   1.7   1.8   0.1
  54  2  PRN 29  1801  1851    3     0.16 +-    0.06 SL   4.00 RR      35.21  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.29     0.25 Fits    4.0   3.7   0.1   1.7
  58  2  PRN 26  1823  1851    1     3.96 +-    0.10 SL   4.00 RR       1.47  F F --R-- dL1,2     4    3 dL12     -0.48    -0.39 Fits    6.6   6.2   0.1   2.6
  57  2  PRN 29  1992  2045    1     5.13 +-    1.38 SL   4.00 RR      97.90  F F ----O dL1,2     5    4 dL12      0.60     0.50 Fits    0.7   0.2   0.3   2.7
  60  2  PRN 26  1994  2045    1     0.31 +-    1.45 SL   4.00 RR     450.40  F F ----O dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.55     0.11 Fits    0.2   0.1   0.0   0.0
  27  2  PRN 05  1990  2045    3     0.39 +-    2.25 SL   4.00 RR    7653.20  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.70     0.19 Fits    0.3   0.1   0.2   0.1
  62  2  PRN 18  1994  2045    1    -0.25 +-    0.59 SL   4.00 RR      19.50  F F --R-O dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.44    -0.04 Fits    0.4   0.4   0.0   0.2
  41  2  PRN 30  1990  2045    3    -0.13 +-    1.01 SL   4.00 RR    4173.03  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.24    -0.03 Fits    0.3   0.0   0.0   2.1
  47  2  PRN 06  1989  2045    3    -0.11 +-    0.07 SL   4.00 RR     688.59  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.20    -0.16 Fits    1.9   1.4   0.3   1.8
  52  2  PRN 21  1990  2045    1     0.22 +-    0.10 SL   4.00 RR      17.21  F F --R-- dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.39     0.00 Fits    4.0   3.9   0.0   0.2
. #   Site  PRN   Start   Stop  Fixd      L1 cycles      L2 cycles      DD Bias Refs           Mean MW-WL     +-     Mean Ion     +-    FLOAT01 
   1  1  PRN 02       1    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT01 
   2  1  PRN 04       1    1023    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT01 
   3  1  PRN 05       1    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT01 
   4  1  PRN 07       1      84    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT01 
   5  1  PRN 09       1     776    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT01 
   6  1  PRN 10       1    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT01 
   7  1  PRN 17       1    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT01 
   8  1  PRN 24       1    1053    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT01 
   9  1  PRN 30       1    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT01 
  10  1  PRN 06     151    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT01 
  11  1  PRN 21    1036    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT01 
  12  1  PRN 29    1603    1919    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT01 
  13  1  PRN 29    1921    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT01 
  14  1  PRN 26    1823    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT01 
  15  1  PRN 18    1876    1965    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT01 
  16  1  PRN 18    1983    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT01 
  17  2  PRN 02      21    1410    3       750986.0       592623.0    24     3     1 WL Res +-    -0.057     0.087    -0.020     0.011  FLOAT01 
  18  2  PRN 02    1418    1440    3       750986.0     10919156.0    38     9     1 WL Res +-     0.096     0.294    -0.042     0.012  FLOAT01 
  19  2  PRN 02    1448    1772    3       750986.0     11276435.0    24     3     1 WL Res +-    -0.039     0.292    -0.028     0.014  FLOAT01 
  20  2  PRN 02    1796    1851    3            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT01 
  21  2  PRN 02    1866    1960    1      6813363.0      5262550.0    31     6     1 WL Res +-    -0.364     0.889     0.005     0.071  FLOAT01 
  22  2  PRN 02    1991    2045    1     15711094.0     12237400.0    41     9     1 WL Res +-     0.028     0.599     0.040     0.026  FLOAT01 
  23  2  PRN 04      21    1022    3      2251045.0      1766524.0    17     2     1 WL Res +-     0.314     0.194     0.005     0.010  FLOAT01 
  24  2  PRN 05      21    1772    3            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT01 
  25  2  PRN 05    1797    1851    3     -6975624.0     -5382180.0    30     6     3 WL Res +-     0.588     0.438     0.043     0.025  FLOAT01 
  26  2  PRN 05    1865    1960    3            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT01 
  27  2  PRN 05    1990    2045    3      9258289.0      7260875.0    32     6     3 WL Res +-     0.188     0.460     0.003     0.013  FLOAT01 
  28  2  PRN 09      21     775    3      2653845.0      1993400.0    17     5     1 WL Res +-     0.388     0.287     0.025     0.016  FLOAT01 
  29  2  PRN 10      21    1772    3     -1029159.0      -811082.0    17     6     1 WL Res +-     0.272     0.121     0.017     0.010  FLOAT01 
