sphinx.addnodesdocument)}( rawsourcechildren](docutils.nodessubstitution_definition)}(h.. |rel| replace:: 10.71h]h Text10.71}parenth sba attributes}(ids]classes]names]reladupnames]backrefs]utagnameh source lineKhh _documenthubh )}(h.. |date| replace:: |today| h]h2024 136}(hh)h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]dateah ]h"]uh$h h%h&h'Khhh(hubh paragraph)}(h"Release Notes for GAMIT/GLOBK 10.6h]h"Release Notes for GAMIT/GLOBK 10.6}(hh:h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%@/chandler/home/floyd/public_html/gg/docs/source/relnote/10.6.rsth'Khhh(hubh9)}(hLast updated 12 June 2015h]hLast updated 12 June 2015}(hhIh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh transition)}(hF----------------------------------------------------------------------h]h}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$hWh%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hX1Release 10.6 consolidates incremental updates made since release 10.50 of July 2013. As noted in the release announcement, this release has extensive structural and format changes to accommodate GNSS SVs other than GPS. Of the files in the usual processing flow, four have changed formats: svnav.dat, dcb.dat, g-files, and c-files. The new version will read old-format g-files and dcb.dat files, but NOT svnav.dat or c-files. We will continue to update old-format svnav.dat and dcb.dat files and put them into incremental updates for another 6 to 12 months with extent 'gps' for user who do not wish to move to 10.6 immediately. There was a flaw in our old-format creation of dcb.dat from the AIUB P1C1.DCB files in the time-tagging and in not correctly accounting for different SVs with the same PRN numbers during the month. This error will degrade wide-lane ambiguity resolution in some cases. Finally, with the new code, you'll find differences in the print files for arc and model, but unless you read these with your own scripts, these changes will be seamless.h]hX7Release 10.6 consolidates incremental updates made since release 10.50 of July 2013. As noted in the release announcement, this release has extensive structural and format changes to accommodate GNSS SVs other than GPS. Of the files in the usual processing flow, four have changed formats: svnav.dat, dcb.dat, g-files, and c-files. The new version will read old-format g-files and dcb.dat files, but NOT svnav.dat or c-files. We will continue to update old-format svnav.dat and dcb.dat files and put them into incremental updates for another 6 to 12 months with extent ‘gps’ for user who do not wish to move to 10.6 immediately. There was a flaw in our old-format creation of dcb.dat from the AIUB P1C1.DCB files in the time-tagging and in not correctly accounting for different SVs with the same PRN numbers during the month. This error will degrade wide-lane ambiguity resolution in some cases. Finally, with the new code, you’ll find differences in the print files for arc and model, but unless you read these with your own scripts, these changes will be seamless.}(hhch(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hXWhenever you process data beyond the date of the software release, you MUST update supporting files. For GAMIT: svnav.dat and antmod.dat for changes in PN assignments; dcb.dat for P1/C1/P2 code biases that affect wide-lane ambiguity resolution; station.info for antenna changes at reference sites; and ut1/pole files for current EOP information. Of these files, only the EOP files are automatically updated by sh_gamit. For GLOBK, you should keep current itrf08_comb.apr and itrf08_comb.eq to account for improved coordinates and antenna changes and earthquakes at reference sites. Both the GAMIT and GLOBK files are always current in incremental_updates/tables and included in any incremental_update tar-file.h]hXWhenever you process data beyond the date of the software release, you MUST update supporting files. For GAMIT: svnav.dat and antmod.dat for changes in PN assignments; dcb.dat for P1/C1/P2 code biases that affect wide-lane ambiguity resolution; station.info for antenna changes at reference sites; and ut1/pole files for current EOP information. Of these files, only the EOP files are automatically updated by sh_gamit. For GLOBK, you should keep current itrf08_comb.apr and itrf08_comb.eq to account for improved coordinates and antenna changes and earthquakes at reference sites. Both the GAMIT and GLOBK files are always current in incremental_updates/tables and included in any incremental_update tar-file.}(hhqh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hX4All GAMIT-GLOBK scripts that produce plots (e.g. time series and velocity maps) use Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) to do so. The release of GMT 5 in November 2013 has necessitated major alterations to the syntax of GMT commands in many scripts. The updated scripts, which use GMT 5-compatible syntax, are contained in com/ and will be the only ones maintained and developed beyond this release of GAMIT-GLOBK. We therefore recommend that all users now download and switch to using GMT 5 because the updated scripts are NOT backwards-compatible. The old scripts, which may be used with GMT 4 or prior, are now contained in the com_preGMT5/ directory. Users must prepend this directory to their path in order to continue to use GMT 4, e.g. $PATH is ...:$HOME/gg/com_preGMT5:$HOME/gg/com:$HOME/gg/gamit/bin:$HOME/gg/kf/bin:...h]hX4All GAMIT-GLOBK scripts that produce plots (e.g. time series and velocity maps) use Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) to do so. The release of GMT 5 in November 2013 has necessitated major alterations to the syntax of GMT commands in many scripts. The updated scripts, which use GMT 5-compatible syntax, are contained in com/ and will be the only ones maintained and developed beyond this release of GAMIT-GLOBK. We therefore recommend that all users now download and switch to using GMT 5 because the updated scripts are NOT backwards-compatible. The old scripts, which may be used with GMT 4 or prior, are now contained in the com_preGMT5/ directory. Users must prepend this directory to their path in order to continue to use GMT 4, e.g. $PATH is …:$HOME/gg/com_preGMT5:$HOME/gg/com:$HOME/gg/gamit/bin:$HOME/gg/kf/bin:…}(hhh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'K$hhh(hubh9)}(hXQFor plotting time series, we are transitioning from using VAL and mb files produced by ensum and multibase and used by sh_plotcrd or sh_baseline to PBO-format pos-files produced by tssum and used by sh_plot_pos. tsview can still read both mb-files and pos-files. sh_glred will accept either 'E' (for ensum/mb) or 'T' (for tssum/pos).h]hXYFor plotting time series, we are transitioning from using VAL and mb files produced by ensum and multibase and used by sh_plotcrd or sh_baseline to PBO-format pos-files produced by tssum and used by sh_plot_pos. tsview can still read both mb-files and pos-files. sh_glred will accept either ‘E’ (for ensum/mb) or ‘T’ (for tssum/pos).}(hhh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'K1hhh(hubh9)}(hsh_gamit now writes the sky plots and phase vs elevation angle plots into a /figs directory instead /gifs, and the files are no png rather than gif.h]hsh_gamit now writes the sky plots and phase vs elevation angle plots into a /figs directory instead /gifs, and the files are no png rather than gif.}(hhh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'K7hhh(hubh9)}(hwglist can now take multiple apr and eq files and accept use_site commands, so that it can fully check a globk solution.h]hwglist can now take multiple apr and eq files and accept use_site commands, so that it can fully check a globk solution.}(hhh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'K;hhh(hubh9)}(hTo be consistent with IGS standards, we have replaced the Bar-Sever model Kouba model for satellite yaw, removing the need for the ascii y-file generated by ARC.h]hTo be consistent with IGS standards, we have replaced the Bar-Sever model Kouba model for satellite yaw, removing the need for the ascii y-file generated by ARC.}(hhh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'K>hhh(hubh9)}(hOther changes and comments:h]hOther changes and comments:}(hhh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'KChhh(hubh9)}(hModified memory management in globk to handle >20,000 parameters. See globk.hlp and glorg.hlp for other features added in recent versions.h]hModified memory management in globk to handle >20,000 parameters. See globk.hlp and glorg.hlp for other features added in recent versions.}(hhh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'KEhhh(hubh9)}(h,Kalman filter added to tsfit (see tsfit.hlp)h]h,Kalman filter added to tsfit (see tsfit.hlp)}(hhh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'KHhhh(hubh9)}(hChanged the conversion of sp3 files to g- or t-files to use the IERS2010 dirunal and semi-diurnal EOP so as to be consistent with the rotations in MODEL (differences of 2 mm in orbit position).h]hChanged the conversion of sp3 files to g- or t-files to use the IERS2010 dirunal and semi-diurnal EOP so as to be consistent with the rotations in MODEL (differences of 2 mm in orbit position).}(hhh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'KJhhh(hubh9)}(hIntroduced and made default IGRF12 for the magnetic field used to compute 2nd order ionospheric corrections. Thanks to Seiichi Shimada of NIED for this change.h]hIntroduced and made default IGRF12 for the magnetic field used to compute 2nd order ionospheric corrections. Thanks to Seiichi Shimada of NIED for this change.}(hhh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'KNhhh(hubh9)}(hXChanges to sh_plot_pos: Switched position of north and east component plots and fixed long-standing bug with not plotting discontinuities when specifying rename- and/or eq-files and, implicitly or explicitly, using "NONE" as tsfit command file. Added additional width to time axis in figures to prevent first and/or last time series points plotting beneath y-axes, and added -w option to control fraction of time series length to add (default 0.1 = 10% on both ends).h]hXChanges to sh_plot_pos: Switched position of north and east component plots and fixed long-standing bug with not plotting discontinuities when specifying rename- and/or eq-files and, implicitly or explicitly, using “NONE” as tsfit command file. Added additional width to time axis in figures to prevent first and/or last time series points plotting beneath y-axes, and added -w option to control fraction of time series length to add (default 0.1 = 10% on both ends).}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'KRhhh(hubh9)}(hXChanged sh_update_eop to use wget or curl rather than ftp or ncftp to download EOP files from USNO to avoid frequent ftp hang-ups. The new version supports extent 'usno' (Bulletin A finals.data from 1992, updated weekly) and 'usnd' (Bulleton A finals.daily, last 3 months only, updated daily). We no longer distribute Bulletin B since the Bulletin A value are as accurate and updated more frequently.h]hXChanged sh_update_eop to use wget or curl rather than ftp or ncftp to download EOP files from USNO to avoid frequent ftp hang-ups. The new version supports extent ‘usno’ (Bulletin A finals.data from 1992, updated weekly) and ‘usnd’ (Bulleton A finals.daily, last 3 months only, updated daily). We no longer distribute Bulletin B since the Bulletin A value are as accurate and updated more frequently.