12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 This is an example of preparing RINEX data, station metadata and approximate coordinates from raw files and field logs for input to GAMIT. We provide a raw file from a Trimble receiver and the accompanying log from the North San Francisco Bay 2018 survey (https://doi.org/10.7283/BB35-CW22). 1. Read the log sheet and determine the site ID, receiver type and serial number, antenna type and serial number, antenna height during measurement. 2. Build commands for translation of raw file to RINEX 2. a. This is a Trimble file, so translate to "dat" format first. b. Translate to RINEX using teqc. 3. Read metadata into a station.info file. 4. Calculate an approximate position in GAMIT/GLOBK "l"-file format. Answers: 1. Site ID: B468 Receiver type: TRIMBLE R7 (check for consistency with IGS standard codes at [1]) Receiver serial number: 0220413532 Antenna type: TRM57971.00 (check for consistency with IGS standard codes at [1]) Antenna serial number: 1441040534 2.a. runpkr00 -g -d b4682121.t01 2.b. teqc -O.r "M. Floyd (MIT)" -O.o "Funning/Swiatlowski" -O.ag "University of California, Riverside" -O.mo B468 -O.rt "TRIMBLE R7" -O.rn 0220413532 -O.at "TRM57971.00 NONE" -O.an 1441040534 +obs b4682121.18o -nav b4682121.18n -tr d b4682121.dat Now create a processing directory and move the RINEX file to a rinex/ sub- directory to be ready for processing, e.g. mkdir -p ~/rinex_test/2018/rinex/ mv -i b4682121.18o ~/rinex_test/2018/rinex/ 3. From the main processing directory, run sh_setup to copy fundamental files: cd ~/rinex_test/2018/ sh_setup -yr 2018 From the tables/ sub-directory, read the RINEX header into station.info: cd tables/ sh_upd_stnfo -files ../rinex/b4682121.18o We will be left with a copy of ~/gg/tables/station.info plus the information from the B468 RINEX file header, assuming the site ID "B468" does not clash with anything already in the default ~/gg/tables/station.info. 4. Check https://igs.org/network for a nearby IGS site with known accurate coordinates in ~/gg/tables/igb14_comb.apr. QUIN is a reasonable choice for an IGS site in northern California. So let's download a RINEX 2 file for that site with which we can use sh_rx2apr, which only accepts RINEX 2 files: sh_get_rinex -archive cddis -yr 2018 -doy 212 -sites quin -rx2 We also need to download a global navigation file: sh_get_nav -archive cddis -yr 2018 -doy 212 Now we can do the approximate position calculation: sh_rx2apr -site b4682121.18o -nav b4682121.18n -ref quin2120.18o -apr ~/gg/tables/igb14_comb.apr We are left with a file called b468.apr, which contains the approximate coordinates for B468 in the correct format for GAMIT/GLOBK. The content of this file could be added to a general file along with other sites, with a file name of your choice (say expt.apr), then you can define "set aprf = expt.apr" in tables/process.defaults after running sh_setup in your processing directory. [1] https://files.igs.org/pub/station/general/rcvr_ant.tab Michael Floyd (2021-08-09, MIT) 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890