  30  2  PRN 10    1796    1851    3    -29580138.0    -22991637.0    20     6     1 WL Res +-    -0.294     0.534    -0.005     0.021  FLOAT01 
  31  2  PRN 10    1865    1960    1    -23145791.0    -18031833.0    26     6     3 WL Res +-    -0.073     0.568    -0.048     0.021  FLOAT01 
  32  2  PRN 10    1990    2045    3    -14781658.0    -11453516.0    36     7     6 WL Res +-    -0.051     0.317     0.012     0.011  FLOAT01 
  33  2  PRN 17      29    1772    3      -280849.0      -173858.0    24     7     3 WL Res +-     0.142     0.082    -0.021     0.004  FLOAT01 
  34  2  PRN 17    1797    1851    3    -14625843.0    -11382538.0    20     7     1 WL Res +-     0.091     0.565    -0.032     0.021  FLOAT01 
  35  2  PRN 17    1865    1960    1     -8205821.0     -6439131.0    31     7     6 WL Res +-     0.090     0.475     0.001     0.009  FLOAT01 
  36  2  PRN 17    1989    2045    3            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT01 
  37  2  PRN 24      21    1052    3      2197042.0      1721095.0    17     8     1 WL Res +-     0.426     0.200     0.000     0.009  FLOAT01 
  38  2  PRN 30      34    1772    3     -1315929.0      -942404.0    24     9     3 WL Res +-    -0.092     0.082    -0.015     0.005  FLOAT01 
  39  2  PRN 30    1797    1851    3    -25218948.0    -19585291.0    20     9     1 WL Res +-    -0.041     0.529     0.025     0.022  FLOAT01 
  40  2  PRN 30    1865    1960    3    -18689939.0    -14552664.0    26     9     3 WL Res +-    -0.134     0.579    -0.023     0.020  FLOAT01 
  41  2  PRN 30    1990    2045    3    -10151186.0     -7841994.0    32     9     6 WL Res +-    -0.033     0.356    -0.022     0.015  FLOAT01 
  42  2  PRN 06     154     350    3      -233356.0       -48152.0    17    10     1 WL Res +-     0.386     1.179    -0.036     0.062  FLOAT01 
  43  2  PRN 06     359     569    3      -233356.0     -1817196.0    17    10     1 WL Res +-     0.292     0.791    -0.048     0.040  FLOAT01 
  44  2  PRN 06     577    1772    3      -233356.0     -3661745.0    17    10     1 WL Res +-     0.255     0.166     0.020     0.011  FLOAT01 
  45  2  PRN 06    1797    1851    3    -36041997.0    -28069670.0    20    10     1 WL Res +-    -0.290     0.517     0.020     0.022  FLOAT01 
  46  2  PRN 06    1865    1960    3    -30805776.0    -24045541.0    26    10     3 WL Res +-    -0.160     0.576    -0.027     0.018  FLOAT01 
  47  2  PRN 06    1989    2045    3    -24713453.0    -19245741.0    32    10     6 WL Res +-    -0.157     0.285     0.020     0.015  FLOAT01 
  48  2  PRN 21    1036    1347    3      3963555.0      3217139.0    17    11     1 WL Res +-     0.172     0.595     0.075     0.029  FLOAT01 
  49  2  PRN 21    1359    1772    3     -1662523.0     -1232661.0    24    11     3 WL Res +-    -0.085     0.298     0.009     0.017  FLOAT01 
  50  2  PRN 21    1796    1851    3    -25785742.0    -20074127.0    30    11     6 WL Res +-     0.177     0.426     0.037     0.022  FLOAT01 
  51  2  PRN 21    1865    1960    3    -20665090.0    -16145353.0    26    11     3 WL Res +-     0.013     0.598    -0.049     0.032  FLOAT01 
  52  2  PRN 21    1990    2045    1    -14792700.0    -11518806.0    32    11     6 WL Res +-    -0.002     0.386    -0.013     0.028  FLOAT01 
  53  2  PRN 29    1603    1772    3      3826181.0      3000722.0    24    12     3 WL Res +-     0.034     1.187    -0.005     0.040  FLOAT01 
  54  2  PRN 29    1801    1851    3    -19997695.0    -15613683.0    30    12     6 WL Res +-     0.247     0.841     0.053     0.041  FLOAT01 
  55  2  PRN 29    1869    1919    1    -14995197.0    -11773092.0    31    12     6 WL Res +-     0.256     0.778     0.023     0.058  FLOAT01 
  56  2  PRN 29    1921    1960    1     -9485899.0    -11773092.0    31    13     6 WL Res +-    -0.131     0.934     0.025     0.047  FLOAT01 
  57  2  PRN 29    1992    2045    1     -3207960.0     -7311833.0    47    13    10 WL Res +-    -0.499     0.986     0.141     0.023  FLOAT01 
  58  2  PRN 26    1823    1851    1    -17684197.0    -13845062.0    25    14     3 WL Res +-    -1.394     1.219    -0.198     0.050  FLOAT01 
  59  2  PRN 26    1869    1960    1    -12897602.0    -10137270.0    31    14     6 WL Res +-     0.124     0.834     0.055     0.059  FLOAT01 
  60  2  PRN 26    1994    2045    1     -7696574.0     -6038814.0    47    14    10 WL Res +-     0.107     0.664    -0.008     0.040  FLOAT01 
  61  2  PRN 18    1876    1960    1    -11660057.0     -9167436.0    31    15     6 WL Res +-     0.091     1.173     0.074     0.062  FLOAT01 
  62  2  PRN 18    1994    2045    1     -2784226.0     -2201982.0    22    16     1 WL Res +-    -0.042     1.095    -0.025     0.056  FLOAT01 
Kinematic site rovr appears dyanamic  Coordinate RMS XYZ   2137.29   336.89  1360.12 m. 