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'KZhhh(hubh9)}(hXQReplaced hyphen ("-") with underscore ("_") for output org-file name produced by sh_glred when run in combination mode (using -ncomb) to avoid clash when being read by another GLOBK program, e.g. ensum, bcsum, etc. Output combined org-file name now of the form globk_[expt]_[YYDoY]_[YYDoY].org rather than globk_[expt]_[YYDoY]-[DoY].org.h]hXYReplaced hyphen (“-”) with underscore (“_”) for output org-file name produced by sh_glred when run in combination mode (using -ncomb) to avoid clash when being read by another GLOBK program, e.g. ensum, bcsum, etc. Output combined org-file name now of the form globk_[expt]_[YYDoY]_[YYDoY].org rather than globk_[expt]_[YYDoY]-[DoY].org.}(hj'h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Kahhh(hubh9)}(hECorrect the format for reading ATMOSMAP values from a VMF1 list file.h]hECorrect the format for reading ATMOSMAP values from a VMF1 list file.}(hj5h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Kghhh(hubh9)}(hXsFix bug in gamit/lib/read_antex.f that caused PCO and PCV values to be zero if the frequency codes are written 'G 1' and 'G 2' instead of 'G01' and 'G02". This affects the following antennas using NOAA calibrations: TPSPG_A1_6+GP, SOK_GSR2700ISX, THA800961+REC, THA800961+RTK, THA800961RECUHF, THA800961RTKUHF, NOV702_3.00, JNSCR_C146-22-1, TRM_R6, TRM_R8, JAV_TRIUMPH-1.h]hXFix bug in gamit/lib/read_antex.f that caused PCO and PCV values to be zero if the frequency codes are written ‘G 1’ and ‘G 2’ instead of ‘G01’ and ‘G02”. This affects the following antennas using NOAA calibrations: TPSPG_A1_6+GP, SOK_GSR2700ISX, THA800961+REC, THA800961+RTK, THA800961RECUHF, THA800961RTKUHF, NOV702_3.00, JNSCR_C146-22-1, TRM_R6, TRM_R8, JAV_TRIUMPH-1.}(hjCh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Kihhh(hubh9)}(hAltered sh_makeeqdef event naming logic so that all earthquakes found in catalogs are numbered sequentially and are only given two-character IDs (e.g. see below entry) after they are selected as potentially influencing a site in the .h]hAltered sh_makeeqdef event naming logic so that all earthquakes found in catalogs are numbered sequentially and are only given two-character IDs (e.g. see below entry) after they are selected as potentially influencing a site in the .}(hjQh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Kphhh(hubh9)}(hXModfified glinit so that when the make_svs command is used, the satellite antenna offsets from the latest run (run time value) are adopted as the apriori antenna offsets. Needed when merging new processing (IGS08) with early MIT global files (e.g. in IGS05).h]hXModfified glinit so that when the make_svs command is used, the satellite antenna offsets from the latest run (run time value) are adopted as the apriori antenna offsets. Needed when merging new processing (IGS08) with early MIT global files (e.g. in IGS05).}(hj_h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Kuhhh(hubh9)}(hAdd general relativity corrections to the orbital integration, changing scale and clock slightly but little affect on positions.h]hAdd general relativity corrections to the orbital integration, changing scale and clock slightly but little affect on positions.}(hjmh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Kzhhh(hubh9)}(hFixed bugs in the mean pole used in the ocean pole tide correction and in equate decoding in glorg. Updated model output in the SINEX files.h]hFixed bugs in the mean pole used in the ocean pole tide correction and in equate decoding in glorg. Updated model output in the SINEX files.}(hj{h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'K}hhh(hubh9)}(h7Fix long-standing bug causing loss of a 32nd satellite.h]h7Fix long-standing bug causing loss of a 32nd satellite.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hFixed bug in kf/glinit/read_eq_file.f that could result in the end time of rename being incorrectly set for open ended renames. Fixed bug in kf/utils/stinf_to_rename.f that could result in misssed renames after the -post date.h]hFixed bug in kf/glinit/read_eq_file.f that could result in the end time of rename being incorrectly set for open ended renames. Fixed bug in kf/utils/stinf_to_rename.f that could result in misssed renames after the -post date.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hWIncrease max_sites in /kf/utils/merge_apr.f to accommodate the current itrf08_comb.apr.h]hWIncrease max_sites in /kf/utils/merge_apr.f to accommodate the current itrf08_comb.apr.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hRAdded "-H" option to "find" commands in install_software to follow symbolic links.h]hZAdded “-H” option to “find” commands in install_software to follow symbolic links.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hCIncrease the PID in the c-file name to 6 digits for large machines.h]hCIncrease the PID in the c-file name to 6 digits for large machines.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hMNew script sh_pbor_vel to create PBO-format velocity files from GLOBK output.h]hMNew script sh_pbor_vel to create PBO-format velocity files from GLOBK output.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(h:Fix bug in sh_org2vel that causes some sites to be missed.h]h:Fix bug in sh_org2vel that causes some sites to be missed.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(h@Replace itrf00.apr with itrf08_comb.apr as default for sh_setup.h]h@Replace itrf00.apr with itrf08_comb.apr as default for sh_setup.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(htAdded new scripts sh_cats and sh_hector in com/ to analyse noise charac- teristics of time series (using pos-files).h]htAdded new scripts sh_cats and sh_hector in com/ to analyse noise charac- teristics of time series (using pos-files).}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hsUpdated glorg to allow multiple site selections in equate/unequate/force commands. Fixed typo in .pos file headers.h]hsUpdated glorg to allow multiple site selections in equate/unequate/force commands. Fixed typo in .pos file headers.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hXChanged sh_makeeqdef "-pos " option to "-f " to avoid confusion with PBO-format pos-files; changed event ID sequencing scheme from purely numeric to purely two-character (01...99, then A1...A9, B1...B9 etc. until Z1...Z9, then 1A...1Z, 2A...2Z etc. until 9A...9Z); added option to use a translation table (e.g. see ~/gg/tables/eq.transtbl) to edit automatic ID to user-friendly alternative. All automatic IDs now contain at least one numeric character, while manual IDs are recommended to be two alphabetic characters, as always. Updated USGS earthquake search URL and made minor changes to event (re) naming logic in sh_makeeqdef.h]hXChanged sh_makeeqdef “-pos ” option to “-f ” to avoid confusion with PBO-format pos-files; changed event ID sequencing scheme from purely numeric to purely two-character (01…99, then A1…A9, B1…B9 etc. until Z1…Z9, then 1A…1Z, 2A…2Z etc. until 9A…9Z); added option to use a translation table (e.g. see ~/gg/tables/eq.transtbl) to edit automatic ID to user-friendly alternative. All automatic IDs now contain at least one numeric character, while manual IDs are recommended to be two alphabetic characters, as always. Updated USGS earthquake search URL and made minor changes to event (re) naming logic in sh_makeeqdef.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(h\Updated coefficents for the solid-Earth pole tide to be consistent with IERS 2010 standards.h]h\Updated coefficents for the solid-Earth pole tide to be consistent with IERS 2010 standards.}(hj#h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hAdd libration terms to UT1.h]hAdd libration terms to UT1.}(hj1h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hLUpdated tsfit, tscon and tsjumps to allows ~ (home directory) in file names.h]hLUpdated tsfit, tscon and tsjumps to allows ~ (home directory) in file names.}(hj?h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hAdd a script sh_glist2cmd to invoke existing program glist2cmd, which creates from a glist a use_site list, an input file for unify_apr, and (new) an input site list for sh_makeqdef.h]hAdd a script sh_glist2cmd to invoke existing program glist2cmd, which creates from a glist a use_site list, an input file for unify_apr, and (new) an input site list for sh_makeqdef.}(hjMh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hXAdd the EPN cumulative solution to the ITRF2008 apr and eq files. Fixed bug causing bogus entries for 73 sites when EPN or NGS steps are inconsistent with those from ITRF2008 and IGS08. See tables/renames.bad for possible errors between early 2014 and June.h]hXAdd the EPN cumulative solution to the ITRF2008 apr and eq files. Fixed bug causing bogus entries for 73 sites when EPN or NGS steps are inconsistent with those from ITRF2008 and IGS08. See tables/renames.bad for possible errors between early 2014 and June.}(hj[h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hvFix problem with poorly determined average of the east component of the atmospheric load for a site close to the pole.h]hvFix problem with poorly determined average of the east component of the atmospheric load for a site close to the pole.}(hjih(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(h_sh_org2vel: Updated longitude/latitude format to five decimal places, in keeping with org-file.h]h_sh_org2vel: Updated longitude/latitude format to five decimal places, in keeping with org-file.}(hjwh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(haftp_info: Modified for correct igni address for IONEX files; add PANGA, EPNCB, and TrigNet sites.h]haftp_info: Modified for correct igni address for IONEX files; add PANGA, EPNCB, and TrigNet sites.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hX7Added additional width to time axis in figures made by sh_plot_pos to prevent first and/or last time series points plotting beneath y-axes, and added -w option to control fraction of time series length to add (default 0.1 = 10% on both ends). Corrected expected residuals file name to plot after running tsfit.h]hX7Added additional width to time axis in figures made by sh_plot_pos to prevent first and/or last time series points plotting beneath y-axes, and added -w option to control fraction of time series length to add (default 0.1 = 10% on both ends). Corrected expected residuals file name to plot after running tsfit.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hsvnav.dat: Correct start date for PN06/SV49---important bug affecting data for epochs 2013 12 19 thru 2014 4 3. Fix typo in start date for PRN30/SVN49 introduced in 121220 update.h]hsvnav.dat: Correct start date for PN06/SV49—important bug affecting data for epochs 2013 12 19 thru 2014 4 3. Fix typo in start date for PRN30/SVN49 introduced in 121220 update.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(h)Fix bug in rotation derivatives in GLOBK.h]h)Fix bug in rotation derivatives in GLOBK.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hFix format error in svpos.h]hFix format error in svpos.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hXMove rotation and translation estimates to be next to PMU estimates in GLOBK print file.h]hXMove rotation and translation estimates to be next to PMU estimates in GLOBK print file.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hAFix gamit/utils/merge_rinex.f to handle more than 10 observables.h]hAFix gamit/utils/merge_rinex.f to handle more than 10 observables.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hbUpdated wild card use in site names in mar_neu command (needed for change in sh_gen_stats script).h]hbUpdated wild card use in site names in mar_neu command (needed for change in sh_gen_stats script).