3.3.4. sittbl.

The sittbl. contains options that can be set on a station-by-station basis. The width of the table is variable, with the entries determined by the column headers present. A complete version is available as ~/gg/tables/sittbl.long, but the short version shown below contains the only entries you are likely to change—the a priori station constraints to be applied in GAMIT to enhance ambiguity resolution and to obtain a solution that you can inspect visually (this assumes that your final solution will come from GLOBK).:

SITE               --COORD.CONSTR.--
      << default for regional stations >>
ALL                100.  100.   100.
      << Stations to constrain >>
BLYT Blythe_       0.010 0.010  0.02
JPLM JPL Mesa      0.010 0.010  0.02
MATH Lake Matthews 0.010 0.010  0.02

The 4-character site name must appear in the first four columns, the 12-character name is of arbitrary length beneath a blank header, and the coordinate constraints are free-format but must fall within the columns denoted by the header --COORD.CONSTR.--. The constraints are north, east, and up in meters.