Initial coordinates of rovr are XYZ    -2197282.530   -4811613.811    3552313.553 m at Epoch       49

Starting FLOAT iteration at   2
There are  1 kinematic sites in this analysis;    3 parameters per epoch to be estimated
BF_FLOAT   21   2045  2 PRN 02    1866   1960   1 NP   7 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.086      0.010
BF_FLOAT   22   2045  2 PRN 02    1991   2045   1 NP  13 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.004      0.009
BF_FLOAT   31   2045  2 PRN 10    1865   1960   1 NP   5 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.044      0.005
BF_FLOAT   35   2045  2 PRN 17    1865   1960   1 NP   6 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.043      0.006
BF_FLOAT   52   2045  2 PRN 21    1990   2045   1 NP  12 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.042      0.011
BF_FLOAT   55   2045  2 PRN 29    1869   1919   1 NP   8 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.084      0.009
BF_FLOAT   56   2045  2 PRN 29    1921   1960   1 NP  11 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.058      0.009
BF_FLOAT   57   2045  2 PRN 29    1992   2045   1 NP  14 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.917      0.005
BF_FLOAT   58   2045  2 PRN 26    1823   1851   1 NP   4 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.754      0.011
BF_FLOAT   59   2045  2 PRN 26    1869   1960   1 NP   9 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.004      0.008
BF_FLOAT   60   2045  2 PRN 26    1994   2045   1 NP  15 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.010      0.007
BF_FLOAT   61   2045  2 PRN 18    1876   1960   1 NP  10 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.030      0.006
BF_FLOAT   62   2045  2 PRN 18    1994   2045   1 NP  16 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.008      0.011
For   8130 Double differences: Average RMS      12.03 mm
* BF  S   PRN    Epoch Range   F     Estimate dLC    Sig Limit Relative Rank  Fix Fcode Change L1    L2  Residual  L1      L2   Fits Best   LC    WL    LG
  31  2  PRN 10  1865  1960    1     0.23 +-    0.05 SL   4.00 RR      14.63  F F --R-- dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.41    -0.07 Fits    8.7   8.2   0.0   5.1
  57  2  PRN 29  1992  2045    3     4.82 +-    0.05 SL   4.00 RR    6603.07  T T ----- dL1,2     5    4 dL12      0.04     0.50 Fits    0.6   0.1   0.3   2.7
  35  2  PRN 17  1865  1960    1     0.23 +-    0.05 SL   4.00 RR     105.46  F F ----O dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.40     0.09 Fits    7.6   7.5   0.0   0.0
  60  2  PRN 26  1994  2045    3    -0.07 +-    0.06 SL   4.00 RR    3239.55  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.12     0.11 Fits    0.7   0.6   0.0   0.0
  61  2  PRN 18  1876  1960    1    -0.16 +-    0.06 SL   4.00 RR      47.20  F F ----O dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.28     0.09 Fits    3.6   3.4   0.0   1.4
  22  2  PRN 02  1991  2045    3     0.00 +-    0.07 SL   4.00 RR   27855.78  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.00     0.03 Fits    0.2   0.0   0.0   2.4
  52  2  PRN 21  1990  2045    1     0.25 +-    0.07 SL   4.00 RR       5.88  F F --R-- dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.45     0.00 Fits    7.6   7.5   0.0   0.2
  62  2  PRN 18  1994  2045    3    -0.01 +-    0.07 SL   4.00 RR  942155.90  T T ----- dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.02    -0.04 Fits    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.2
  59  2  PRN 26  1869  1960    1    -0.02 +-    0.08 SL   4.00 RR   47388.94  F F ----O dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.04     0.12 Fits    0.2   0.0   0.0   0.9
  55  2  PRN 29  1869  1919    1     0.44 +-    0.08 SL   4.00 RR      50.43  F F ----O dL1,2     1    1 dL12     -0.22     0.26 Fits    2.8   1.5   0.1  11.5
  56  2  PRN 29  1921  1960    1     0.30 +-    0.08 SL   4.00 RR       1.22  F F --R-O dL1,2     1    1 dL12     -0.46    -0.13 Fits    8.4   6.7   0.0  17.1
  21  2  PRN 02  1866  1960    1     0.45 +-    0.09 SL   4.00 RR      77.09  F F ----O dL1,2     1    1 dL12     -0.19    -0.36 Fits    2.2   1.1   0.2   9.2
  58  2  PRN 26  1823  1851    1     3.96 +-    0.10 SL   4.00 RR       1.46  F F --R-- dL1,2     4    3 dL12     -0.48    -0.44 Fits    6.6   6.2   0.1   2.6
. #   Site  PRN   Start   Stop  Fixd      L1 cycles      L2 cycles      DD Bias Refs           Mean MW-WL     +-     Mean Ion     +-    FLOAT02 
   1  1  PRN 02       1    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT02 
   2  1  PRN 04       1    1023    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT02 
   3  1  PRN 05       1    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT02 
   4  1  PRN 07       1      84    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT02 
   5  1  PRN 09       1     776    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT02 
   6  1  PRN 10       1    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT02 
   7  1  PRN 17       1    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT02 
   8  1  PRN 24       1    1053    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT02 
   9  1  PRN 30       1    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT02 
  10  1  PRN 06     151    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT02 
  11  1  PRN 21    1036    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT02 
  12  1  PRN 29    1603    1919    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT02 
  13  1  PRN 29    1921    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT02 
  14  1  PRN 26    1823    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT02 
  15  1  PRN 18    1876    1965    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT02 
  16  1  PRN 18    1983    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT02 
  17  2  PRN 02      21    1410    3       750986.0       592623.0    24     3     1 WL Res +-    -0.057     0.087    -0.020     0.011  FLOAT02 
  18  2  PRN 02    1418    1440    3       750986.0     10919156.0    38     9     1 WL Res +-     0.096     0.294    -0.042     0.012  FLOAT02 