}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hEdited name of temporary file in install_software to avoid accidentally overwriting any libraries/Makefile.config.new when performing (and succeeding) with automatic search for X11LIBPATH and X11INCPATH.h]hEdited name of temporary file in install_software to avoid accidentally overwriting any libraries/Makefile.config.new when performing (and succeeding) with automatic search for X11LIBPATH and X11INCPATH.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hFixed bug in sh_get_orbits that caused IGS orbits from the CDDIS or SOPAC archive to be operational (igsf) rather than reprocessed (igs1) prior to GPS Week 1000 (1999/3/7).h]hFixed bug in sh_get_orbits that caused IGS orbits from the CDDIS or SOPAC archive to be operational (igsf) rather than reprocessed (igs1) prior to GPS Week 1000 (1999/3/7).}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(h1Updated tscon uto handle new Measures XYZ format.h]h1Updated tscon uto handle new Measures XYZ format.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(h)Fix problem with computing GRACE seconds.h]h)Fix problem with computing GRACE seconds.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hXUpdate gamit/utils/autecl.f to allow deleting post-eclipes data for Block II satellites.h]hXUpdate gamit/utils/autecl.f to allow deleting post-eclipes data for Block II satellites.}(hj-h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hCFix end-of-year problem with dcb.dat. Thanks to S. Shimada of NIED,h]hCFix end-of-year problem with dcb.dat. Thanks to S. Shimada of NIED,}(hj;h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hFixed bug in MODEL, introduced in December 2012, which caused GPT/GPT2 values to be used for mapping functions and dry zenith delays even if VMF1 was specified.h]hFixed bug in MODEL, introduced in December 2012, which caused GPT/GPT2 values to be used for mapping functions and dry zenith delays even if VMF1 was specified.}(hjIh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(h-Fix version number in sh_gamit. King 130727.h]h-Fix version number in sh_gamit. King 130727.}(hjWh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hFFix typos is globk_comb.cmd and glorg_long.cmd templates in gg/tables.h]hFFix typos is globk_comb.cmd and glorg_long.cmd templates in gg/tables.}(hjeh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hFFix bugs in fitting GAMIT's model to a broadcast ephemeris (sh_bcfit).h]hHFix bugs in fitting GAMIT’s model to a broadcast ephemeris (sh_bcfit).}(hjsh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(h^New option -subdir for sh_get_rinex to speed up uncompression when there are many RINEX files.h]h^New option -subdir for sh_get_rinex to speed up uncompression when there are many RINEX files.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hUpdate kf/Khandler/eq_name_chng.f so that _XPS/_XCL sites can not be renamed by later renames. RESET needed to rename _X?? sites if saved to binary hfile.h]hUpdate kf/Khandler/eq_name_chng.f so that _XPS/_XCL sites can not be renamed by later renames. RESET needed to rename _X?? sites if saved to binary hfile.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hUpdated grdtab for modification to CoM correction to S1/S2 tidal loading and correct detection of dates out of time range of map.grid files.h]hUpdated grdtab for modification to CoM correction to S1/S2 tidal loading and correct detection of dates out of time range of map.grid files.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hLAdded lunisolar tables for 2015; Updated leap.sec for June 2015 leap second.h]hLAdded lunisolar tables for 2015; Updated leap.sec for June 2015 leap second.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hnAllow reading of a time-of-year-dependent grid for atmospheric tidal loading (not yet recommended by the IGS).h]hnAllow reading of a time-of-year-dependent grid for atmospheric tidal loading (not yet recommended by the IGS).}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hkAdd glinit/solution_inf.f, glist/glist.f, and htoglb/cresnx_file.f to /kf to fix problem with null string.h]hkAdd glinit/solution_inf.f, glist/glist.f, and htoglb/cresnx_file.f to /kf to fix problem with null string.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Khhh(hubh9)}(hkAdd the Earth-radiation, antenna-radiation, and 2nd-order ionospheric model nmmes to the c-file and h-file.h]hkAdd the Earth-radiation, antenna-radiation, and 2nd-order ionospheric model nmmes to the c-file and h-file.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hVarious features and updates made to the suite of globk and tsxxx programs. See help files for new features. tscomp added to suite. .h]hVarious features and updates made to the suite of globk and tsxxx programs. See help files for new features. tscomp added to suite. .}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(h(Increase the dimensions for IONEX files.h]h(Increase the dimensions for IONEX files.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(h:Increased dimensions in kf/utils/netsel.h Herring 140718h]h:Increased dimensions in kf/utils/netsel.h Herring 140718}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M hhh(hubh9)}(h.Enhancements to cplotx including adding color.h]h.Enhancements to cplotx including adding color.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M hhh(hubh9)}(hSped up search for earthquake/rename displacements, and corrected output for field overflow in org-file and multiple/duplicate renames in sh_exglk.h]hSped up search for earthquake/rename displacements, and corrected output for field overflow in org-file and multiple/duplicate renames in sh_exglk.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hsh_upd_stnfo: corrected bugs in kf/htoglb/mstinf.f in using IGS SINEX and GIPSY sta_svec files. Add a '-nogaps' option to close gaps in erroneous entries in IGS log files.h]hsh_upd_stnfo: corrected bugs in kf/htoglb/mstinf.f in using IGS SINEX and GIPSY sta_svec files. Add a ‘-nogaps’ option to close gaps in erroneous entries in IGS log files.}(hj)h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hPsh_glred: Fix remaining bugs in allowing use of PBO-style h-files (.glb extent).h]hPsh_glred: Fix remaining bugs in allowing use of PBO-style h-files (.glb extent).}(hj7h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hFixed long-standing typo in format statement in gamit/makexp/makexp.f producing a compile error with gfortran 4.6ff (but not earlier compilers).h]hFixed long-standing typo in format statement in gamit/makexp/makexp.f producing a compile error with gfortran 4.6ff (but not earlier compilers).}(hjEh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hpTRACK: Fix minor problem with noise_tol. Fix bug in wide-lane-reference combinations (read_all_rinex.f 130730).h]hpTRACK: Fix minor problem with noise_tol. Fix bug in wide-lane-reference combinations (read_all_rinex.f 130730).}(hjSh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hNew Receivers: TIASAHI PENG3100-R2, JAVAD TRIUMPH_1, JAVAD TRIUMPH_1M, JAVAD TRIUMPH2,MAG111406, NOV OEM4-G2, ITT 3750300, CHX90D-OPUS, ASHTECH PM-500.h]hNew Receivers: TIASAHI PENG3100-R2, JAVAD TRIUMPH_1, JAVAD TRIUMPH_1M, JAVAD TRIUMPH2,MAG111406, NOV OEM4-G2, ITT 3750300, CHX90D-OPUS, ASHTECH PM-500.}(hjah(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hX7New Antennas: TIAPENG3100R2, STHCR3-G3 , JAVTRIUMPH_1M, JAVTRIUMPH_1MR, JAVTRIUMPH_LSA, Antcom ACC123CGN_XN, TRM57971.00 SCIT, LEIAX1202A, LEIAX1202A, TPSCR.G3 SCIT, MAG111406, ASH701945A NONE, TRM55970.00, TRMR6, JAV_TRIUMPH-1R, CHX90D-OPUS, JAVTRIANT_A, JAVTRIANT_B,ASH700829.3 NONE, JAVTRIANT_A, JAVTRIANT_B.h]hX7New Antennas: TIAPENG3100R2, STHCR3-G3 , JAVTRIUMPH_1M, JAVTRIUMPH_1MR, JAVTRIUMPH_LSA, Antcom ACC123CGN_XN, TRM57971.00 SCIT, LEIAX1202A, LEIAX1202A, TPSCR.G3 SCIT, MAG111406, ASH701945A NONE, TRM55970.00, TRMR6, JAV_TRIUMPH-1R, CHX90D-OPUS, JAVTRIANT_A, JAVTRIANT_B,ASH700829.3 NONE, JAVTRIANT_A, JAVTRIANT_B.}(hjoh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M!hhh(hubh9)}(h** 10.50 vs 10.41h]h** 10.50 vs 10.41}(hj}h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M(hhh(hubh9)}(hX-We have provided and will keep up-to-date, ITRF2008 coordinates sites in prior releases of the ITRF as well as new sites that have been and will be added for IGS processing. The primary file, in the ITRF2008 NNR frame is itrf08_comb.apr; and there are secondary files, itrf08_comb_[plate].apr, created by rotating this file to the frames of the major plates using the Euler poles estimated by Altamimi et al. [J. Geophys. Res., 117, B07402, doi:10.1029/2011JB008930,2012]. (Note that the plate-referenced files that we created 2012-01-06 and put into incremental_updates/tables were based on preliminary vectors that changed in the final publication, so users who downloaded these should replace them by the current files.) These files should always be used in conjunc- tion with the rename file itrf08_comb.eq to assure that the 8-character site name assigned to your data matches the coordinates for the appropri- ate period. See 'apr_and_eq_files.txt' in the download documentation directory for a complete explanation of how the combined files were constructed.h]hX1We have provided and will keep up-to-date, ITRF2008 coordinates sites in prior releases of the ITRF as well as new sites that have been and will be added for IGS processing. The primary file, in the ITRF2008 NNR frame is itrf08_comb.apr; and there are secondary files, itrf08_comb_[plate].apr, created by rotating this file to the frames of the major plates using the Euler poles estimated by Altamimi et al. [J. Geophys. Res., 117, B07402, doi:10.1029/2011JB008930,2012]. (Note that the plate-referenced files that we created 2012-01-06 and put into incremental_updates/tables were based on preliminary vectors that changed in the final publication, so users who downloaded these should replace them by the current files.) These files should always be used in conjunc- tion with the rename file itrf08_comb.eq to assure that the 8-character site name assigned to your data matches the coordinates for the appropri- ate period. See ‘apr_and_eq_files.txt’ in the download documentation directory for a complete explanation of how the combined files were constructed.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M*hhh(hubh9)}(hX2There are improved templates in ~/gg/tables for GLOBK runs: globk_comb.cmd, glorg_comb.cmd, globk_long.cmd, glorg_long.cmd. These reflect current best practice and take advantage of the 'option' feature of the globk, glorg, and sh_glred command lines so that the same command file can be used for both repeatabilities and velocity solutions without editing the file itself. The standard southern California example has been reworked to use these file and should now be easier to execute and to use as a template for your own processing. Also, there is a new detailed recipe for processing and analyzing survey-mode (sGPS) measurements, 'sGPS_recipe.txt', to be found in the documents directory of the download site and also on the web as part of the presentations from the recent workshop held at UNAVCO (Boulder13).h]hX:There are improved templates in ~/gg/tables for GLOBK runs: globk_comb.cmd, glorg_comb.cmd, globk_long.cmd, glorg_long.cmd. These reflect current best practice and take advantage of the ‘option’ feature of the globk, glorg, and sh_glred command lines so that the same command file can be used for both repeatabilities and velocity solutions without editing the file itself. The standard southern California example has been reworked to use these file and should now be easier to execute and to use as a template for your own processing. Also, there is a new detailed recipe for processing and analyzing survey-mode (sGPS) measurements, ‘sGPS_recipe.txt’, to be found in the documents directory of the download site and also on the web as part of the presentations from the recent workshop held at UNAVCO (Boulder13).