3.1.2. sh_glred

To use sh_glred to obtain a time series of position estimates, you need to edit one and possibly more control files in the gsoln/ directory established by sh_setup. In the simplest case, in which you want to use all of the sites in your GAMIT solutions and are not combining these solutions with h-files from an external source, you need only edit glorg.cmd to specify which sites will be used to define your reference frame. If you want to omit some sites or indicate where steps should be applied in the time series to account for earthquakes or changes in instrumentation, you may need to edit also globk.cmd and an earthquake/rename file. These are described in Section 3.3.6. Then run, e.g.,

$ sh_glred -expt emed -s 2018 34 2018 36 -opt H G T >&! sh_glred.log

The H option tells sh_glred to translate GAMIT h-files in the day directory to GLOBK binary h-files and put them into glbf/; G indicates that glred is to be run (you can use sh_glred just to do the h-file translation if you wish); and T indicates that time series plots are to be generated using sh_plot_pos (invoking first tssum, the program that extracts coordinates from the glred output .org file to produce .pos files). Prior to Release 10.6, the coordinates could be extracted only with programs ensum and multibase to produce mb files and plotted with sh_plotcrd. This option is still available in 10.7 with key letter E but will be deprecated in future releases. Finally, it is possible to combine the h-files you have created in the day directories with global or regional h-files generated by an external processing center (e.g. MIT or SOPAC), using the hfnd token in the project tables/process.defaults (see Section 3.3.1).

sh_glred uses the -netext option with one or more GNSS (or other netext) codes to select which day directories to access for GAMIT h-files, appending a (lowercase) letter to the GLOBK binary h-file to distinguish among files in the globk .gdl list.