  19  2  PRN 02    1448    1772    3       750986.0     11276435.0    24     3     1 WL Res +-    -0.039     0.292    -0.028     0.014  FLOAT02 
  20  2  PRN 02    1796    1851    3            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT02 
  21  2  PRN 02    1866    1960    1      6813362.0      5262549.0    31     6     1 WL Res +-    -0.364     0.889    -0.278     0.071  FLOAT02 
  22  2  PRN 02    1991    2045    3     15711094.0     12237400.0    41     9     1 WL Res +-     0.028     0.599     0.040     0.026  FLOAT02 
  23  2  PRN 04      21    1022    3      2251045.0      1766524.0    17     2     1 WL Res +-     0.314     0.194     0.005     0.010  FLOAT02 
  24  2  PRN 05      21    1772    3            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT02 
  25  2  PRN 05    1797    1851    3     -6975624.0     -5382180.0    30     6     3 WL Res +-     0.588     0.438     0.043     0.025  FLOAT02 
  26  2  PRN 05    1865    1960    3            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT02 
  27  2  PRN 05    1990    2045    3      9258289.0      7260875.0    32     6     3 WL Res +-     0.188     0.460     0.003     0.013  FLOAT02 
  28  2  PRN 09      21     775    3      2653845.0      1993400.0    17     5     1 WL Res +-     0.388     0.287     0.025     0.016  FLOAT02 
  29  2  PRN 10      21    1772    3     -1029159.0      -811082.0    17     6     1 WL Res +-     0.272     0.121     0.017     0.010  FLOAT02 
  30  2  PRN 10    1796    1851    3    -29580138.0    -22991637.0    20     6     1 WL Res +-    -0.294     0.534    -0.005     0.021  FLOAT02 
  31  2  PRN 10    1865    1960    1    -23145791.0    -18031833.0    26     6     3 WL Res +-    -0.073     0.568    -0.048     0.021  FLOAT02 
  32  2  PRN 10    1990    2045    3    -14781658.0    -11453516.0    36     7     6 WL Res +-    -0.051     0.317     0.012     0.011  FLOAT02 
  33  2  PRN 17      29    1772    3      -280849.0      -173858.0    24     7     3 WL Res +-     0.142     0.082    -0.021     0.004  FLOAT02 
  34  2  PRN 17    1797    1851    3    -14625843.0    -11382538.0    20     7     1 WL Res +-     0.091     0.565    -0.032     0.021  FLOAT02 
  35  2  PRN 17    1865    1960    1     -8205821.0     -6439131.0    31     7     6 WL Res +-     0.090     0.475     0.001     0.009  FLOAT02 
  36  2  PRN 17    1989    2045    3            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT02 
  37  2  PRN 24      21    1052    3      2197042.0      1721095.0    17     8     1 WL Res +-     0.426     0.200     0.000     0.009  FLOAT02 
  38  2  PRN 30      34    1772    3     -1315929.0      -942404.0    24     9     3 WL Res +-    -0.092     0.082    -0.015     0.005  FLOAT02 
  39  2  PRN 30    1797    1851    3    -25218948.0    -19585291.0    20     9     1 WL Res +-    -0.041     0.529     0.025     0.022  FLOAT02 
  40  2  PRN 30    1865    1960    3    -18689939.0    -14552664.0    26     9     3 WL Res +-    -0.134     0.579    -0.023     0.020  FLOAT02 
  41  2  PRN 30    1990    2045    3    -10151186.0     -7841994.0    32     9     6 WL Res +-    -0.033     0.356    -0.022     0.015  FLOAT02 
  42  2  PRN 06     154     350    3      -233356.0       -48152.0    17    10     1 WL Res +-     0.386     1.179    -0.036     0.062  FLOAT02 
  43  2  PRN 06     359     569    3      -233356.0     -1817196.0    17    10     1 WL Res +-     0.292     0.791    -0.048     0.040  FLOAT02 
  44  2  PRN 06     577    1772    3      -233356.0     -3661745.0    17    10     1 WL Res +-     0.255     0.166     0.020     0.011  FLOAT02 
  45  2  PRN 06    1797    1851    3    -36041997.0    -28069670.0    20    10     1 WL Res +-    -0.290     0.517     0.020     0.022  FLOAT02 
  46  2  PRN 06    1865    1960    3    -30805776.0    -24045541.0    26    10     3 WL Res +-    -0.160     0.576    -0.027     0.018  FLOAT02 
  47  2  PRN 06    1989    2045    3    -24713453.0    -19245741.0    32    10     6 WL Res +-    -0.157     0.285     0.020     0.015  FLOAT02 
  48  2  PRN 21    1036    1347    3      3963555.0      3217139.0    17    11     1 WL Res +-     0.172     0.595     0.075     0.029  FLOAT02 
  49  2  PRN 21    1359    1772    3     -1662523.0     -1232661.0    24    11     3 WL Res +-    -0.085     0.298     0.009     0.017  FLOAT02 
  50  2  PRN 21    1796    1851    3    -25785742.0    -20074127.0    30    11     6 WL Res +-     0.177     0.426     0.037     0.022  FLOAT02 
  51  2  PRN 21    1865    1960    3    -20665090.0    -16145353.0    26    11     3 WL Res +-     0.013     0.598    -0.049     0.032  FLOAT02 
  52  2  PRN 21    1990    2045    1    -14792700.0    -11518806.0    32    11     6 WL Res +-    -0.002     0.386    -0.013     0.028  FLOAT02 
  53  2  PRN 29    1603    1772    3      3826181.0      3000722.0    24    12     3 WL Res +-     0.034     1.187    -0.005     0.040  FLOAT02 
  54  2  PRN 29    1801    1851    3    -19997695.0    -15613683.0    30    12     6 WL Res +-     0.247     0.841     0.053     0.041  FLOAT02 
  55  2  PRN 29    1869    1919    1    -14995198.0    -11773093.0    31    12     6 WL Res +-     0.256     0.778    -0.261     0.058  FLOAT02 
  56  2  PRN 29    1921    1960    1     -9485900.0    -11773093.0    31    13     6 WL Res +-    -0.131     0.934    -0.258     0.047  FLOAT02 
  57  2  PRN 29    1992    2045    3     -3207965.0     -7311837.0    47    13    10 WL Res +-     0.501     0.986     0.008     0.023  FLOAT02 
  58  2  PRN 26    1823    1851    1    -17684201.0    -13845065.0    25    14     3 WL Res +-    -0.439     1.213    -0.049     0.051  FLOAT02 
  59  2  PRN 26    1869    1960    1    -12897602.0    -10137270.0    31    14     6 WL Res +-     0.124     0.834     0.055     0.059  FLOAT02 
  60  2  PRN 26    1994    2045    3     -7696574.0     -6038814.0    47    14    10 WL Res +-     0.107     0.664    -0.008     0.040  FLOAT02 
  61  2  PRN 18    1876    1960    1    -11660057.0     -9167436.0    31    15     6 WL Res +-     0.091     1.173     0.074     0.062  FLOAT02 
  62  2  PRN 18    1994    2045    3     -2784226.0     -2201982.0    22    16     1 WL Res +-    -0.042     1.095    -0.025     0.056  FLOAT02 
Kinematic site rovr appears dyanamic  Coordinate RMS XYZ   2137.18   336.89  1360.12 m. 