}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M;hhh(hubh9)}(hXThe GPT/GMF models for zenith hydrostatic delay and mapping functions have been replaced by the new GPT2 model (Lager et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., ) which is based on a more refined numerical weather model, includes semi-annual as well as annual variations, has better spatial resolution, and accounts better for height differences through a seasonally dependent lapse rate. In the new model both the ZHD and mapping funtions are derived from a table, gpt.dat, automatically linked into the experiment and day directories from ~/gg/tables. If you specify GPT or GMT in your sestbl. and have gpt.dat in ~/gg/tables, you will automatically get GPT2 (the old GPT is invoked only if gpt.dat is missing).h]hXThe GPT/GMF models for zenith hydrostatic delay and mapping functions have been replaced by the new GPT2 model (Lager et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., ) which is based on a more refined numerical weather model, includes semi-annual as well as annual variations, has better spatial resolution, and accounts better for height differences through a seasonally dependent lapse rate. In the new model both the ZHD and mapping funtions are derived from a table, gpt.dat, automatically linked into the experiment and day directories from ~/gg/tables. If you specify GPT or GMT in your sestbl. and have gpt.dat in ~/gg/tables, you will automatically get GPT2 (the old GPT is invoked only if gpt.dat is missing).}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'MIhhh(hubh9)}(hXLGLOBK now has the ability to remove non-tidal atmospheric loading (ATML) based on the average of the day given in the h-file. Since GLOBK can not yet read an grid file to apply the ATML corrections directly, if you want to investigate their effects, the best strategy is to apply the ATML in GAMIT and then optionally retain or remove the corrections using the new command -appload_mod in the GLOBK commaand file. The preferred ATML files for GAMIT are those that have been filtered to remove sub-daily terms (atmfilt_cm.YYYY). In principle, the sub-daily thermal tides should be applied in GAMIT, but none of the current models, including a time-dependent recently developed by Ray and Ponte, has been shown to reproduce accurately the tidal loading, so the present recommendation of the IGS for the next reprocessing is to omit these terms.h]hXLGLOBK now has the ability to remove non-tidal atmospheric loading (ATML) based on the average of the day given in the h-file. Since GLOBK can not yet read an grid file to apply the ATML corrections directly, if you want to investigate their effects, the best strategy is to apply the ATML in GAMIT and then optionally retain or remove the corrections using the new command -appload_mod in the GLOBK commaand file. The preferred ATML files for GAMIT are those that have been filtered to remove sub-daily terms (atmfilt_cm.YYYY). In principle, the sub-daily thermal tides should be applied in GAMIT, but none of the current models, including a time-dependent recently developed by Ray and Ponte, has been shown to reproduce accurately the tidal loading, so the present recommendation of the IGS for the next reprocessing is to omit these terms.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'MThhh(hubh9)}(hXALiz Petrie of the University of Newcastle has coded a model in ARC for the accelerations on the GPS satellites due to antenna radiation and Earth radiation. These models are invoked by setting 'Earth radiation model = NCELE1', now default in the sestbl. and 'fixdrv'. As part of this modification, we have reworked many of the subroutines in ARC to be more modular, added (backward-compatible) models to the ARC batch file, and coded sh_get_orbits and sh_sp3fit to read the orbital models from from a sestbl. This latter change assures that the orbital models used for creating g- and t-files from sp3 files will be consistent with the models used for the data processing. For sh_gamit processsing, the sestbl. in ../tables is automatically linked into the /igs directory. If the sestbl is absent, hard-wired models will be used.h]hXILiz Petrie of the University of Newcastle has coded a model in ARC for the accelerations on the GPS satellites due to antenna radiation and Earth radiation. These models are invoked by setting ‘Earth radiation model = NCELE1’, now default in the sestbl. and ‘fixdrv’. As part of this modification, we have reworked many of the subroutines in ARC to be more modular, added (backward-compatible) models to the ARC batch file, and coded sh_get_orbits and sh_sp3fit to read the orbital models from from a sestbl. This latter change assures that the orbital models used for creating g- and t-files from sp3 files will be consistent with the models used for the data processing. For sh_gamit processsing, the sestbl. in ../tables is automatically linked into the /igs directory. If the sestbl is absent, hard-wired models will be used.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mbhhh(hubh9)}(hX"Three model conventions have been updated to be consistent with those used by the IGS: mean pole and short-period EOP are changed from IERS 1996 to IERS 2010, and the gravity field from EGM96 to EGM08. These changes are important for EOP estimation but have neglible effect on positioning.h]hX"Three model conventions have been updated to be consistent with those used by the IGS: mean pole and short-period EOP are changed from IERS 1996 to IERS 2010, and the gravity field from EGM96 to EGM08. These changes are important for EOP estimation but have neglible effect on positioning.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mohhh(hubh9)}(hXA new script sh_plot_pos will read PBO-style pos files rather than _mb files for plotting time series. GLOBK now generates the 'PBO' lines in the print files automatically (no need to use PBOP in the print options). We have retained sh_plotcrd and the use of _mb files for this release, but they will eventually go away. The Python script ts_plot.py, introduced in Release 10.40 to read pos files will also be abandoned because it required too many non-standard Python libraries (see below).h]hXA new script sh_plot_pos will read PBO-style pos files rather than _mb files for plotting time series. GLOBK now generates the ‘PBO’ lines in the print files automatically (no need to use PBOP in the print options). We have retained sh_plotcrd and the use of _mb files for this release, but they will eventually go away. The Python script ts_plot.py, introduced in Release 10.40 to read pos files will also be abandoned because it required too many non-standard Python libraries (see below).}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Muhhh(hubh9)}(hXThe new script sh_plot_elmean, together with additions to the autcln summary files allow plotting of mean residuals over several days as a function of elevation angle or satellite nadir angle, providing more diagnostics for bad antenna models or tracking environments. These can be used instead of or in conjuction with the individual-day sky plots and phase vs elevation plots produced by sh_oneway from the autcln DPH files when '-pres ELEV' specified with sh_gamit.h]hXThe new script sh_plot_elmean, together with additions to the autcln summary files allow plotting of mean residuals over several days as a function of elevation angle or satellite nadir angle, providing more diagnostics for bad antenna models or tracking environments. These can be used instead of or in conjuction with the individual-day sky plots and phase vs elevation plots produced by sh_oneway from the autcln DPH files when ‘-pres ELEV’ specified with sh_gamit.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M}hhh(hubh9)}(h** 10.41 vs 10.40h]h** 10.41 vs 10.40}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hXNew receivers: TRIMBLE NETR3, R7 GNSS, and SPS852 ; LEICA GG02PLUS, GS08PLUS, GS09, GS12, GR25, and GS25; NOV OEM6; Ashtech PF500 and PF800;, NAVCOM SF-3040 SF-3050; Topcon TPSGR5; JAVAD TR_VS; SEPT POLARX4, POLARX4TR, and POLARXS; SOK GSR2700 RSX; SOUTH S82T GNSS and S82V GNSS; STONEX S9II GNSS; IFEN NX_NTR_303_D, NX_NTR_500_D, NX_NTR_600_D, SX_NSR_RT_200, SX_NSR_RT_300, SX_NSR_RT_400, SX_NSR_RT_401, SX_NSR_RT_402, SX_NSR_RT_700, and SX_NSR_RT_800. RNG FASA+, ITT 3750300, GEOMAX Zenith10, GEOMAX Zenith20 receivrsh]hXNew receivers: TRIMBLE NETR3, R7 GNSS, and SPS852 ; LEICA GG02PLUS, GS08PLUS, GS09, GS12, GR25, and GS25; NOV OEM6; Ashtech PF500 and PF800;, NAVCOM SF-3040 SF-3050; Topcon TPSGR5; JAVAD TR_VS; SEPT POLARX4, POLARX4TR, and POLARXS; SOK GSR2700 RSX; SOUTH S82T GNSS and S82V GNSS; STONEX S9II GNSS; IFEN NX_NTR_303_D, NX_NTR_500_D, NX_NTR_600_D, SX_NSR_RT_200, SX_NSR_RT_300, SX_NSR_RT_400, SX_NSR_RT_401, SX_NSR_RT_402, SX_NSR_RT_700, and SX_NSR_RT_800. RNG FASA+, ITT 3750300, GEOMAX Zenith10, GEOMAX Zenith20 receivrs}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hXNew antennas: TRM_R6, TRM_R8. TRM55970,TRM59900.00, TRM59900.00, and TRMAG25; NOV533 (compact), NOV702_2.02 and NOV702_3.00; ASH701023.A and ASH70123.L1; LEIGS08, LEIGS12, LEIGG02PLUS, and LEIGS08PLUS;, NavCom NAV_ANT3001BR (AT1675-20W); JAV_TRIUMPH-1, JAVTRIUMPH_VS, JNSCR_C146-22-1 and four JPSREGANT; TPSHIPER_II, TPSHIPER_II+10, TPS NET-G3A, and TPSGR5; SEPCHOKE_MC; Navxperience NAX3G+C; Stonex STHS82_7224V3.0 and STXS9SA7224V3.0; Altus APSAPS-3; Rusnavgeoset RNG80971.00; ITT3750323; GeoMax GMXZENITH10 and GMXZENITH20.h]hXNew antennas: TRM_R6, TRM_R8. TRM55970,TRM59900.00, TRM59900.00, and TRMAG25; NOV533 (compact), NOV702_2.02 and NOV702_3.00; ASH701023.A and ASH70123.L1; LEIGS08, LEIGS12, LEIGG02PLUS, and LEIGS08PLUS;, NavCom NAV_ANT3001BR (AT1675-20W); JAV_TRIUMPH-1, JAVTRIUMPH_VS, JNSCR_C146-22-1 and four JPSREGANT; TPSHIPER_II, TPSHIPER_II+10, TPS NET-G3A, and TPSGR5; SEPCHOKE_MC; Navxperience NAX3G+C; Stonex STHS82_7224V3.0 and STXS9SA7224V3.0; Altus APSAPS-3; Rusnavgeoset RNG80971.00; ITT3750323; GeoMax GMXZENITH10 and GMXZENITH20.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hiCorrect the values in hi.dat used to convert slant height to direct height for the TPSHIPER_PLUS antenna.h]hiCorrect the values in hi.dat used to convert slant height to direct height for the TPSHIPER_PLUS antenna.}(hj%h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hFix typos in hi.dat entries for SEN14R, SENS49R, SENS96, SENS96, SEN96R, TPS721, TRSXDS, and TRSLDR antennas; add dimensions for Leica LEIAR25 antennas.h]hFix typos in hi.dat entries for SEN14R, SENS49R, SENS96, SENS96, SEN96R, TPS721, TRSXDS, and TRSLDR antennas; add dimensions for Leica LEIAR25 antennas.}(hj3h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hVUpdated Makefile.config.new (to be renamed to Makefile.config) for new Linux releases.h]hVUpdated Makefile.config.new (to be renamed to Makefile.config) for new Linux releases.}(hjAh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hCreating an earthquake file: The script sh_makeeqdef has been updated to use hypercenter locations from the EHB bulletin (via ISC) up to the end of 2008, and from the standard ISC bulleint thereafter.h]hCreating an earthquake file: The script sh_makeeqdef has been updated to use hypercenter locations from the EHB bulletin (via ISC) up to the end of 2008, and from the standard ISC bulleint thereafter.