Initial coordinates of rovr are XYZ    -2197282.526   -4811613.945    3552313.503 m at Epoch       21

Starting FLOAT iteration at   3
There are  1 kinematic sites in this analysis;    3 parameters per epoch to be estimated
BF_FLOAT   21   2045  2 PRN 02    1866   1960   1 NP   7 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.021      0.010
BF_FLOAT   31   2045  2 PRN 10    1865   1960   1 NP   5 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.044      0.005
BF_FLOAT   35   2045  2 PRN 17    1865   1960   1 NP   6 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.043      0.006
BF_FLOAT   52   2045  2 PRN 21    1990   2045   1 NP  12 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.050      0.006
BF_FLOAT   55   2045  2 PRN 29    1869   1919   1 NP   8 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.023      0.009
BF_FLOAT   56   2045  2 PRN 29    1921   1960   1 NP  11 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.049      0.009
BF_FLOAT   58   2045  2 PRN 26    1823   1851   1 NP   4 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.051      0.011
BF_FLOAT   59   2045  2 PRN 26    1869   1960   1 NP   9 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.004      0.008
BF_FLOAT   61   2045  2 PRN 18    1876   1960   1 NP  10 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.030      0.006
For   8130 Double differences: Average RMS      12.07 mm
* BF  S   PRN    Epoch Range   F     Estimate dLC    Sig Limit Relative Rank  Fix Fcode Change L1    L2  Residual  L1      L2   Fits Best   LC    WL    LG
  31  2  PRN 10  1865  1960    1     0.23 +-    0.05 SL   4.00 RR      14.61  F F --R-- dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.41    -0.07 Fits    8.7   8.2   0.0   5.1
  52  2  PRN 21  1990  2045    1     0.26 +-    0.05 SL   4.00 RR       4.15  F F --R-- dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.46     0.00 Fits   10.1  10.0   0.0   0.2
  35  2  PRN 17  1865  1960    1     0.23 +-    0.05 SL   4.00 RR     105.31  F F ----O dL1,2     0    0 dL12      0.40     0.09 Fits    7.6   7.5   0.0   0.0
  61  2  PRN 18  1876  1960    1    -0.16 +-    0.06 SL   4.00 RR      47.18  F F ----O dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.28     0.09 Fits    3.6   3.4   0.0   1.4
  59  2  PRN 26  1869  1960    1    -0.02 +-    0.08 SL   4.00 RR   47543.53  F F ----O dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.04     0.12 Fits    0.2   0.0   0.0   0.9
  55  2  PRN 29  1869  1919    1    -0.12 +-    0.08 SL   4.00 RR      29.82  F F ----O dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.22     0.26 Fits    3.6   1.5   0.1  19.9
  56  2  PRN 29  1921  1960    1    -0.26 +-    0.08 SL   4.00 RR       1.08  F F --R-O dL1,2    -1   -1 dL12      0.54    -0.13 Fits    9.3   9.3   0.0   0.6
  21  2  PRN 02  1866  1960    1    -0.11 +-    0.09 SL   4.00 RR      47.63  F F ----O dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.19    -0.36 Fits    2.8   1.1   0.2  15.3
  58  2  PRN 26  1823  1851    1    -0.27 +-    0.10 SL   4.00 RR       1.79  F F --R-- dL1,2     0    0 dL12     -0.48    -0.44 Fits    6.4   6.1   0.1   0.9
. #   Site  PRN   Start   Stop  Fixd      L1 cycles      L2 cycles      DD Bias Refs           Mean MW-WL     +-     Mean Ion     +-    FLOAT03 
   1  1  PRN 02       1    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT03 
   2  1  PRN 04       1    1023    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT03 
   3  1  PRN 05       1    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT03 
   4  1  PRN 07       1      84    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT03 
   5  1  PRN 09       1     776    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT03 
   6  1  PRN 10       1    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT03 
   7  1  PRN 17       1    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT03 
   8  1  PRN 24       1    1053    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT03 
   9  1  PRN 30       1    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT03 
  10  1  PRN 06     151    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT03 
  11  1  PRN 21    1036    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT03 
  12  1  PRN 29    1603    1919    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT03 
  13  1  PRN 29    1921    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT03 
  14  1  PRN 26    1823    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT03 
  15  1  PRN 18    1876    1965    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT03 
  16  1  PRN 18    1983    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT03 
  17  2  PRN 02      21    1410    3       750986.0       592623.0    24     3     1 WL Res +-    -0.057     0.087    -0.020     0.011  FLOAT03 
  18  2  PRN 02    1418    1440    3       750986.0     10919156.0    38     9     1 WL Res +-     0.096     0.294    -0.042     0.012  FLOAT03 
  19  2  PRN 02    1448    1772    3       750986.0     11276435.0    24     3     1 WL Res +-    -0.039     0.292    -0.028     0.014  FLOAT03 
  20  2  PRN 02    1796    1851    3            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT03 
  21  2  PRN 02    1866    1960    1      6813362.0      5262549.0    31     6     1 WL Res +-    -0.364     0.889    -0.278     0.071  FLOAT03 
  22  2  PRN 02    1991    2045    3     15711094.0     12237400.0    41     9     1 WL Res +-     0.028     0.599     0.040     0.026  FLOAT03 
  23  2  PRN 04      21    1022    3      2251045.0      1766524.0    17     2     1 WL Res +-     0.314     0.194     0.005     0.010  FLOAT03 
  24  2  PRN 05      21    1772    3            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT03 
  25  2  PRN 05    1797    1851    3     -6975624.0     -5382180.0    30     6     3 WL Res +-     0.588     0.438     0.043     0.025  FLOAT03 
  26  2  PRN 05    1865    1960    3            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT03 
  27  2  PRN 05    1990    2045    3      9258289.0      7260875.0    32     6     3 WL Res +-     0.188     0.460     0.003     0.013  FLOAT03 
  28  2  PRN 09      21     775    3      2653845.0      1993400.0    17     5     1 WL Res +-     0.388     0.287     0.025     0.016  FLOAT03 
  29  2  PRN 10      21    1772    3     -1029159.0      -811082.0    17     6     1 WL Res +-     0.272     0.121     0.017     0.010  FLOAT03 
  30  2  PRN 10    1796    1851    3    -29580138.0    -22991637.0    20     6     1 WL Res +-    -0.294     0.534    -0.005     0.021  FLOAT03 
  31  2  PRN 10    1865    1960    1    -23145791.0    -18031833.0    26     6     3 WL Res +-    -0.073     0.568    -0.048     0.021  FLOAT03 
  32  2  PRN 10    1990    2045    3    -14781658.0    -11453516.0    36     7     6 WL Res +-    -0.051     0.317     0.012     0.011  FLOAT03 
  33  2  PRN 17      29    1772    3      -280849.0      -173858.0    24     7     3 WL Res +-     0.142     0.082    -0.021     0.004  FLOAT03 
  34  2  PRN 17    1797    1851    3    -14625843.0    -11382538.0    20     7     1 WL Res +-     0.091     0.565    -0.032     0.021  FLOAT03 
  35  2  PRN 17    1865    1960    1     -8205821.0     -6439131.0    31     7     6 WL Res +-     0.090     0.475     0.001     0.009  FLOAT03 
  36  2  PRN 17    1989    2045    3            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FLOAT03 
  37  2  PRN 24      21    1052    3      2197042.0      1721095.0    17     8     1 WL Res +-     0.426     0.200     0.000     0.009  FLOAT03 
  38  2  PRN 30      34    1772    3     -1315929.0      -942404.0    24     9     3 WL Res +-    -0.092     0.082    -0.015     0.005  FLOAT03 
  39  2  PRN 30    1797    1851    3    -25218948.0    -19585291.0    20     9     1 WL Res +-    -0.041     0.529     0.025     0.022  FLOAT03 
  40  2  PRN 30    1865    1960    3    -18689939.0    -14552664.0    26     9     3 WL Res +-    -0.134     0.579    -0.023     0.020  FLOAT03 
  41  2  PRN 30    1990    2045    3    -10151186.0     -7841994.0    32     9     6 WL Res +-    -0.033     0.356    -0.022     0.015  FLOAT03 
  42  2  PRN 06     154     350    3      -233356.0       -48152.0    17    10     1 WL Res +-     0.386     1.179    -0.036     0.062  FLOAT03 
  43  2  PRN 06     359     569    3      -233356.0     -1817196.0    17    10     1 WL Res +-     0.292     0.791    -0.048     0.040  FLOAT03 
  44  2  PRN 06     577    1772    3      -233356.0     -3661745.0    17    10     1 WL Res +-     0.255     0.166     0.020     0.011  FLOAT03 
  45  2  PRN 06    1797    1851    3    -36041997.0    -28069670.0    20    10     1 WL Res +-    -0.290     0.517     0.020     0.022  FLOAT03 
  46  2  PRN 06    1865    1960    3    -30805776.0    -24045541.0    26    10     3 WL Res +-    -0.160     0.576    -0.027     0.018  FLOAT03 
  47  2  PRN 06    1989    2045    3    -24713453.0    -19245741.0    32    10     6 WL Res +-    -0.157     0.285     0.020     0.015  FLOAT03 
  48  2  PRN 21    1036    1347    3      3963555.0      3217139.0    17    11     1 WL Res +-     0.172     0.595     0.075     0.029  FLOAT03 
  49  2  PRN 21    1359    1772    3     -1662523.0     -1232661.0    24    11     3 WL Res +-    -0.085     0.298     0.009     0.017  FLOAT03 
  50  2  PRN 21    1796    1851    3    -25785742.0    -20074127.0    30    11     6 WL Res +-     0.177     0.426     0.037     0.022  FLOAT03 
  51  2  PRN 21    1865    1960    3    -20665090.0    -16145353.0    26    11     3 WL Res +-     0.013     0.598    -0.049     0.032  FLOAT03 
  52  2  PRN 21    1990    2045    1    -14792700.0    -11518806.0    32    11     6 WL Res +-    -0.002     0.386    -0.013     0.028  FLOAT03 
  53  2  PRN 29    1603    1772    3      3826181.0      3000722.0    24    12     3 WL Res +-     0.034     1.187    -0.005     0.040  FLOAT03 
  54  2  PRN 29    1801    1851    3    -19997695.0    -15613683.0    30    12     6 WL Res +-     0.247     0.841     0.053     0.041  FLOAT03 
  55  2  PRN 29    1869    1919    1    -14995198.0    -11773093.0    31    12     6 WL Res +-     0.256     0.778    -0.261     0.058  FLOAT03 
  56  2  PRN 29    1921    1960    1     -9485899.0    -11773092.0    31    13     6 WL Res +-    -0.131     0.934     0.025     0.047  FLOAT03 
  57  2  PRN 29    1992    2045    3     -3207965.0     -7311837.0    47    13    10 WL Res +-     0.501     0.986     0.008     0.023  FLOAT03 
  58  2  PRN 26    1823    1851    1    -17684201.0    -13845065.0    25    14     3 WL Res +-    -0.439     1.213    -0.049     0.051  FLOAT03 
  59  2  PRN 26    1869    1960    1    -12897602.0    -10137270.0    31    14     6 WL Res +-     0.124     0.834     0.055     0.059  FLOAT03 
  60  2  PRN 26    1994    2045    3     -7696574.0     -6038814.0    47    14    10 WL Res +-     0.107     0.664    -0.008     0.040  FLOAT03 
  61  2  PRN 18    1876    1960    1    -11660057.0     -9167436.0    31    15     6 WL Res +-     0.091     1.173     0.074     0.062  FLOAT03 
  62  2  PRN 18    1994    2045    3     -2784226.0     -2201982.0    22    16     1 WL Res +-    -0.042     1.095    -0.025     0.056  FLOAT03 
Kinematic site rovr appears dyanamic  Coordinate RMS XYZ   2137.18   336.89  1360.12 m. 