}(hjOh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(h:Update sh_get_hfiles for changes in the SOPAC archive ftp.h]h:Update sh_get_hfiles for changes in the SOPAC archive ftp.}(hj]h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(h6Fix bug in reading more than 36 SVs from a RINEX file.h]h6Fix bug in reading more than 36 SVs from a RINEX file.}(hjkh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(h.Fix the p-file and h-file printout for SP EOP.h]h.Fix the p-file and h-file printout for SP EOP.}(hjyh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hvUpdate sh_get_orbits to use repro1 orbits when down loading igsf from CDDIS. These orbits are available week 730-1459.h]hvUpdate sh_get_orbits to use repro1 orbits when down loading igsf from CDDIS. These orbits are available week 730-1459.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(h=Updated grdtab to remove S1/S2 tides from non-filtered grids.h]h=Updated grdtab to remove S1/S2 tides from non-filtered grids.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hChange mapping of ietide for h-files: mean-pole-tide removed is now bit 4 (8), rather than bit 5 (16). Other minor changes to 'solve'; see sversn.f.h]hChange mapping of ietide for h-files: mean-pole-tide removed is now bit 4 (8), rather than bit 5 (16). Other minor changes to ‘solve’; see sversn.f.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hconvertc: Updates to check reasonableness, allow more file types, fix bug in reading vel file created by velrot with longer lines, and reverse the order from lat/lon to lon/lat for GEO or GEP files.h]hconvertc: Updates to check reasonableness, allow more file types, fix bug in reading vel file created by velrot with longer lines, and reverse the order from lat/lon to lon/lat for GEO or GEP files.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(h+sh_get_nav, sh_get_orbits: Add wget option.h]h+sh_get_nav, sh_get_orbits: Add wget option.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hsh_PBS_gamit: changed "mailto" variable to "mail_to because" of some conflict/problem returning blank argument to -M option in qsub command, which stalls qsub.h]hsh_PBS_gamit: changed “mailto” variable to “mail_to because” of some conflict/problem returning blank argument to -M option in qsub command, which stalls qsub.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hFsh_eq: Removed from /com since made obsolete by eq option of sh_exglk.h]hFsh_eq: Removed from /com since made obsolete by eq option of sh_exglk.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hesh_metutil/metutil: Increase dimensions for z-file entries to allow 10-second sampling over 24 hours.h]hesh_metutil/metutil: Increase dimensions for z-file entries to allow 10-second sampling over 24 hours.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hsh_gamit: Add '-alpha off' and '+antalias' to ImageMagic convert to avoid transparency and pixelation in converting sky plot images from Postscript to gif; change default aprf to itrf08.apr.h]hsh_gamit: Add ‘-alpha off’ and ‘+antalias’ to ImageMagic convert to avoid transparency and pixelation in converting sky plot images from Postscript to gif; change default aprf to itrf08.apr.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hRUpdated hfupd.f and hfupd_ut.f to find renamed sites in station.info for updating.h]hRUpdated hfupd.f and hfupd_ut.f to find renamed sites in station.info for updating.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(h5Updated template sestbl. to fix typo for 'Mag field'.h]h9Updated template sestbl. to fix typo for ‘Mag field’.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(h>Updated read_pmu_inp.f to account for GPS-UTC time difference.h]h>Updated read_pmu_inp.f to account for GPS-UTC time difference.}(hj!h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(h-Fixed format "errors" in tsfit.f and tssum.f.h]h1Fixed format “errors” in tsfit.f and tssum.f.}(hj/h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(h9Fix bug in computng average hydrological load for h-file.h]h9Fix bug in computng average hydrological load for h-file.}(hj=h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(h!Added displace folder to updates.h]h!Added displace folder to updates.}(hjKh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hLAllow by-passing uncompress when downloading RINEX files: /com/sh_get_rinex.h]hLAllow by-passing uncompress when downloading RINEX files: /com/sh_get_rinex.}(hjYh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hFixed bug in grdtab reading OSO list files with slightly different formats; correct comments for order of tokens on the grdtab command line. Copy from gamit/grdtab: grdtab, get_otl_list.h]hFixed bug in grdtab reading OSO list files with slightly different formats; correct comments for order of tokens on the grdtab command line. Copy from gamit/grdtab: grdtab, get_otl_list.}(hjgh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(h9Added "GCR APTOL" warning to email summary from sh_gamit.h]h=Added “GCR APTOL” warning to email summary from sh_gamit.}(hjuh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hsh_get_orbits/sh_sp3fit/ngstot: GLONASS SVS can be can be present (but are ignored); add ESA finals (ESAF) as an orbit option; fix bug with SV id is blank rather than 'G'.h]hsh_get_orbits/sh_sp3fit/ngstot: GLONASS SVS can be can be present (but are ignored); add ESA finals (ESAF) as an orbit option; fix bug with SV id is blank rather than ‘G’.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hsh_glred: add options to select the command file and to input a prefix string for the globk OPTION command; add ability to search for binary files with extent 'glb') (PBO, e.g.); fix problem with 'word too long'.h]hsh_glred: add options to select the command file and to input a prefix string for the globk OPTION command; add ability to search for binary files with extent ‘glb’) (PBO, e.g.); fix problem with ‘word too long’.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hChanges to better handle CYGWIN installations. Copy com/unimake and libraries/Makefile.config.new (and rename to Makefile.config after checking for compatibility with local settings).h]hChanges to better handle CYGWIN installations. Copy com/unimake and libraries/Makefile.config.new (and rename to Makefile.config after checking for compatibility with local settings).}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hPUpdated sh_link_rinex and sh_PBS_gamit to use -expt option for links and copies.h]hPUpdated sh_link_rinex and sh_PBS_gamit to use -expt option for links and copies.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hbUpdated sh_get_rinex to allow >1000 site downloads. Error with Word too long in original version.h]hbUpdated sh_get_rinex to allow >1000 site downloads. Error with Word too long in original version.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hUpdate globk/autcln to implement new features (see help files) and updated pole tide definitions. Makefile.generic in gen_util updated.h]hUpdate globk/autcln to implement new features (see help files) and updated pole tide definitions. Makefile.generic in gen_util updated.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hNew script to compare a list of RINEX files with one or more station.info files to check for station.info.completeness, /com/sh_stinfo_list.h]hNew script to compare a list of RINEX files with one or more station.info files to check for station.info.completeness, /com/sh_stinfo_list.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hlChanged the USNO ftp command in gg/tables/ftp_info to use passive transfer; necessary since 1 February 2012.h]hlChanged the USNO ftp command in gg/tables/ftp_info to use passive transfer; necessary since 1 February 2012.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hUpdated kf/ctogobs/proc_phsfin.f to output mean residuals by elevation in 1-deg bins. ELMEAN lines. Bins with no data list 99.9 values.h]hUpdated kf/ctogobs/proc_phsfin.f to output mean residuals by elevation in 1-deg bins. ELMEAN lines. Bins with no data list 99.9 values.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hEUpdated frame_to_fra.f with help option and plate to use the feature.h]hEUpdated frame_to_fra.f with help option and plate to use the feature.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(h`Allow automatic uncompressing of bzip2 files. Copy from com: sh_crx2rnx, sh_get_rinex, sh_gamit.h]h`Allow automatic uncompressing of bzip2 files. Copy from com: sh_crx2rnx, sh_get_rinex, sh_gamit.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hIFix bug in getting the average atmospheric loading value into the h-file.h]hIFix bug in getting the average atmospheric loading value into the h-file.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(h;Update 'profile' utility to handle changed vel-file format.h]h?Update ‘profile’ utility to handle changed vel-file format.}(hj+h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hCorrected "find" commands in install_software with trailing slashes to follow linked directories successfully when verifying or searching for libX11 and Xlib.h.h]hCorrected “find” commands in install_software with trailing slashes to follow linked directories successfully when verifying or searching for libX11 and Xlib.h.}(hj9h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(h:Allow reading of ANTEX files with 0.5-degree grid spacing.h]h:Allow reading of ANTEX files with 0.5-degree grid spacing.}(hjGh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(h5Allow processing from c-files to check model changes.h]h5Allow processing from c-files to check model changes.}(hjUh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hRead met values from a RINEX met file using free-format (work-around for improperly written RINEX v2 files). gamit/model/read_metrnx.h]hRead met values from a RINEX met file using free-format (work-around for improperly written RINEX v2 files). gamit/model/read_metrnx.}(hjch(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hOAdded NONE command file name feature to tsfit.f (in help but not implemented) .h]hOAdded NONE command file name feature to tsfit.f (in help but not implemented) .}(hjqh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M hhh(hubh9)}(h\Change to model/read_metrnx.f to allow reading of mis-formatted RINEX met files from Matera.h]h\Change to model/read_metrnx.f to allow reading of mis-formatted RINEX met files from Matera.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M hhh(hubh9)}(hX2TRACK: Added new relative humidity option to GPT; fixed bug in velocity apriori coordinates; updated help file; new script sh_track_to_kml; account for model differences between L1 and L2; fix bug in reading the last epoch of an IONEX file; trap better bad clocks and data; add support for C2 range data.h]hX2TRACK: Added new relative humidity option to GPT; fixed bug in velocity apriori coordinates; updated help file; new script sh_track_to_kml; account for model differences between L1 and L2; fix bug in reading the last epoch of an IONEX file; trap better bad clocks and data; add support for C2 range data.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hntrackRT: TRACK updates plus fixed timing problem with trackRT and BNC2.5; updated handle BNC 2.6 feed format.h]hntrackRT: TRACK updates plus fixed timing problem with trackRT and BNC2.5; updated handle BNC 2.6 feed format.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hUpdate DLAPACK routines to current versions to avoid a bug effective with gfortran 4.6 when run with optimization (now default unless -mno-align-double is sset).h]hUpdate DLAPACK routines to current versions to avoid a bug effective with gfortran 4.6 when run with optimization (now default unless -mno-align-double is sset).