Initial coordinates of rovr are XYZ    -2197282.526   -4811613.945    3552313.503 m at Epoch       21
. #   Site  PRN   Start   Stop  Fixd      L1 cycles      L2 cycles      DD Bias Refs           Mean MW-WL     +-     Mean Ion     +-    FINAL
   1  1  PRN 02       1    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FINAL
   2  1  PRN 04       1    1023    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FINAL
   3  1  PRN 05       1    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FINAL
   4  1  PRN 07       1      84    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FINAL
   5  1  PRN 09       1     776    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FINAL
   6  1  PRN 10       1    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FINAL
   7  1  PRN 17       1    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FINAL
   8  1  PRN 24       1    1053    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FINAL
   9  1  PRN 30       1    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FINAL
  10  1  PRN 06     151    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FINAL
  11  1  PRN 21    1036    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FINAL
  12  1  PRN 29    1603    1919    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FINAL
  13  1  PRN 29    1921    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FINAL
  14  1  PRN 26    1823    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FINAL
  15  1  PRN 18    1876    1965    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FINAL
  16  1  PRN 18    1983    2045    3            0.0            0.0     0     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FINAL
  17  2  PRN 02      21    1410    3       750986.0       592623.0    24     3     1 WL Res +-    -0.057     0.087    -0.020     0.011  FINAL
  18  2  PRN 02    1418    1440    3       750986.0     10919156.0    38     9     1 WL Res +-     0.096     0.294    -0.042     0.012  FINAL
  19  2  PRN 02    1448    1772    3       750986.0     11276435.0    24     3     1 WL Res +-    -0.039     0.292    -0.028     0.014  FINAL
  20  2  PRN 02    1796    1851    3            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FINAL
  21  2  PRN 02    1866    1960    1      6813362.0      5262549.0    31     6     1 WL Res +-    -0.364     0.889    -0.278     0.071  FINAL
  22  2  PRN 02    1991    2045    3     15711094.0     12237400.0    41     9     1 WL Res +-     0.028     0.599     0.040     0.026  FINAL
  23  2  PRN 04      21    1022    3      2251045.0      1766524.0    17     2     1 WL Res +-     0.314     0.194     0.005     0.010  FINAL
  24  2  PRN 05      21    1772    3            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FINAL
  25  2  PRN 05    1797    1851    3     -6975624.0     -5382180.0    30     6     3 WL Res +-     0.588     0.438     0.043     0.025  FINAL
  26  2  PRN 05    1865    1960    3            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FINAL
  27  2  PRN 05    1990    2045    3      9258289.0      7260875.0    32     6     3 WL Res +-     0.188     0.460     0.003     0.013  FINAL
  28  2  PRN 09      21     775    3      2653845.0      1993400.0    17     5     1 WL Res +-     0.388     0.287     0.025     0.016  FINAL
  29  2  PRN 10      21    1772    3     -1029159.0      -811082.0    17     6     1 WL Res +-     0.272     0.121     0.017     0.010  FINAL
  30  2  PRN 10    1796    1851    3    -29580138.0    -22991637.0    20     6     1 WL Res +-    -0.294     0.534    -0.005     0.021  FINAL
  31  2  PRN 10    1865    1960    1    -23145791.0    -18031833.0    26     6     3 WL Res +-    -0.073     0.568    -0.048     0.021  FINAL
  32  2  PRN 10    1990    2045    3    -14781658.0    -11453516.0    36     7     6 WL Res +-    -0.051     0.317     0.012     0.011  FINAL
  33  2  PRN 17      29    1772    3      -280849.0      -173858.0    24     7     3 WL Res +-     0.142     0.082    -0.021     0.004  FINAL
  34  2  PRN 17    1797    1851    3    -14625843.0    -11382538.0    20     7     1 WL Res +-     0.091     0.565    -0.032     0.021  FINAL
  35  2  PRN 17    1865    1960    1     -8205821.0     -6439131.0    31     7     6 WL Res +-     0.090     0.475     0.001     0.009  FINAL
  36  2  PRN 17    1989    2045    3            0.0            0.0    -1     0     0 WL Res +-     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000  FINAL
  37  2  PRN 24      21    1052    3      2197042.0      1721095.0    17     8     1 WL Res +-     0.426     0.200     0.000     0.009  FINAL
  38  2  PRN 30      34    1772    3     -1315929.0      -942404.0    24     9     3 WL Res +-    -0.092     0.082    -0.015     0.005  FINAL
  39  2  PRN 30    1797    1851    3    -25218948.0    -19585291.0    20     9     1 WL Res +-    -0.041     0.529     0.025     0.022  FINAL
  40  2  PRN 30    1865    1960    3    -18689939.0    -14552664.0    26     9     3 WL Res +-    -0.134     0.579    -0.023     0.020  FINAL
  41  2  PRN 30    1990    2045    3    -10151186.0     -7841994.0    32     9     6 WL Res +-    -0.033     0.356    -0.022     0.015  FINAL
  42  2  PRN 06     154     350    3      -233356.0       -48152.0    17    10     1 WL Res +-     0.386     1.179    -0.036     0.062  FINAL
  43  2  PRN 06     359     569    3      -233356.0     -1817196.0    17    10     1 WL Res +-     0.292     0.791    -0.048     0.040  FINAL
  44  2  PRN 06     577    1772    3      -233356.0     -3661745.0    17    10     1 WL Res +-     0.255     0.166     0.020     0.011  FINAL
  45  2  PRN 06    1797    1851    3    -36041997.0    -28069670.0    20    10     1 WL Res +-    -0.290     0.517     0.020     0.022  FINAL
  46  2  PRN 06    1865    1960    3    -30805776.0    -24045541.0    26    10     3 WL Res +-    -0.160     0.576    -0.027     0.018  FINAL
  47  2  PRN 06    1989    2045    3    -24713453.0    -19245741.0    32    10     6 WL Res +-    -0.157     0.285     0.020     0.015  FINAL
  48  2  PRN 21    1036    1347    3      3963555.0      3217139.0    17    11     1 WL Res +-     0.172     0.595     0.075     0.029  FINAL
  49  2  PRN 21    1359    1772    3     -1662523.0     -1232661.0    24    11     3 WL Res +-    -0.085     0.298     0.009     0.017  FINAL
  50  2  PRN 21    1796    1851    3    -25785742.0    -20074127.0    30    11     6 WL Res +-     0.177     0.426     0.037     0.022  FINAL
  51  2  PRN 21    1865    1960    3    -20665090.0    -16145353.0    26    11     3 WL Res +-     0.013     0.598    -0.049     0.032  FINAL
  52  2  PRN 21    1990    2045    1    -14792700.0    -11518806.0    32    11     6 WL Res +-    -0.002     0.386    -0.013     0.028  FINAL
  53  2  PRN 29    1603    1772    3      3826181.0      3000722.0    24    12     3 WL Res +-     0.034     1.187    -0.005     0.040  FINAL
  54  2  PRN 29    1801    1851    3    -19997695.0    -15613683.0    30    12     6 WL Res +-     0.247     0.841     0.053     0.041  FINAL
  55  2  PRN 29    1869    1919    1    -14995198.0    -11773093.0    31    12     6 WL Res +-     0.256     0.778    -0.261     0.058  FINAL
  56  2  PRN 29    1921    1960    1     -9485899.0    -11773092.0    31    13     6 WL Res +-    -0.131     0.934     0.025     0.047  FINAL
  57  2  PRN 29    1992    2045    3     -3207965.0     -7311837.0    47    13    10 WL Res +-     0.501     0.986     0.008     0.023  FINAL
  58  2  PRN 26    1823    1851    1    -17684201.0    -13845065.0    25    14     3 WL Res +-    -0.439     1.213    -0.049     0.051  FINAL
  59  2  PRN 26    1869    1960    1    -12897602.0    -10137270.0    31    14     6 WL Res +-     0.124     0.834     0.055     0.059  FINAL
  60  2  PRN 26    1994    2045    3     -7696574.0     -6038814.0    47    14    10 WL Res +-     0.107     0.664    -0.008     0.040  FINAL
  61  2  PRN 18    1876    1960    1    -11660057.0     -9167436.0    31    15     6 WL Res +-     0.091     1.173     0.074     0.062  FINAL
  62  2  PRN 18    1994    2045    3     -2784226.0     -2201982.0    22    16     1 WL Res +-    -0.042     1.095    -0.025     0.056  FINAL
There are  1 kinematic sites in this analysis;    3 parameters per epoch to be estimated
 Creating MFC0080U.GEOD.rovr.LC
 Creating MFC0080U.NEU.rovr.LC
BF_FLOAT   52   1989  2 PRN 21    1990   2045   1 NP   4 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.050      0.006
BF_FLOAT   56   1920  2 PRN 29    1921   1960   1 NP   7 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.057      0.012
BF_FLOAT   61   1875  2 PRN 18    1876   1960   1 NP   9 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.030      0.006
BF_FLOAT   55   1868  2 PRN 29    1869   1919   1 NP   7 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.024      0.009
BF_FLOAT   59   1868  2 PRN 26    1869   1960   1 NP   8 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.005      0.009
BF_FLOAT   21   1865  2 PRN 02    1866   1960   1 NP   4 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.021      0.010
BF_FLOAT   31   1864  2 PRN 10    1865   1960   1 NP   5 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.044      0.005
BF_FLOAT   35   1864  2 PRN 17    1865   1960   1 NP   6 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.043      0.006
BF_FLOAT   58   1822  2 PRN 26    1823   1851   1 NP   4 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.051      0.011
There are  1 kinematic sites in this analysis;    3 parameters per epoch to be estimated
BF_FLOAT   58   1852  2 PRN 26    1823   1851   1 NP   4 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.051      0.011
BF_FLOAT   55   1920  2 PRN 29    1869   1919   1 NP   7 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.024      0.011
BF_FLOAT   21   1961  2 PRN 02    1866   1960   1 NP   6 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.021      0.010
BF_FLOAT   31   1961  2 PRN 10    1865   1960   1 NP   4 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.044      0.005
BF_FLOAT   35   1961  2 PRN 17    1865   1960   1 NP   5 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.043      0.006
BF_FLOAT   56   1961  2 PRN 29    1921   1960   1 NP   7 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.058      0.009
BF_FLOAT   59   1961  2 PRN 26    1869   1960   1 NP   8 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.004      0.008
BF_FLOAT   61   1961  2 PRN 18    1876   1960   1 NP   9 Estimated Adjust. (m)     -0.030      0.006
SITE     rovr Average XYZ from       20 epochs -2199331.0330-4813395.1018 3548710.5264 m
BF_FLOAT   52   2045  2 PRN 21    1990   2045   1 NP   4 Estimated Adjust. (m)      0.050      0.006
     rovr  -2197282.518 -4811613.989  3552313.522  STATIC Position from    505 epochs
TRACK Residual statistics for Analysis LC              
STATISTICS BY PRN for site rovr DataTypes LC              
TYPE     Site  DT    ALL    02    04    05    06    09    10    17    18    21    24    26    29    30
PMEAN     rovr LC    0.0   0.0   0.2  -0.8   1.9  -5.6  -0.3   1.2  11.7  -6.1   1.4   0.4   0.5   1.3
RRMS      rovr LC    7.5   6.6   6.6   6.2   8.8   9.0   4.6   4.0  18.7   6.5   6.2  13.4  16.2   4.5
PNUM      rovr LC  16552  2008  1002  2023  1876   755  2024  2016   165   998  1032   213   430  2010
STATISTICS BY Elevation for site rovr DataTypes LC              
TYPE     Site  DT      00-05 05-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60 60-65 65-70 70-75 75-80 80-85 85-90
EMEAN     rovr LC        0.0   0.0   1.9  -3.1  -0.9  -1.0  -0.7   1.6   3.8   1.7   1.0  -1.6  -1.0  -3.3  -3.1   0.9   6.2  10.5
ERMS      rovr LC        0.0   0.0  14.9  11.9   8.0   5.6   6.0   5.2   4.6   4.4   4.2   4.2   3.6   4.7   3.1   3.6   2.1   3.3
ENUM      rovr LC          0     0  1443  1262  1148  1329  1232  1055   992  1105  1218  1450  1572   692   776   743   492    43