}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(h@Fix bug in kf/svpos/svdiff.f when more than 12-channels of data.h]h@Fix bug in kf/svpos/svdiff.f when more than 12-channels of data.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hsh_upd_stnfo/mtinf: Fix bug with in and out station.info files with rx files; fix -rxo option; increase dimensions to work with current SOPAC station.info files.h]hsh_upd_stnfo/mtinf: Fix bug with in and out station.info files with rx files; fix -rxo option; increase dimensions to work with current SOPAC station.info files.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh definition_list)}(hhh]h definition_list_item)}(hsh_setup: Change to copy in whatever is linked was station.info in ~/gg/tables, now nominally station.info.mit. Rename station.info.sopac.newfmth](h term)}(hBsh_setup: Change to copy in whatever is linked was station.info inh]hBsh_setup: Change to copy in whatever is linked was station.info in}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$jh%hHh'M!hjubh definition)}(hhh]h9)}(hN~/gg/tables, now nominally station.info.mit. Rename station.info.sopac.newfmth]hN~/gg/tables, now nominally station.info.mit. Rename station.info.sopac.newfmt}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M"hjubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$jhjubeh}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$jh%hHh'M!hjubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$jhhh(hh%hHh'Nubh9)}(hto station.info.sopac.h]hto station.info.sopac.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M#hhh(hubh9)}(hsh_makeeqdef: New script to create globk earthquake file from }(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubh reference)}(hhttp://neic.usgs.gov/h]hhttp://neic.usgs.gov/}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]refurijuh$jhjubh catalog.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubeh}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M>hhh(hubh9)}(hTThe command 'reset' in the eq_file will reset all of the input site extents to _GPS.h]hXThe command ‘reset’ in the eq_file will reset all of the input site extents to _GPS.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'MAhhh(hubh9)}(hXAdded a white-noise process to the mar_scale command so that some process noise can be applied between to h-files at the same time, useful if they were generated with differeent scales, e.g., ITRF2005 for IGS repro1 and ITRF2008 for data processed using itrf08_comb.apr.h]hXAdded a white-noise process to the mar_scale command so that some process noise can be applied between to h-files at the same time, useful if they were generated with differeent scales, e.g., ITRF2005 for IGS repro1 and ITRF2008 for data processed using itrf08_comb.apr.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'MDhhh(hubh9)}(h9Allow 'getrel' to work with newer GLOBK velocity formats.h]h=Allow ‘getrel’ to work with newer GLOBK velocity formats.}(hjh(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'MIhhh(hubh9)}(huUpdated kf/utils/stinf_to_rename.f to handle current scheme of using only a 4-character ID for the initial site name.h]huUpdated kf/utils/stinf_to_rename.f to handle current scheme of using only a 4-character ID for the initial site name.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'MKhhh(hubh9)}(h;Fix serious bug in ARC affecting the SV yaw during eclipse.h]h;Fix serious bug in ARC affecting the SV yaw during eclipse.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'MNhhh(hubh9)}(hFix bug in failing to use C2 when both C2 and P2 indicated with the RINEX header but P2 zero for SVs that have C2. Copy gamit/lib/rrinex.f. Kogan/King 110420h]hFix bug in failing to use C2 when both C2 and P2 indicated with the RINEX header but P2 zero for SVs that have C2. Copy gamit/lib/rrinex.f. Kogan/King 110420}(hj$ h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'MPhhh(hubh9)}(hXKFix bug in failure to apply center-of-mass correction (CMC) for ocean tide models when translating sp3 files to t-files; fix bug in writing MIT sp3 files. Add 'status' message for CMC corrections in both ngstot and ttongs. Copy from gamit/orbits: oversn.f, ngstot.f, rsp3hd.f, ttongs.f, wsp3hd.f, and sdtrit.f. Kogan/King 110414h]hXOFix bug in failure to apply center-of-mass correction (CMC) for ocean tide models when translating sp3 files to t-files; fix bug in writing MIT sp3 files. Add ‘status’ message for CMC corrections in both ngstot and ttongs. Copy from gamit/orbits: oversn.f, ngstot.f, rsp3hd.f, ttongs.f, wsp3hd.f, and sdtrit.f. Kogan/King 110414}(hj2 h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'MThhh(hubh9)}(h-Fix bogus header in ANTEX file. King 110322h]h-Fix bogus header in ANTEX file. King 110322}(hj@ h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'MZhhh(hubh9)}(hAllow use of IERS2010 model for short-period EOP (Ray model still default). Copy cversn.f, pmut1_oceans.f, and Makefile.generic from /libraries/comlib; lversn.f and srotat.f from gamit/lib; fversn.f and mdmake.f from gamit/fixdrv. Herring/King 110223h]hAllow use of IERS2010 model for short-period EOP (Ray model still default). Copy cversn.f, pmut1_oceans.f, and Makefile.generic from /libraries/comlib; lversn.f and srotat.f from gamit/lib; fversn.f and mdmake.f from gamit/fixdrv. Herring/King 110223}(hjN h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M\hhh(hubh9)}(hYFix htoglb bug in making ephemeris file (occurs only with Intel compiler). Herring 110202h]hYFix htoglb bug in making ephemeris file (occurs only with Intel compiler). Herring 110202}(hj\ h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M`hhh(hubh9)}(hTChange default setting in sh_plotvel to be compatible with GMT4. Ferhat/King 110119h]hTChange default setting in sh_plotvel to be compatible with GMT4. Ferhat/King 110119}(hjj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mbhhh(hubh9)}(hcFix problem with setting day-loop span in sh_gamit with some operating systems. Shimada/King 110117h]hcFix problem with setting day-loop span in sh_gamit with some operating systems. Shimada/King 110117}(hjx h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mdhhh(hubh9)}(hXCopy into /tables itrf08.apr, IGS08_101117.apr (current IGS) (from IGS08.ssc), and IGS08_101117.eq (GLOBK rename, from soln_IGS08.snx) files. The eq fiile has names matching those in both itrf08.apr and IGS08_101117.apr; note, however, that the IGS files may have discontinuities later than those accounted for in itrf08.apr, and that the IGS08 apr file will not include coordinates for early segments used in ITRF2008. King 110106h]hXCopy into /tables itrf08.apr, IGS08_101117.apr (current IGS) (from IGS08.ssc), and IGS08_101117.eq (GLOBK rename, from soln_IGS08.snx) files. The eq fiile has names matching those in both itrf08.apr and IGS08_101117.apr; note, however, that the IGS files may have discontinuities later than those accounted for in itrf08.apr, and that the IGS08 apr file will not include coordinates for early segments used in ITRF2008. King 110106}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mfhhh(hubh9)}(h_Allow sh_find_data to work over a year boundary. Copy from /com. Shimada/McClusky/King 110106h]h_Allow sh_find_data to work over a year boundary. Copy from /com. Shimada/McClusky/King 110106}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mmhhh(hubh9)}(hAdd the 2011 lunisolar tables to incremental_updates/tables/. (luntab and soltab were in the 10.4 distribution, but nutabl. was missing). King 110104h]hAdd the 2011 lunisolar tables to incremental_updates/tables/. (luntab and soltab were in the 10.4 distribution, but nutabl. was missing). King 110104}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mohhh(hubh9)}(hXRemove bogus test on t-file year > 2010. Copy gamit/fixdrv/armake.f. King 110101/110103h]hXRemove bogus test on t-file year > 2010. Copy gamit/fixdrv/armake.f. King 110101/110103}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mrhhh(hubh9)}(h/Allow more up to 20 observables in RINEX files.h]h/Allow more up to 20 observables in RINEX files.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mthhh(hubh9)}(h@Updated glist to output of sites by time all on one (long) line.h]h@Updated glist to output of sites by time all on one (long) line.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mvhhh(hubj)}(hhh]j)}(hUpdated treatment of coordinates in renames globk (fixed problem with XCL renames with earthquakes that have been previously applied). Khandler/eq_name_chng.f h](j)}(hbUpdated treatment of coordinates in renames globk (fixed problem with XCL renames with earthquakesh]hbUpdated treatment of coordinates in renames globk (fixed problem with XCL renames with earthquakes}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$jh%hHh'Myhj ubj)}(hhh]h9)}(h;that have been previously applied). Khandler/eq_name_chng.fh]h;that have been previously applied). Khandler/eq_name_chng.f}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Myhj ubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$jhj ubeh}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$jh%hHh'Myhj ubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$jhhh(hh%hHh'Nubh9)}(hNCorrect a bug in sh_gamit when linking IONEX files with multiple experiments.h]hNCorrect a bug in sh_gamit when linking IONEX files with multiple experiments.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M{hhh(hubh9)}(hJAdd slant heights for the TRM39105.00 (Zephyr w/o ground plane) to hi.dat.h]hJAdd slant heights for the TRM39105.00 (Zephyr w/o ground plane) to hi.dat.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M}hhh(hubh9)}(hFCorrect the echo of the atmospheric tidal loading model in the p-file.h]hFCorrect the echo of the atmospheric tidal loading model in the p-file.}(hj. h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(h** 10.4 vs 10.35h]h** 10.4 vs 10.35}(hj< h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hIntroduction of a real-time kinematic module, trackRT. See help/trackRT.hlp for a complete description including instructions for installation.h]hIntroduction of a real-time kinematic module, trackRT. See help/trackRT.hlp for a complete description including instructions for installation.}(hjJ h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hXChanges to the code and svnav.dat to use an appropriate radiation-pressure model and antenna offset for Block IIF satellites (only PN 25 thus far). If you need to combine new processing with MIT or SOPAC global h-files that used the old models set ' apr_svs prn_12 100 100 100 10 10 10 0R ' to unlink the radiation pressure models. Both MIT and SOPAC will rerun these days to remove the problem.h]hXChanges to the code and svnav.dat to use an appropriate radiation-pressure model and antenna offset for Block IIF satellites (only PN 25 thus far). If you need to combine new processing with MIT or SOPAC global h-files that used the old models set ‘ apr_svs prn_12 100 100 100 10 10 10 0R ‘ to unlink the radiation pressure models. Both MIT and SOPAC will rerun these days to remove the problem.}(hjX h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hXTwo new programs, tscon and tsfit, are available for prototyping GLOBK solutions. They allow you to convert PBO, REASON, and other time series to GLOBK formats and to generate in an iterative but rapid fashion appropriate models for discontinuities and earthquakes in continuous time series prior to making long globk runs. See Chapter 4 of the GLOBK Reference Manual and the help files for tscon and tsfit.h]hXTwo new programs, tscon and tsfit, are available for prototyping GLOBK solutions. They allow you to convert PBO, REASON, and other time series to GLOBK formats and to generate in an iterative but rapid fashion appropriate models for discontinuities and earthquakes in continuous time series prior to making long globk runs. See Chapter 4 of the GLOBK Reference Manual and the help files for tscon and tsfit.}(hjf h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hThere is a new example, better designed for instruction on setting up processing with new data and incorporating a multi-year solution with GLOBK.h]hThere is a new example, better designed for instruction on setting up processing with new data and incorporating a multi-year solution with GLOBK.}(hjt h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hX8The c-file and h-file formats have changed. C-files from prior releases cannot be used, but the code remains compatible with older GAMIT (ascii) and GLOBK (binary) h-files. The impetus for this change was to better document models used in the processing, particularly for receiver and satellite antenna models.h]hX8The c-file and h-file formats have changed. C-files from prior releases cannot be used, but the code remains compatible with older GAMIT (ascii) and GLOBK (binary) h-files. The impetus for this change was to better document models used in the processing, particularly for receiver and satellite antenna models.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hX Higher-order ionospheric (HOI) corrections (2nd and 3rd order, but not bending) are available in GAMIT, as described by Petrie et al. [J. Geophys. Res., 115, B03417, doi:10.1029/2009jb006677, 2010]. Using these terms requires downloading daily IONEX files containing total electron content (TEC) at 2-hr intervals from CODE into the [expt]/ionex directory and linking these into the day directory using '-ion' in the sh_gamit command file. To apply the effects in processing, set 'Ion model = GMAP' and 'Mag field = ITRF11' in the sestbl. See the new Chapter 8 of the GAMIT Reference Manual for more details. Thanks to Liz Petrie of Newcastle U (UK) for most of the work on this, and to Andrzej Araszkiewicz the Military U of Technology (Poland) for important contributions.h]hXHigher-order ionospheric (HOI) corrections (2nd and 3rd order, but not bending) are available in GAMIT, as described by Petrie et al. [J. Geophys. Res., 115, B03417, doi:10.1029/2009jb006677, 2010]. Using these terms requires downloading daily IONEX files containing total electron content (TEC) at 2-hr intervals from CODE into the [expt]/ionex directory and linking these into the day directory using ‘-ion’ in the sh_gamit command file. To apply the effects in processing, set ‘Ion model = GMAP’ and ‘Mag field = ITRF11’ in the sestbl. See the new Chapter 8 of the GAMIT Reference Manual for more details. Thanks to Liz Petrie of Newcastle U (UK) for most of the work on this, and to Andrzej Araszkiewicz the Military U of Technology (Poland) for important contributions.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hThe procedure for creating and keeping an updated station.info file has been better documented and enhanced by changes to sh_upd_stnfo. See the description on p. 27 of the Introduction to GAMIT/GLOBK manual, or the README of the new example.h]hThe procedure for creating and keeping an updated station.info file has been better documented and enhanced by changes to sh_upd_stnfo. See the description on p. 27 of the Introduction to GAMIT/GLOBK manual, or the README of the new example.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hXuGLOBK will now accept multiple eq_files, allowing you to configure separate files for earthquakes, breaks, and editing (_XPS, XCL). If an eq_file entry uses the 'break' command rather than the 'rename' command, globk will assign the extent. A new RENM print option causes the full rename list to be output. glist now also allows for multiple eq_files, separated by colons.h]hX}GLOBK will now accept multiple eq_files, allowing you to configure separate files for earthquakes, breaks, and editing (_XPS, XCL). If an eq_file entry uses the ‘break’ command rather than the ‘rename’ command, globk will assign the extent. A new RENM print option causes the full rename list to be output. glist now also allows for multiple eq_files, separated by colons.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hX9We are now providing in the GRIDS directory on everest.mit.edu atmospheric loading files that have been filtered to remove the diurnal and semi-diurnal thermal tides (S1, S2) using the procedure described by Tregoning and Watson (J. Geophys. Res., 14, B09403, doi:10.1029/2009JB006344, 2009). These can be used in conjunction with atl.grid (also on everest) comprising the IERS standard S1,S2 tides (Ponte and Ray, Geophys. Res. Lett.,29, 2153, doi:10.1029/ 2002GL016340, 2002) by renaming the filtered files (atmfilt_cm.YYYY) to the standard name for unfiltered files (atmdisp_cm.YYYY) in gg/tables, and setting 'Use atl.grid = Y' and 'Tides applied = 63' in the sestbl. Based on feedback from users, we hope to eventually discontinue distribution of the unfiltered grids. Note that earlier versions of the filtered files, from either ANU or MIT, were written incorrectly; further, there was a bug in the 'model' routine that read the sub-daily ATL from the u-file, causing the north and up components to be reversed. Any use of ATL should use the new grids and Release 10.4.h]hXEWe are now providing in the GRIDS directory on everest.mit.edu atmospheric loading files that have been filtered to remove the diurnal and semi-diurnal thermal tides (S1, S2) using the procedure described by Tregoning and Watson (J. Geophys. Res., 14, B09403, doi:10.1029/2009JB006344, 2009). These can be used in conjunction with atl.grid (also on everest) comprising the IERS standard S1,S2 tides (Ponte and Ray, Geophys. Res. Lett.,29, 2153, doi:10.1029/ 2002GL016340, 2002) by renaming the filtered files (atmfilt_cm.YYYY) to the standard name for unfiltered files (atmdisp_cm.YYYY) in gg/tables, and setting ‘Use atl.grid = Y’ and ‘Tides applied = 63’ in the sestbl. Based on feedback from users, we hope to eventually discontinue distribution of the unfiltered grids. Note that earlier versions of the filtered files, from either ANU or MIT, were written incorrectly; further, there was a bug in the ‘model’ routine that read the sub-daily ATL from the u-file, causing the north and up components to be reversed. Any use of ATL should use the new grids and Release 10.4.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hXThere is a new plotting script, ts_plot.py, that reads PBO-style time- series files (.pos), created by tscon or tssum, rather than the mb_-files created by ensum. We plan to transition to the .pos format eventually since it is more complete and flexible, but this will happen slowly and only when we're sure that users can easily install all of the libraries needed to run ts_plot.py: Python V2.7 ( http://www.python.org/download/ ); Numpy ( http://new.scipy.org/download.html ), optionally scipy; matplotlib ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/matplotlib/files/matplotlib/matplotlib-1.0/ ) and egenix-mx-base-3.1.3 ( http://www.egenix.com/products/python/mxBase/ ).h](hThere is a new plotting script, ts_plot.py, that reads PBO-style time- series files (.pos), created by tscon or tssum, rather than the }(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubh problematic)}(hmb_h]hmb_}hj sbah}(h]id2ah]h]h ]h"]refidid1uh$j hj h(hh%Nh'NubhX -files created by ensum. We plan to transition to the .pos format eventually since it is more complete and flexible, but this will happen slowly and only when we’re sure that users can easily install all of the libraries needed to run ts_plot.py: Python V2.7 ( }(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubj)}(hhttp://www.python.org/download/h]hhttp://www.python.org/download/}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]refurij uh$jhj ubh ); Numpy ( }(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubj)}(h"http://new.scipy.org/download.htmlh]h"http://new.scipy.org/download.html}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]refurij uh$jhj ubh# ), optionally scipy; matplotlib ( }(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubj)}(hKhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/matplotlib/files/matplotlib/matplotlib-1.0/h]hKhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/matplotlib/files/matplotlib/matplotlib-1.0/}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]refurij uh$jhj ubh ) and egenix-mx-base-3.1.3 ( }(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubj)}(h-http://www.egenix.com/products/python/mxBase/h]h-http://www.egenix.com/products/python/mxBase/}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]refurij" uh$jhj ubh ).}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubeh}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hChanges to tsview to enhance performance when viewing and editing large numbers of time series; recording of the reasons for edits when creating entries for eq_files.h]hChanges to tsview to enhance performance when viewing and editing large numbers of time series; recording of the reasons for edits when creating entries for eq_files.}(hj9 h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hThere are updates to autcln and solve to better handle single-frequency data. The default in autcln now requires the user to include 'L1only' in the autcln.cmd file to process single-frequency data.h]hThere are updates to autcln and solve to better handle single-frequency data. The default in autcln now requires the user to include ‘L1only’ in the autcln.cmd file to process single-frequency data.}(hjG h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hXPseudorange resolution of wide-lane ambiguities (LC_AUTCLN) is now recommended for networks larger than 50 km and data from January 1994 (except with codeless receivers), the date from which empirically determined differential code biases (DCB) for each SV have been determined (dcb.dat) by AIUB. A new algorithm, implemented for Release 10.34, is more robust than the earlier one and gives some weight to the ionsophere-constrained phase WL. The defaults controls should work well for most networks with recent data, but you may want to test increasing the 'ion constraint' value (from the default .01 to .02) under maximum ionspheric conditions (2000-2002), or decreasing the value (to .005) for old data under minimum ionospheric conditions (1994-1998).h]hXPseudorange resolution of wide-lane ambiguities (LC_AUTCLN) is now recommended for networks larger than 50 km and data from January 1994 (except with codeless receivers), the date from which empirically determined differential code biases (DCB) for each SV have been determined (dcb.dat) by AIUB. A new algorithm, implemented for Release 10.34, is more robust than the earlier one and gives some weight to the ionsophere-constrained phase WL. The defaults controls should work well for most networks with recent data, but you may want to test increasing the ‘ion constraint’ value (from the default .01 to .02) under maximum ionspheric conditions (2000-2002), or decreasing the value (to .005) for old data under minimum ionospheric conditions (1994-1998).}(hjU h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hX;There are now IGS RINEX files with as many as 11 obervables, requiring an update of the code (rrxhed and rrinex in gamit/lib) and remaking the executables with MAXOBT=11 in gamit/includes/makex.h. IGS ANTEX files begining with igs05_1499.atx have more comment lines than we originally coded (50). Set MAXTXT=1000 in gamit/includes/dimpar.h. and remake gamit. Prior to an October 2008 incremental update to 10.34, failure to make this change will result in a cryptic failure in suggesting a misnamed receiver or antenna. Release 10.4 will recognize ANTEX Version 1.4.h]hX;There are now IGS RINEX files with as many as 11 obervables, requiring an update of the code (rrxhed and rrinex in gamit/lib) and remaking the executables with MAXOBT=11 in gamit/includes/makex.h. IGS ANTEX files begining with igs05_1499.atx have more comment lines than we originally coded (50). Set MAXTXT=1000 in gamit/includes/dimpar.h. and remake gamit. Prior to an October 2008 incremental update to 10.34, failure to make this change will result in a cryptic failure in suggesting a misnamed receiver or antenna. Release 10.4 will recognize ANTEX Version 1.4.}(hjc h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hFix a bug in time argument for GPT; affects the annual signal in heights at the level of 0.2-1.0 mm. Thanks to Francois Fund (ESGT) for catching this and Paul Tregoning (ANU) for testing it.h]hFix a bug in time argument for GPT; affects the annual signal in heights at the level of 0.2-1.0 mm. Thanks to Francois Fund (ESGT) for catching this and Paul Tregoning (ANU) for testing it.}(hjq h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hX1Fix bugs and deficiencies in sh_upd_stnfo/mstinf to obtain a better match of entries with RINEX files and to avoid multiple entries continuous stations when not needed. Add the ability to get a station list from sites.defaults and/or the /rinex directory, and the ability to use wildcards to get multiple IGS log files. Fix bug in distinguishing between Receiver Type' and 'Receiver SN', and 'Antenna Type' and 'Antenna SN' in reading station.info files (thanks to Olivier Charade (INSU/CNRS), allow more complete updating of station.info entries mid-session.h]hX?Fix bugs and deficiencies in sh_upd_stnfo/mstinf to obtain a better match of entries with RINEX files and to avoid multiple entries continuous stations when not needed. Add the ability to get a station list from sites.defaults and/or the /rinex directory, and the ability to use wildcards to get multiple IGS log files. Fix bug in distinguishing between Receiver Type’ and ‘Receiver SN’, and ‘Antenna Type’ and ‘Antenna SN’ in reading station.info files (thanks to Olivier Charade (INSU/CNRS), allow more complete updating of station.info entries mid-session.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hXLFix two bugs in fixdrv, both introduced in 10.35: 1) full-solution observable erroneously set when quick_pre observable = LC (allowed for backward compatibility) rather than LC_ONLY (preferred); 2) check on too-tight a priori coordinate constraints failed in sh_sigelv. Thanks to Liz Petrie (Newcastle) for catching both of these.h]hXLFix two bugs in fixdrv, both introduced in 10.35: 1) full-solution observable erroneously set when quick_pre observable = LC (allowed for backward compatibility) rather than LC_ONLY (preferred); 2) check on too-tight a priori coordinate constraints failed in sh_sigelv. Thanks to Liz Petrie (Newcastle) for catching both of these.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hXFix bug in sh_get_nav when the day number has leading zeroes, needed for CDDIS downloads with tscsh (one line of code missed in fixes applied to most scripts for 10.35 release). Thanks to S Shimada of NIED for the catch and Mark Murray for additional cleanup.h]hXFix bug in sh_get_nav when the day number has leading zeroes, needed for CDDIS downloads with tscsh (one line of code missed in fixes applied to most scripts for 10.35 release). Thanks to S Shimada of NIED for the catch and Mark Murray for additional cleanup.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hFix bug in kf/glfor/get_max_glbd.f that resulted in wrong dimension for the partial derivative array when earthquakes logs and/or apr_rot commands used.h]hFix bug in kf/glfor/get_max_glbd.f that resulted in wrong dimension for the partial derivative array when earthquakes logs and/or apr_rot commands used.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(h:Updates to 'track' to account for millisecond range jumps.h]h>Updates to ‘track’ to account for millisecond range jumps.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hFix bug in creating station.info entries with sh_upd_stnfo when the compiler option for floating point is not real*8. Thanks to Mark Murray (New Mexico Tech) for catching this.h]hFix bug in creating station.info entries with sh_upd_stnfo when the compiler option for floating point is not real*8. Thanks to Mark Murray (New Mexico Tech) for catching this.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hPFix bug in utility org2stab to get a stablization list from a velocity solution.h]hPFix bug in utility org2stab to get a stablization list from a velocity solution.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M hhh(hubh9)}(h?Fix bug in sorting median process-noise values in sh_gen_stats.h]h?Fix bug in sorting median process-noise values in sh_gen_stats.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hECorrect a bug in sh_update_eop after detecting an invalid EOP series.h]hECorrect a bug in sh_update_eop after detecting an invalid EOP series.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(h.Fix failure to link binary for utility ne2azelh]h.Fix failure to link binary for utility ne2azel}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hAdd gradients to the output file of sh_metutil; trap an empty z-file from having no good observations at a site. Copy gamit/utils/metutil. Thanks to Mark Murray (New Mexico Tech).h]hAdd gradients to the output file of sh_metutil; trap an empty z-file from having no good observations at a site. Copy gamit/utils/metutil. Thanks to Mark Murray (New Mexico Tech).}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hModify sh_get_met to work with either Z or gz files, and for multiple days; update the met directories for CDDIS. Thanks to Kalev Rannat (Tallin U).h]hModify sh_get_met to work with either Z or gz files, and for multiple days; update the met directories for CDDIS. Thanks to Kalev Rannat (Tallin U).}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hX Add ~60 receivers and ~10 antennas to rcvant.dat. Update to current IGS ANTEX file (igs05_1597.atx) and create igs05_1597_plus.atx by adding PCV models from NGS for 8 antennas not in the IGS file. Correct misspellings or official changes for 6 receivers or antennas.h]hX Add ~60 receivers and ~10 antennas to rcvant.dat. Update to current IGS ANTEX file (igs05_1597.atx) and create igs05_1597_plus.atx by adding PCV models from NGS for 8 antennas not in the IGS file. Correct misspellings or official changes for 6 receivers or antennas.}(hj' h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'Mhhh(hubh9)}(hChanges to unimake and Makefile.config to facilitate installation under CYGWIN. See the notes 'CYGWIN' under updates/documentation. Thanks to Semi Ergintav (TUBITAK) and George Vergos (AUTH) for notes and testing.h]hChanges to unimake and Makefile.config to facilitate installation under CYGWIN. See the notes ‘CYGWIN’ under updates/documentation. Thanks to Semi Ergintav (TUBITAK) and George Vergos (AUTH) for notes and testing.}(hj5 h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M hhh(hubh9)}(hAdd to sh_gamit the ability to invoke sh_metutil to get ZWD and PW (met-file) from an input z-file and o-file, and to archive, compress, or delete z- and met-files at the end of the run. Add script sh_met2pbo to concatenate multiple met-files.h]hAdd to sh_gamit the ability to invoke sh_metutil to get ZWD and PW (met-file) from an input z-file and o-file, and to archive, compress, or delete z- and met-files at the end of the run. Add script sh_met2pbo to concatenate multiple met-files.}(hjC h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M$hhh(hubh9)}(h5Fix header entries and format in writing SP3-C files.h]h5Fix header entries and format in writing SP3-C files.}(hjQ h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M)hhh(hubh9)}(hUpdate Hatanaka RINEX compression routines to version 4.0.4, fixing function name conflict with getline in gcc 4.4 and cleaning handling of line-feed at end of file.h]hUpdate Hatanaka RINEX compression routines to version 4.0.4, fixing function name conflict with getline in gcc 4.4 and cleaning handling of line-feed at end of file.}(hj_ h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M+hhh(hubh9)}(h1Add output lines in Euler-pole utility conveuler.h]h1Add output lines in Euler-pole utility conveuler.}(hjm h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M/hhh(hubh9)}(h_Modify format in utility confpol to convert N,E sigmas and correlations to confidence ellipses.h]h_Modify format in utility confpol to convert N,E sigmas and correlations to confidence ellipses.}(hj{ h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M1hhh(hubh9)}(hpNew utility check_siteid to compare 4-character IDs from glist and several external formats to detect conflicts.h]hpNew utility check_siteid to compare 4-character IDs from glist and several external formats to detect conflicts.}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8h%hHh'M4hhh(hubeh}(h]h]h]h ]h"]sourcehHtranslation_progress}(totalK translatedKuuh$hcurrent_sourceN current_lineNsettingsdocutils.frontendValues)}(outputNtitleN generatorN datestampN source_linkN source_urlN toc_backlinksentryfootnote_backlinksK sectnum_xformKstrip_commentsNstrip_elements_with_classesN strip_classesN report_levelK halt_levelKexit_status_levelKdebugNwarning_streamN tracebackinput_encoding utf-8-siginput_encoding_error_handlerstrictoutput_encodingutf-8output_encoding_error_handlerj error_encodingutf-8error_encoding_error_handlerbackslashreplace language_codeenrecord_dependenciesNconfigN id_prefixhauto_id_prefixid dump_settingsNdump_internalsNdump_transformsNdump_pseudo_xmlNexpose_internalsNstrict_visitorN_disable_configN_sourcehH _destinationN _config_files]file_insertion_enabled raw_enabledKline_length_limitM'pep_referencesN pep_base_urlhttps://peps.python.org/pep_file_url_templatepep-%04drfc_referencesN rfc_base_url&https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/ tab_widthKtrim_footnote_reference_spacesyntax_highlightlong smart_quotessmartquotes_locales]character_level_inline_markupdoctitle_xform docinfo_xformKsectsubtitle_xform image_loadinglinkembed_stylesheetcloak_email_addressessection_self_linkenvNubreporterNindirect_targets]substitution_defs}(hh h5h)usubstitution_names}(relhdateh5urefnames}mb]j)}(hj h]hmb}(hj h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]namembrefnamej uh$jhj ubasrefids}nameids} nametypes}h}(j h system_message)}(hhh]h9)}(hhh]hUnknown target name: "mb".}hj sbah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8hj ubah}(h]j ah]h]h ]h"]j alevelKtypeERRORsourcehHlineMuh$j ubj j u footnote_refs} citation_refs} autofootnotes]autofootnote_refs]symbol_footnotes]symbol_footnote_refs] footnotes] citations]autofootnote_startKsymbol_footnote_startK id_counter collectionsCounter}j KsRparse_messages]j )}(hhh]h9)}(h?Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.h]h?Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.}(hjU h(hh%Nh'Nubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]uh$h8hjR ubah}(h]h]h]h ]h"]levelKtypeWARNINGlineM#sourcehHuh$j hhh(hh%hHh'M"ubatransform_messages]j a transformerN include_log] decorationNh(hub.